Sunday 24 September 2023

How to Receive Healing from the Comfort of Your Own Home


Do you need healing from a disease, condition or emotional problem? Is finding someone who can show you how to heal naturally difficult far from home? Is it expensive for their services even if you find someone?

If this is what is holding you back from finding the healing you need, have no fear. You can get the healing that you need right from this blog that you are now on.

Hello, my name is Craig Dee and I’ve been in the alternative healing profession since the 1980s. I’m a nutritionist and an emotional and physical therapist.

Healing can be done with EFT, Quantum Touch and nutritional counselling online. Depending on your condition, one of these therapies can be used. An appointment can be made of a time and date that would be good for both of us. Then the meeting takes place on Zoom.

If you are not familiar with Zoom, just Google it, and download the free app on your computer. To find out how to use it, just go to YouTube and on their search, type: How to use Zoom.

To contact me directly, my email is: eftcyprus @  In the Subject area, put EFT, as I will give priority to your email. My email written above is with spaces so as to prevent spam. Make sure that there is no space in my email address to be sure that it will reach me. Thanks!

When a date is set, I will send you a link to your email address. At the time of our meeting, you click on the link and a video will come on. And that’s it!

Monday 1 August 2022

How To Heal Yourself

 How To Heal Yourself

If you are looking on how to heal yourself, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we have articles that show you exactly how to do it. Even if you have emotional problems, we’ve got you covered.

If you doubt about being able to heal yourself, think of this: Does a doctor heal your cut? Does any health care worker detox your liver? Can anyone do ANY repair on your body? No, only your body can do it.

The reason why you are not told this is because BIG money is made in the “health care” industry. It should be “disease management,” but that is another story. Think about it, people go into business to make money, right? They don’t want to lose money and they don’t want to see their business go down each year. So, in order to make money, you got have a constant stream of sick people; you got to have these people come back again and again (until they die).

Here, you’ll learn how to heal yourself and find this information online. If you would like to support my work it would be much appreciated.  If you would like to have a health session with me, you can contact me on this blog.

Thank you and God bless.


Baking Soda Remedy for Cancer

                    Baking Soda Remedy for Cancer

Baking Soda Kills Cancer Cells

Here is something you can use to heal yourself from online information and that is to use baking soda.

Click Here for the video.

5 Facts About Coca Cola

                                 5 Facts About Coca Cola

Note: About the first fact, why does the author criticize Germany for creating Fanta? Look at the US, they are the biggest spreader of this product. It like what Christ said (paraphrasing), "Why do you look at the spec in your neighbour's eye when you have a cinder in your own eye?"

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Does Freezing Harm Foods?

Does Freezing Harm Foods?

By Marti Fry

We know for certain that heating foods (that is, cooking) destroys foods by changing their chemical and organic structure. Proteins are coagulated (fused and hardened) and their amino acid molecules are broken up (deaminized), thus making them unusable. Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) become partially or wholly caramelized, though this is not readily detectable in the earlier stages of cooking. Caramelized sugars are indigestible, hence toxic to the body. Minerals are changed to their unusable and poisonous inorganic state and vitamins are largely, if not wholly, ruined.

The question arises whether the opposite extreme, freezing, likewise alters the chemical and organic structure of foods. Let’s pursue this method of food preservation.

First, we should note that freezing does not affect foods of little water content—nuts, seeds, dried legumes and dried fruits lose nothing by freezing. In nature, seeds and nuts remain fertile no matter how cold it gets. The more water a food contains, the more it is adversely affected by freezing.
When a food is frozen, its water expands. This causes two immediately destructive occurrences:
The cell walls burst and the cell contents are spilled due to the internal water expansion; hence the cell’s life is lost.

Oxidation occurs where air reaches the frozen foodstuff; hence nutrients are lost.

In addition to bursting the cell walls of foods and thus allowing oxidation to occur, two other things happen:

When the cells burst, certain of their organelles release self-destruct enzymes called lysosomes. While these enzymes are not active during freezing (and some are even destroyed), those which remain intact will speedily decompose the cell contents upon thawing. Lysosomes are in cells for the purpose of self-destructing dead cells so the dead cells will not create problems for the organism.

Whether oxidized or deranged by its own lysosomes, dead cells become soil for bacteria and fungi when the temperature becomes favorable again—bacteria are active at just above freezing up to temperatures around 160 degrees.

Oxidation of burst cells is the foremost cause of food deterioration during frozen storage. Frozen foods never taste as good to an unperverted palate as their fresh counterparts, even if no additives and pre-freezing treatments are employed. This is, of course, due to their deterioration while frozen.
While microorganisms such as bacteria are also inert during freezing, they become active just as soon as they are thawed. Hence, frozen foods, once removed from the freezer, decompose much more rapidly than do fresh foods. As mentioned, this is because of the bursting of the cell walls of the food when its own water expands and because of the subsequent decomposition through oxidation, self-destruct lysosomes and the final cleanup crew, bacteria.

It is well to repeat that food is rapidly destroyed when cell walls are burst, whether by cooking, blending, juicing, mashing or freezing. Oxidation occurs when cell contents are exposed to the air, and if temperatures are favorable, the cells’ own lysosomes self-destruct its components.

Does this mean that banana “ice cream,” fruit “smoothies” made with frozen bananas, and other frozen foods aren’t truly healthful? Well, unfortunately, YES! Frozen foods have a similar effect on our organism as lightly steamed foods. Frozen foods should be used in moderation if at all. They may be helpful in inducing people to change over to their natural diet, especially people who are not willing to give up frozen treats such as ice cream Or some kind of dessert. Banana “ice cream” is a fair substitute and is far less harmful than frozen products containing additives, sugar, milk, honey, etc.

Also, remember that in our stressful environment, foods which digest quickly give us fewer problems than foods slow to digest (cooked foods, frozen foods and foods rich in oils and proteins such as nuts and seeds).

Frozen food must remain our stomach until it is warmed to body temperature. This delay can lead to fermentation of fruit sugars before the food reaches the small intestine for absorption. If we become emotionally upset (angry, irritated, annoyed, frustrated, etc.) while there is food in our stomach, digestion will be suspended and discomfort may follow.

Easily and quickly digested foods such as fresh fruits, on the other hand, will result in much briefer and less intense discomfort if you experience any stressful emotions.

Whenever you wonder which foods are best for humans, just look to nature for answers. Nature’s only food storage and preservation method is drying. Fruits and berries will dry on the tree or vine if birds, insects or humans don’t get to them first. Peas, beans and other legumes will dry when left in their pods. Dried foods which are frozen are not harmed because of their extremely small water content: there’s not enough water to expand and burst the cell walls.

Nature provides us with food during every season. Thanks to modern transportation and refrigeration methods, people in northern climates can eat relatively fresh food the year round. Unsulphured dried fruits are available in many health, food stores. In most cases we are better off using fresh or dried foods than foods which have been frozen.

Monday 18 May 2020

How To Heal Yourself Online During a Lock Down

How To Heal Yourself Online During a Lock Down

Since the whole world had to go on a lock down, there are many people who are getting ill. There are several reasons why this is so, including:

  • afraid of going to hospital because of COVID-19
  • getting COVID-19 at home
  • getting stress, depression and anxiety
  • not eating right
  • not getting sunlight
  • not getting exercise

Let me address each one of these topics.

If you want to learn more about this, I suggest you go to: and They both deal with the coronavirus. This should take any fear you may have of catching coronavirus.

Emotional upset
Being locked in your own home, can cause stress and worry about the future. There is a cure for all of this but that would take a book to cover. To make it short, if you have any negative emotions such as: stress, depression, fear, etc., I highly suggest that you look into Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). I am a trained EFT therapist and this can be done by me through the internet. If you are interested, you can contact me at this blog address for more information. (See the payment button on the right side of  this article.) In the meantime, I have plenty of information on EFT; just do a search with those letters on this blog or type out "Emotional Freedom Technique."

Eating right
Eating right is what this blog is all about and you can do this from home, of course. Hopefully, there is enough fresh food on the market for you to buy. With summer approaching there will be more produce. If you have a little plot of land, grow what you can. For the long winter, make sure you have enough root vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes, to take you through the winter. If you are Russian and are reading this, you know that many of your countrymen know about putting

Make sure you get exercise each day. Even if you can't go outside, there are stretching exercise, climbing the stairs or walking in your back yard. There is isometric exercises that are very good. Do a search if you are not familiar with isometrics.

Make sure you get at least 15 minutes of sunlight each day, 30 minutes is better. If you live in the far north and don't get much during the winter, make sure you go outside when the Sun is out. It doesn't matter how cold it is, the Sun will still help you and strengthen your bones. Do a search to see the benefits of sunlight.

All the above is about healing yourself online.

Does our body adapt to poison or does your body destroy it?

Does our body adapt to poison or does your body destroy it?

When you read this, think of what the media has been telling you about the coronavirus. We are told that there is a virus out there that you can catch. That the only cure is a vaccine that has the coronavirus in it (along with a lot of other pathogens) and that we must take this so our body can build a resistance to it.

by Herbert M. Shelton

Some confusion arose in early Hygienic circles from the mistake of considering adaptation and toleration as the same thing. Some Hygienists declared that there is a law of adaptation and others rejected the idea altogether.

The Law of Vital Accommodation is usually interpreted to mean that the living organism adapts itself to poisons so as not to be harmed by them. This the Hygienic school considers a misinterpretation of the law. As Trall said of it, this interpretation of the law "is one of the vagaries of the Dark Ages." He said that he "could as soon believe in a moral law of accommodation by which the mind or soul adapts itself to moral evils—to lying, cheating, stealing, profane swearing, Sabbath-breaking, idolatry, adultery, etc., etc.—as to believe in a physiological law of accommodation by which the vital organism so adapts itself to poisons and impurities as not to be injured by them."

Dr. Jennings did accept this interpretation of the Law of Vital Accommodation, but he went even further. He assumed that the use of noxious agents, by occasioning a "reinforcement of vitality" to a part, is actually a source of strength and invigoration. He propounded what Trall designated the "monstrous absurdity" that the very poisons which are antagonistic to life actually increase the force of life locally, at least. That this is a monstrous absurdity is shown by evidence which exists all around us.

It was notoriously true in the days when the practice of "snuffing" tobacco was in flower that, old snuff topers could fill the whole nasal cavity with the strongest and most pungent kind of snuff without being able to raise the smallest specimen of a sneeze. The merest particle of the same snuff placed in the nasal cavity of the non-user would occasion prompt and violent sneezing.

Sneezing and snuffing were in inverse ratio to each other. An examination of the nasal membranes of the habitual snuffer revealed that they were inflamed, thickened, toughened, even ulcerated. Their sensibilities were reduced to the lowest point short of actual paralysis.

It is a fact that may be easily verified that the more sound and vigorous the organism or any part of it, the more prompt and vigorous will be its action in resisting and expelling a poison of any kind—the more acutely will it feel, the more readily will it resent, and the more violently will it resist and expel the tobacco, alcohol, arsenic or other poison. Try it when, where and with whom you please, you will find no exception to this law of organic life.

We do not deny a fact that everybody knows, that the more the living organism is exposed to contact with a given poison, the less disturbance is occasioned by such contact. But this does not mean that the poison has ceased to be noxious. It means, on the contrary, that the enervation induced by such continued and repeated contact with the poison has reduced the body's power to violently resist it. The vital powers are enfeebled by the constant struggle against the poison. In resisting and expelling the poison, the powers of life are exhausted precisely in ratio to the amount and frequency of the doses of poison they have to resist. It is obvious that if the resistance is always thus violent, complete and rapid, exhaustion would soon ensue and death would soon put an end to the struggle. Hence, to conserve the forces of life, the organism brings up some of its reserve means of defense. It does throw up a kind of fortification, but this is not of a kind that adds to the powers and capacities of the fortified part. Less violent means of resistance are brought into play.

When tobacco is first taken its use is followed by vertigo, nausea, vomiting, prostration, drowsiness and stupor. Tobacco applied to a sore or placed under the arm-pits will soon poison and sicken the whole body. But if the young hopeful continues his use of tobacco, the violent symptoms of nicotine poisoning abate and, although he slowly increases the quantity taken each day, he does not realize much if any apparent evil from it. Is it, then, to be supposed that what was poison before the habit was formed, has ceased to be poisonous now that the habit has been formed? Has the relation between tobacco and the living organism changed? Is nicotine now innoxious? Instead of habituation rendering the poison less poisonous, it actually becomes more injurious.

Because the body struggles violently against the poison when it is first used and does not struggle violently against it after the poison habit is formed, are we to conclude that the organism is reconciled to it? It would be more sensible to infer that it has been overcome by the poison. We may logically infer that the signs of rebellion and resistance have ceased because the struggle has so exhausted the body that it is no longer capable of such resistance. And, as the resisting power of the body is lowered more and more by the continued use of the poison, it becomes less and less disturbed by even more grievous in- roads upon the citadel of life.

The alternatives are either a violent and heroic effort to expel the poison or, failing this, a weak compromise by pathogenetic adaptation with ultimate loss of healthy structure and function. So far from toleration being established, a mere expedient devise is exercised which barely and woefully maintains a kind of status quo. Genuine power, rapidly or slowly (depending upon the amount of indulgence), is steadily waning.

As every adaptation to inimical substances is achieved by changes in the tissues that are away from the ideal, commonly by dystrophic changes in the cells and tissue elements, they necessarily cripple the normal or legitimate functions of the altered part. We have in the instance of adaptation to arsenic eating, the building up of impediments and units which are incapable of response either to wholesome foods or to virulent poisons. Toleration is merely a slow method of dying. Instead of seeing in the phenomenon of toleration something to be sought after, it is something to seek to avoid the necessity for.

Because the organism is enervated by the continued use of the poison, the user must frequently increase the size of the dose-whether the poison is tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee, arsenic, salt, pepper, or other noxious substance—if he is to continue to induce the same apparent effect.

There is but one way to preserve the integrity, functioning ability, fortitude and endurance of the vital machinery and this is to keep poisons of all kinds at as great a distance from the organism as possible. Indeed, if we never saw, touched, tasted or smelled poisons of any kind, we would be all the stronger and live all the longer for it. Every dose of the poison, every cigarette, every drink of alcohol, every particle of arsenic, every cup of coffee, reduces the powers of life by as much as the body is forced to expend its powers in resisting and expelling the poison.

To compel the body to build "toleration" against all known poisons and all known causes of disease would, indeed, insure us against disease, but it would be the security of death. For long the world has been so infatuated with this nonsensical theory of "adaptation," that it is leading the race to its destruction. Are men so incorrigibly muddled with the false philosophy and nonsensical dogmas of the ignorant past that they cannot see that their very theories and practices are at variance with every known fact of existence and opposed to every demonstrable law of nature? Are they so ingrained with life-long prejudices or so deluded and infatuated with their favorite theories that they cannot understand that their theories and practices are leading the race to destruction?

If it is true that the use of a poison "fortifies" any part against the noxious substance, then all we have to do to be fully fortified against all causes of disease is to use all of them long enough to become "fortified" against all of them. To say that tobacco, alcohol, opium, etc., are all very destructive at first, but after we get used to them, that is, after we have accommodated ourselves to them, the mischief they do is either nil or comparatively slight, is to teach, in effect, that the more poison a person takes, over a long period of time, the less damage it does him. This is to say, the more poison, the more adaptation, so that bye and bye the sum total of the accommodation should be so great that the poison would have no bad effects at all.

The law of accommodation does not mean that the living organism adapts itself to poisons so as not to be harmed by them. I doubt very much that this law should ever be applied to what we call "toleration" of poisons; for, while there may be a certain sense in which adaptation does take place, it is really a form of defense. It should not be supposed that by the power of toleration or adaptation the body is capable of rendering that which is constitutionally noxious practically innoxious or wholesome. It is only that it bends itself, like the tough but limber oak to the force of the storm, instead of standing stiffly against it only to be uprooted.

Let us once understand that it is not possible for the vital organism to adapt itself to poisons so that they are no longer harmful to it, and we will readily understand that any and every use of these substances, for any purpose whatsoever, is injurious to the body. What is known as adaptation to poisons is always and necessarily of a retrogressive character and the greater the "adaptation," the greater the retrogression. Graham was eternally right when he said that this "adaptation" occurred by virtue of physiological depravity.

Just as the body cannot adapt itself to noxious substances and render them harmless, so it cannot adapt itself to abuses of useful substances so that these abuses become harmless. Because the digestive tract of the habitual glutton has so adapted itself to the customary load of food that it no longer groans and complains, it should not be thought that the gluttony has been rendered harmless. As digestion is so vitally important to the preparation of foodstuffs for entrance into and use by the body, it should be readily seen how any impairment of the general integrity of the digestive system must in turn impair the functions of the body generally.

How to Receive Healing from the Comfort of Your Own Home

  Do you need healing from a disease, condition or emotional problem? Is finding someone who can show you how to heal naturally difficult fa...