Saturday, 29 February 2020
The Body Code Demonstrated by Dr Bradley Nelson
The Body Code (and Emotion Code) Demonstrated by Dr Bradley Nelson
Friday, 28 February 2020
Epidemics Explained
Epidemics Explained
Note: I have a new video posted in the Body Code section of this blog. This is a Q&A on the Emotion Code and the Body Code. Be sure to check it out.
Why is it that some people who are exposed to those in the throes of these crises subsequently are also “laid low” while others are not? People who have maintained an internal state of cleanliness through correct habits of eating and living do not need the disease process because it cannot develop unless the toxic conditions for disease exist.
Why is it that some people who are exposed to those in the throes of these crises subsequently are also “laid low” while others are not? People who have maintained an internal state of cleanliness through correct habits of eating and living do not need the disease process because it cannot develop unless the toxic conditions for disease exist.
As previously
indicated, different diseases are different symptom complexes arising
out of reduced nerve energy and increased toxicity. Habits of living
that waste nerve energy result in inhibition of secretion and
excretion—and the consequent self-poisoning. The part of the
organism laden with toxins is the first to react, but the effect is
general—all the organs and structures of the body suffer the
impairing effects.
The body functions as a
unit and depends on the continuous cooperation and coordination of
all its parts—if one function is disturbed, the health and
integrity of the organism and all its parts and functions are
The body ejects its
uneliminated waste products by means of a crisis or acute disease, so
that the toxins are expelled vicariously, or through channels not
normally utilized, e.g., mucous membranes, skin, etc. Thus the
disease is a process of detoxification and recovery, and is remedial
and beneficial. Although it does expend great reserves of energy, it
is a process of self-preservation.
The body ejects
uneliminated waste products by means of a crisis or acute disease, so
that the toxins are expelled vicariously, or through channels not
normally utilized e.g., mucous membranes, skin, etc. Thus the disease
is a process of detoxification and recovery, and is remedial and
beneficial. Although it does expend great reserves of energy, it is a
process of self-preservation.
There is a body
limitation to the vital resistance it can muster against acute
disease. When the organism is continually subjected to intoxicating
substances (such as tobacco, coffee, drugs, etc.), the body
accommodates, and the result is impaired function and chronic
In general,
accommodation is thought of as beneficial, but most physiological
accommodations are just the opposite. The body accommodates to
excessive exposure to sunlight by a deep tan, which cuts off the
damaging influence of the sun. Vitamin D needed by the organisms is
produced in a much reduced quantity. The skin will also become coarse
and leathery because of the defensive accommodations. Normal
secretions are reduced, and other departures from the ideal occur.
When calluses form on
the hands as a result of manual work, this adaption is necessary—it
is the body’s defense against a mechanical irritant it can’t
escape or overcome. Such accommodations preserve life, but they are
departures from the ideal.
Accommodation to
smoking, drugs or other poisons imposes upon the body higher levels
of toxins. The inevitable effect is the multiplication of the
toxicity level, with the body actually accumulating additional toxins
of its own which it cannot normally excrete. The result is disease.
Epidemic diseases are the consequences of the existence of such
conditions in the bodies of great numbers of people.
In today’s world, it
is probably not possible to achieve the degree of health that could
be attained after several generations of healthful living Hygienists,
we keep striving for improvement, though the true “ideal” may be
We may have occasional
crises of illness, but we must realize that sickness is not an enemy.
Discomforts are our own body signals that we are doing something
wrong. If we heed such signals in a timely manner, by fasting and
resting, instead of waiting for a full-fledged healing crisis, we
will need only a mild and brief cleansing period. If we live our
lives in this manner, we do not fear so-called “contagion” and
Natural Hygiene begins
in the mind—with understanding. The food regime is a critical
factor—exercise is important—but all the other needs of life must
be met. It is necessary to get in touch with yourself and be in
harmony with your biological requirements.
When, the organism is
confronted with toxins which it cannot eliminate and to which it
cannot adapt, it may produce “allergic” or even “pan-allergic”
symptoms—extreme reactions causing respiratory, neurological, and
digestive symptoms, and symptoms involving the muscles, joints, skin,
eyes, ears, throat, and elsewhere.
The Environmental
Health Center (Dallas, Texas) is a clinic that specializes in
treating people for chemical sensitivities, principally by first
“fasting patients to cleanse their systems,” then testing on
various foods and chemicals to determine which cause “allergic”
reactions, and then endeavoring to eliminate the offending
substances. It is a slow, painstaking, and expensive process.
Dr. William J. Rea, who
founded the Center, and Dr. Sprague, a colleague of Dr. Rea’s, deal
mostly with “ecology” patients—people who have become
“pan-allergic” from exposure to insecticides, or from the use of
drugs or chemicalized foods.
D.W. Nauss, Dallas
Times-Herald (reprinted 11/3/82 St. Petersburg Times) says: “Dr.
Rea said his interest in chemical sensitivities developed after he
and his family were incapacitated following a pesticide spraying in
their home. I realized then that there were many chemicals, not only
pesticides, that were harming people, he said.
“Chemicals are not
the root of all disease, Rea said. But he believes many ailments
could be prevented if doctors better understood their role in
impairing the body’s defense systems. The medical community,
however, is ill-informed about ecological illness and resistant to
learning, he said.
“Clinical ecologists
admit they have only scratched the surface in their effort to
understand chemical allergies. Researchers say allergies can be
inherited, can be caused by a physical or emotional trauma or can
result from exposure to various toxins.
“An allergy is
produced when the immune system breaks down. In simplified terms, the
system is depleted of white blood cells which control the production
of antibodies to fight antigens or foreign bodies. As a result the
system is overrun by antibodies, creating the allergic reaction. In
extreme cases, the body becomes so sensitized that it reacts to even
small doses of substances that normally would present no problem.
“Because some
chemicals often attack the nervous system, mood swings and
personality disorders are not uncommon among ecology patients. Dr.
Theron Randolph, a Chicago doctor and pioneer in the theory of
clinical ecology, suggests some mental illnesses may be caused by
chemical sensitivities, stemming from foods, beverages, dusts, and
Don’t take this medical rationale wholehog. There is no such thing
as an immune system or antibodies. There are only regular defensive
faculties. Allergies are due to body overreaction to certain
substances it overdefends.
The True Explanation Of
- O. Garten (Tomorrow’s Health) says, “An average healthy person, with an uncontaminated bloodstream, need not be concerned or apprehensive about being subjected to a ‘contagious’ disease … However, this is not true with a person of low vitality and high accumulation of metabolic waste productions … Bacteria or germs of such a person stimulated into activity by the devitalized elements upon which they thrive, when transferred to the mucous membranes or tissues of another person equally toxemic may be assumed to begin work immediately and in the same manner as on the first-carrier.
“This is a true
explanation of ‘contagion’ and one may say that the germ
precipitates the disease or excites it in the person to whom the
germs are transferred … Germs … could be recognized as
contributing factors in all toxic crises in which the localized
outside area is exposed to infection or contamination. Serums or
drugs will help add to the general toxic load, and instability
results in serious harm, even though they” (the serums or drugs)
“may apparently modify or suppress a local or general pathological
The modification or
suppression of normal body function by poisoning (with serums or
drugs) is another factor in this picture. Sometimes, when people are
too drugged and devitalized, they cannot have the healing crisis,
even though elimination of a high accumulation of wastes is
necessary. Because vaccinations may so reduce vitality as to make it
impossible to conduct a simple eliminative crisis, vaccinated people
are said to be “immune” against the particular disease they have
lost the ability to conduct. In truth, the price of their inability
to dispose of the toxins at an early stage, is their accumulation and
the insidious development of worse, and more serious, degenerative
The contagion that
actually is prevalent is the contagion of bad habits, producing the
same vulnerable and susceptible condition in great numbers of people.
Such people conceivably can, through intimate contact, trigger
disease symptoms in each other.
But what about the
thousands of people who develop colds who have not been in contact
with someone with a cold? And what about the thousands who are in
intimate contact with someone with a cold who do not develop a cold?
In 1967, after my
29-day fast, I worked in a small office with several other people.
Every one of them had repeated colds, some developed flu; I was the
only one in the office who never had any such symptoms and lost no
time from work.
Are Blood Transfusions Good?
Are Blood Transfusions Good?
by Dr. Herbert M.
We have received
numerous requests for information about blood transfusions, blood
banks (or, as, one correspondent called them “bloody banks”), and
the desirability of donating blood to the sick and wounded. All this
curiosity has been aroused by the frequent calls for blood and the
many stories carried by the press of the great good accomplished by
transfusions and by the use of the blood banks.
Our readers, despite
the information they possess, are still very susceptible to
voodooism’s propaganda. If the propaganda is persistent enough, or
repeated often enough, or if its claims are great enough, they think
there may be more to it than there is to other forms of propaganda.
That blood-transfusing
is a hoax and a swindle; that it is only an expensive and dramatic
piece of grand-stand play by voodooism’s white-robed priests; that
it is a damaging and often fatal procedure, have been known for
years; yet our readers seem to think there may be good in it.
On the other side of
the picture, one of our readers in Rochester sent us what he calls a
“good one.” He tells us that “the Red Cross is making its
rounds in the Rochester industries to replenish its blood bank—or
should I call it, its bloody bank? It has just completed its stay at
Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester’s largest industry. Pressure was
put upon all the workers to donate of their substance.
“Here is the
procedure: A pint of blood is taken from the arm of each worker.
After that, each one is ushered into a sort of traveling cafeteria.
The worker is now given a treat for his donation. The treat is
supposed to help him recover from his loss of blood. And here it is:
“Sandwiches of white
bread and baloney or cheese or peanut butter, coffee, tea, or milk
(pasteurized) with white sugar cookies—cigarettes—a shot of
“These same blood
donors (or suckers) are expected to give a new transfusion within two
months. Perhaps the above offerings ought to make this entirely
possible. Viva La Red Cross!”
The Red Cross, which is
the left hand of the Medical Trust, may always be counted on to build
up the blood of its victims with good white bread, spoiled meat,
coffee, good white sugar, pasteurized milk, cigarettes, and booze.
When the present world madness has ended and the world is being
reorganized in a way to prevent its (mis)leaders from creating
another hell on earth, the Red Cross must be sent to the same
oblivion to which political organizations will go. The Red Cross must
be punished by forcing it to spend eternity in the same padded cell
with the A.M.A. Who was it dubbed the old harlot, “The Greatest
Mother of Them All”?
The present vogue is to
transfuse as often as possible and, if this does not result in death,
credit the transfusion with recovery. Every recovery following
transfusion is attributed to the transfusion. If the patient “fails
to rally” and dies, this is due to other causes.
Deaths following
transfusions are more frequent than the public is aware of and, while
it is positive that the transfusions do often kill outright, there is
no unquestionable proof that they ever save a life, or, even that
they ever result in positive good.
Apparent successful
results of transfusions are usually played up for the public, while
the evident failures and damages are not given any great flare of
publicity. Front page space is for the spectacular.
Blood transfusions were
first made from animals. Later human blood was used. At first the
blood was caught in a funnel as it spurted from the artery of the
donor and sent through a tube into the veins of the patient. Later a
method was devised that conveyed the blood directly from the donor’s
artery to the vein of the receiver. Still later, instead of direct
transfusions, “blood banks” were made by taking the blood, mixing
it with an anti-clotting chemical and storing it until used. The
latest development is that of “blood dust.” The blood plasma is
dried in huge sausage skins and stored or shipped. Later this dust is
mixed with distilled water and pumped into the veins. Or, if
distilled water is unavailable, the unopened skins are immersed in
ordinary water. The water passes through the skins, which filter out
foreign matters from the water. Enough water passes through the skins
to create a fluid “plasma.”
It should be recognized
that the introduction of the blood of one individual into the body of
another is the introduction, therein, of a foreign serum. True, it is
human serum and, therefore, theoretically at least, should not
produce the symptoms or reactions of serum poisoning—anaphylaxis.
Actually, however, it does this very thing as we shall show often
adding a few symptoms that are missing from serum poisoning.
Let me list the
symptoms and evils which follow transfusions as given by these great
surgeons—chills, nausea, vomiting, muscular pains, dyspnea
(difficult breathing), cyanosis (blueness due to heart and
circulatory difficulties), urticaria (nettle rash), headache, fatal
hemolysis, (breaking up of the red blood cells), spasm of the
un-striated (involuntary) muscles, asthmatic symptoms in the lungs,
involuntary voiding of the urine and of the feces, acute edema
(dropsical accumulation) of the lungs, hemorrhage, embolism (blood
clot), and death. Hemolysis may occur without going far enough to
result fatally. Some of these surgeons are convinced that in some
conditions in which transfusions are employed, generally, those
patients who receive the transfusion “will die sooner than those
“Fatal anaphylaxis
following blood transfusions,” “the deaths following usually in a
few hours after
transfusion” and
occurring often in cases where “previous study of the blood had
shown that they were entirely satisfactory,” should convince
everyone that blood shown to be “entirely satisfactory” is not
really satisfactory. I am sure that no blood would satisfy me which
would kill me in a few hours, or, even in a few days.
The damages to the body
listed above, as resulting from transfusions may seem to the reader
to be enough. Yet there is no reason to doubt that all the tissue
damages throughout the body, which result from all serums (foreign
proteins), or serum sickness, also result from blood transfusion. The
above-listed damages and symptoms are only the most prominent and
most important ones among those that have been studied.
Does it not seem a bit
strange that a patient who is very low, who perhaps, is thought to be
almost at the point of death, and is fighting desperately with the
little remaining strength which he has, should be subjected to such
damaging, and deadly treatment? It is stranger still when we consider
that the authorities themselves consider it to be valueless in most
of the conditions in which they employ it and are hopelessly divided
in their opinions about which conditions it is, or may be, of limited
value in occasional cases.
Dr. Peterson is
evidently correct when he says that “a procedure which lends itself
so readily to commercial exploitation is apt to come in for a certain
amount of abuse.”
Saturday, 22 February 2020
Friday, 21 February 2020
Muscle Testing: Health and Emotions
Muscle Testing: Health and Emotions
Learn how to muscle test yourself or others to find health and emotional issues that you'd like to resolve. Easy to learn and share. You'll feel the difference right away.
Need to start a business and have little cash? This is the quickest and easiest way. The health and wellness industry is a Trillion dollar/year business. With Muscle Testing Health and Emotion Code, you'll have the tools to heal yourself and others. Find out how easy it's to do muscle testing to find health issues, as the video below shows (in the link below).
This is in mobi format (ready to upload to your Kindle). If you do not have Kindle, you can get a free app and view this book (over 200 pages) on your computer (search for "Kindle for computer").
To purchase, go to this link:
Buy my product
located at
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
The Emotion Code: Overcoming Negative Feelings
The Emotion Code: Overcoming Negative Feelings
What should you do when you are having a rough time with negative feelings? We all have upsets from time to time as life throws its curve balls. You may find yourself out of your comfort zone either by choices of your own or by the interactions you have with others. The circumstances of life are never completely predictable and you may find yourself thinking, “How did this happen? How did I get myself into this?” Or “I hate this!” Sometimes we aren’t prepared for what we face and we aren’t happy about it. Sometimes things feel out of our control. Here are some ideas about how you can deal with your state of mind and the feelings of your heart to overcome the hard times.
Start by acknowledging that you have emotions to deal with. Rather than self-medicating, numbing out or going into denial, decide to feel your emotions consciously. Work through your emotions. Be present. Feel validated in that you chose how you would react and feel about whatever is going on. Your emotions are yours. You are where you are and that’s okay, the way it is for the moment. Own your emotions but realize that your emotions don’t own you. You don’t need to be consumed by them or drown in them. And you don’t have to stay upset. Know that you are free to feel the emotions that you chose, just as you are free to let negativity go when you are ready. You are in charge. Let negative emotions go to help you survive and thrive through whatever you are facing.
Be gentle with yourself. Realize that overcoming negative emotions is how to heal from difficult or devastating experiences. It takes a little time to put negative emotions behind you but doesn’t have to take as long as you might think. When you continue to hold onto negative emotions about the experiences from your past rather than letting go, you are essentially allowing an ugly piece of your past encroach upon your present time. If you permit this you might end up with a boat load of “Trapped Emotions” in the energy field of your body that will eventually create pain, malfunction or distress for you. Studies have shown that negative emotions are linked to the creation of inflammation in the body which make them the root of many disease processes. They lower immune function and deregulate the endocrine system. Negative emotional energies can really sabotage your life! They definitely impact your here and now in more ways than one.
So what do you do? When you are ready to let go of your hurt feelings, your feelings of inadequacy, resentments, deep disappointment, fierce anger, fear and all the rest, it’s smart to use The Emotion Code. It’s easy to identify and release your trapped emotions with The Emotion Code. And it’s quick and effective. It lifts the feeling of burden and often creates an immediate sense of lightness, a happiness. Doing The Emotion Code literally takes minutes, yet is life changing!
It always take a little time for “processing” after an Emotion Code session, but this just happens naturally as you go about your daily life. The way processing feels and how long it takes are determined by the severity of the emotions released and your general emotional condition. Most people don’t notice much but you might shed a few tears or feel tired. You could experience echoes of the emotions you released or feel grumpy or sensitive for a day or two. These reactions are possible so it helps to be prepared just in case.
If you happen to feel your down during processing, do something to help yourself to feel good. You might soak in a warm bathtub, get a massage, sleep, pray or meditate. Maybe you like to journal or loose yourself in a good book or movie. You might listen to music that you love, do something creative or divert your energy into some kind of work that you enjoy. Working out physically is especially good because of the endorphin release. Getting out in nature is good, too and helps to change your state of mind. You might need a good cry if you had things bottled up. If you don’t want to be alone, you could spend some time with your pet or a loved one. It’s okay to take some time off from the bustle of life. It’s good to reflect and rest.
If your emotional state is coming from a current situation rather than from a past event and you feel stuck and are struggling to let go of your negative feelings, you might consider making some changes in how you are thinking. It’s possible to get stuck in circular thinking, going over and over with internal rantings that don’t help to change anything or make you feel any better. You might be blaming or judging others, which places you in a victim role where you feel powerless. That doesn’t work to help anybody and can make you feel crazy. Try to see your situation from another perspective, from another person’s point of view. You could talk to someone, like a counselor or a life coach to decide what you can effectively change. You could ask God for His perspective, too. There are often things that you have the power to do to bring more light into a situation. Do something proactive so that you are moving forward like putting your energy into serving others that need help. Take the focus off of you and what is wrong in your life and put it on something that you can feel good about. When you decide to let go of thinking and feeling negatively you can more easily enjoy living in the present time.
If you really look closely you might discover a silver lining in the difficulties you have gone through. Almost every experience you go through, whether good or bad, has a gift to give. Finding a piece of knowledge, a special insight, or a greater capacity to empathize, love or connect to others can enrich your life if you recognize what you are learning along the way. These gifts might heal a relationship, open opportunities to contribute, grow your career, or help you to see strength in yourself that you didn’t know you had. Difficult experiences can help you to refine your character and make you wiser and stronger. Facing the hard stuff is how we mature. You may realize that overcoming negative feelings is how we grow up.
There’s a fun song by Bobby McFarrin that says, “Don’t worry, be happy.” I love that simple advice. If you choose to be happy it will improve your quality of life more than anything else you could give yourself.
Releasing your emotional baggage is absolutely worth it because it enables you to be free of things that weigh you down, sometimes from long ago. It allows you to live in the present unencumbered by the negativity of the past and clears your path to the future. It opens the opportunity to embrace happiness!
By Jean Nelson
at The Emotion Code
Healthy Scepticism Is Good
Healthy Scepticism Is Good
Many people have
scepticism when they see rapid healing. They are told that “there
are no quick fixes” and anything contrary to that is a fraud
All this comes down to
belief. People have a belief that any energy therapy or nutritional
guidance don't work – they firmly believe that. They attack others
who have a belief in, say, Quantum Touch, yet that is a belief!
If you have a belief
that “it's too good to be true”, you are not alone. There are
many people who think like that. Let's take a look at some historical
flying machines are impossible.” Lord Kelvin, President Royal
“Everything that can
be invented has been invented.” Charles H. Duell, Director of U.S.
Patent Office, 1899.
“Who in the heck
wants to hear actors talk?” Henry M. Warner, Warner Brothers
Pictures, 1927
You may not have
scepticism about energy healing techniques but you will certainly
encounters others who do. How will you handle them?
There have been times
when a group of people have been brought on stage where healing
occurred and the people admit to the audience that such was the case.
The audience, who many were skeptics, agree that the healing occurred
(as they believed those who told them). They believe those on stage,
as it was a friend of theirs or a family member. However, there is a
curious thing about their belief.
The people in the
audience attributed such healing to one of the following:
- the people were hypnotised
- they were instilled with positive thinking
- they were ready to get over their problems anyway
- it was a quick fix
- the tapping was a distraction
Let's examine each one
of them to see if this was the case:
Hypnosis – The person
who was the practitioner knows nothing about hypnosis and neither
does the person who said this was the reason.
Positive thinking –
Those who do use positive thinking never saw such thinking work so
fast – much less without using words that are positive.
They wanted to get rid
of their problems – If this was the case, why didn't they get over
their problem before they came on stage?
Quick fix – They take
other drugs with a “quick fix in mind”, so why hasn't the drugs
The tapping was a
distraction – If it was a distraction of what the practitioner did,
why were the clients told to “tune into their problems”?
With all the theories
that the sketics came up with, the interesting things is “what they
did not say”! They never attributed healing to EFT. If another
modality was used, they never attributed to that.
A healthy skeptic would
ask how such a process worked. How long would it last? Can anyone do
it? They ignore the process and offer their ideas – or their
People from all walks
of life; from all education levels would make claims of how Quantum
Touch works, for example, but not with what they are told at the
beginning (that is, affecting energy on the quantum leve). It's not
that these people are mean, it's just that it is not in their
“standard reason” why things look like they work.
Those who had the
healing done, admit that their pain went away, but some of the
clients still don't give credit to the energy healing that was used.
I tell you this because
after a session that you have yourself, you will be confronted with
sceptics, or you, yourself will attribute the healing to something
Another reason why some
people have a disbelief is the techniques used. With EFT, there is
the tapping on the meridians points of the body. But with your
knowledge of how psychology is suppose to work, this “tapping
stuff” really looks weird. Therefore, it's got be something else.
You don't have to
believe in these techniques for them to work – it will work
regardless. However, there are some people who are so convinced that
they will NOT work that, indeed, it won't work. Why is this? Because
a strong belief can effect your health – for good or bad, depending
on what you believe; it can over-ride the healing technique that is
used on them.
In the beginning most
people don't believe in EFT (or whatever healing modality issued),
yet they work. This is how something like EFT got a foot-hold. Think
about it, when anything new comes on the market, there are no
believers (for the most part) – because it is new.
Say a person goes to an
EFT practitioner for the first time, and they are neutral about the
whole process, that's good; as healing will still occur.
All of this is pointed
out for both clients and others who would like to be practitioners
for you will meet people who have no believe and attribute the
healing to something else.
Healing a Baby That No One Could With Quantum Touch
Healing a Baby That No One Could With Quantum Touch
Resetting Bones and Feet
Resetting Bones and Feet
Click Here for video download.
Do you have some bone out of alignment? Would you like help? Contact Craig at this blog.
A short and funny story about talking to a chiropractor about QT.
Monday, 17 February 2020
Everything Is Made Up of Energy
Everything Is Made Up of Energy
How does energy healing
We don't know exactly
but we have a good theory. For one, our body is made up of energy –
in fact, everything is. This is a fact if you remember Einstein's E =
mc 2. Our body is made of energy. When we walk across a carpet,
shuffle our feet and then touch a piece of metal, we get a shock;
there is an electrical discharge. This would not be possible of we
were not able to conduct electricity – this is also a fact.
When we experience pain
this is registered by an electrical signal to the brain. An
electrical impulse is how we experience our senses.
What is an EKG? It's a
measurement of the electrical activity of the brain.
We cannot see this
electrical activity. But I say it's more than electrical, as our
cells are effected when there is no connection at all. There has been
experiments done where two cells from the same body is taken; one is
subjected to stress and the other cell, located in another room
registers it, too, and it registers it immediately. How can this be?
This is getting into
the field of quantum physics. This is energy that exists within
atoms; it is really this area that energy work is done. When
observing quantum matter, experiments show that thoughts can affect
the out come.
There are many things
that we can't see but we know it exists – electricity is one. When
you turn on a TV you have a picture and sound, yet you can't see.
However, you know that it travels through the wires and through the
set. However we go by the results to know that it's electricity. With
energy healing of any kind, it might not be electricity as we know it
but it's some other form of energy. We see the effects, in this case
it is healing. When people don't feel pain or their fibromyalgia is
gone, for example, we know that something is at work.
You don't have to know
how Quantum Touch works in order to use and benefit from it. So,
let's use it.
To find out more,
contact me through the Service section of this website – so you can
be on your way to health.
How to Spot if Someone Has an Emotional Problem
How to Spot if Someone Has an Emotional Problem
Many people don't think
that they don't have an emotional problem, while others admit to one
but they have more. So, how do you spot if someone has a problem –
without asking them outright? Once you know this, you can put your
energy healing technique to use.
I'll give you a real
example of how to spot a an emotional problem but that is all it will
do; it won't tell you exactly what it is. To find out is another
topic that I will address shortly.
I know this lady who
has plenty of money but she keeps and uses old dish towels – even
those that have holes in them. You would think this would be a person
who wears rags and has an untidy home, but this is not the case in
the person that I'm thinking of.
What could the problem
be? I was told that it was because of when they didn't have anything.
Another thing that I
spotted is, saying one thing and saying something different the next
time. A common example of this is, “I don't like bread”, but on
another day she would be eating breading.
There is another story
of a good friend of mine. One day she came over with a health issue
and I had a thought that this issue was emotionally based, so that is
why I decided to use “The Emotion Code.” (It's good to know and
use more than one healing modality if you know it, which is what I
did in this case.)
Using muscle testing
and the chart that goes with it, I asked questions at to which column
it was in, what row it was in, and finally, which of the five
emotions that were in there. I found out it was anger and I told
Betty this (not her real name). She said, “I thought I got rid of
From my personally
knowing this lady and the way she acted, I knew that there was an
emotional problem. So, the day finally came when I was asked to work
on another issue that I found it. With The Emotion Code, or The Body
Code, as it's sometimes called, the person could be totally ignorant
of the source of their problem or could be in denial. It doesn't
matter which one as once you isolate what it is and release it, the
person will be better afterwards – this was the case with Betty.
With Betty and using
The Emotion Code, I was able to pin-point the year – give or take a
year. I asked her, “What happened at this time that made you
angry.” When you have a fantastic healing modality that can
pin-point the year, it will stir a memory in your client. They will
also be surprised that you know what emotional problem it is and what
year (about) that it happened. If the person was doubtful about what
you can do before you started, at this point, they would not be
Back to my main
When you see signs of
the way the person acts or the way he/she does things around the
home, you can assume that there is a problem. So, if you are a
practitioner, you can say something like, “Hey, I would like to
muscle test you to see if you have any hidden issue that you don't
know about.” And go from there.
If you have some hidden
emotional issue and you don't know, just send me an email and we can
arrange a Skype session at a time that is good for you. There is no
need to carry extra baggage with you – life is meant to be enjoyed.
So, drop me an email today.
All the best,
Having Problems with Binge Eating?
Having Problems with Binge Eating?
There is a natural solution to your over eating. Binge eating can be handled with EFT. Normally, people who crave food is because they have an emotional attachment to food. You may not know it, but with me asking the right questions, we can get to the bottom of it. Once the emotional side is neutralized, your craving for certain foods is reduce or even eliminated.
Here are some tapping points you may find helpful. If any of these apply, tap on it.
- Even though life just doesn’t feel safe”
- Even though I need food to get this safe, anchored feeling”
- Even though my mistakes have cost me dearly, I now love and forgive myself.
- Even though this event was terrifying and I still feel ashamed ” that was then, and this is now”
- Even though I’m still trying to keep myself safe”
- Even though this keeps me on an emotional roller coaster”
- Even though I still want to eat what I want, I choose to be peacefully in control around food.
- Even though I don’t want to be told what to do, I choose to let hunger guide my eating.
- Even though I can do what I want, but I think I can’t”
- Even though I think life will be bleak and boring and empty without my treats”
- Even though I use treats to ward off these empty feelings”
Click Here for testimonials.
If you need help, feel free to write me, at this blog, and I'll be glad to help. The first session (15 minutes) is free and there is no obligation. If you feel you need more help, we can continue.
Write to me, Craig, at: eftcyprus @ so we can set up a Skype or Google Hangouts appointment.
Go to the Contact Services Pages to learn more.
Confusion of What Is Good For You and What Isn't
Confusion of What Is Good For You and What Isn't
Not long ago, I went to
my client's home to do some Quantum Touch work. I had been there
several times before. One day when I went over she said, “Craig, I
don't know what to believe. I hear that what foods you told me were
good are not good.”
I understood her doubt
so I took time to explain to her why there is all this confusion. I
said, “Polly, people are told differently in order to confuse
people. When people are confused, they give up and accept whatever a
doctor tells them. There is another reason and that is, the medical
reason really doesn't know. You will hear one year that coffee is
good for you and the next year that it isn't. You will hear this with
virtually every thing that you consume.
What I didn't go into
detail with Polly are the many topics that we are not told the truth
about. In order to cover up the truth, one way to do it is to put out
conflicting information. This way, people give up in frustration and
don't know what to believe; they just leave it to the “experts”,
which is exactly what they want.
The reason why we are
not told the truth about many things – not just health – is that
money is made off of it. It's also a way to control the people. But I
will have to leave this for another blog as it will get us off the
main subject here, which is, how to heal yourself online.
In future Posts I'll
write just a little on the subject of “why the cover up.”
All the best for your
search for the truth!
Causes of Addiction to Habits
Causes of Addiction to Habits
Note: It's been about 1.5 years since I posted anything here. It's about time I updated this blog. All the best, Craig
EFT, addictions can easliy be overcome. Drugs never do it. Positive thinking doesn't do it. One of the only things that works is changing
your emotional charge you have to your substance. If you are
wondering what the other technique that works with addictions –
that is getting all processed foods out of your diet.
route you want to take, we can help you. Write us
today to get on your way to recovery.
The Stimulation -
Depression Mechanism
from "Overcoming
Compulsive Habits"
The Secret of Habits
Whenever we change a
long-standing habit, a new pattern is at first unpleasant. After
short time it becomes tolerable. After we become accustomed to it, it
becomes enjoyable.
Finally, after a time,
the new habit becomes dispensible and as strong and habitual as the
placed previous undesirable habit was.
The Stimulation and
Depression Mechanism
The key which unlocks
the mystery of why most habits are difficult to break lies in the
understanding of the stimulation and depression mechanism. Once this
is thoroughly grasped, we are greatly strengthened to cope with the
reactions and feelings which occur as soon as we begin to try to
change a habit.
Coffee Addict
As an analogy, let us
take a look at what happens when a coffee addict tries to give up
this habit.
He arises in the
morning, feeling tired and sluggish. Without the cup or two of
coffee, his "eye opener", nothing feels right. He just
doesn't feel quite "himself". Why does he feel so letdown?
If he doesn't have his "fix" within a couple of hours, he
may feel a headache coming on. Why is this happening?
Caffeine Elimination
The explanation is as
Whenever any poison is
ingested into the body - in this instance it is the caffeine in the
coffee - the presence of this dangerous enemy in the vital domain is
spotted by the autonomic nervous system. The nervous system sends a
warning signal to the appropriate brain center, which tells the body
that an enemy has invaded the household and to prepare for battle.
Since the caffeine is a
poison and can damage the body, the brain center which is concerned
with the survival of the body against internal enemies sends a signal
to the heart, telling it to pick up speed so that the blood will
circulate more rapidly to the organs of elimination and thus discard
this caffeine as soon as possible to avoid internal injury.
When the heart beat (or
pulse) accelerates in tempo, this increases the blood circulation and
it registered in the mind as a feeling of exhilaration or wellbeing,
such as the excitement we experience when we engage in sports or any
vigorous exercise. This "high" feeling is enjoyable and
exciting and quickly becomes addictive and we crave its repetition
more and more often.
The Trap – Fatigue
Now here is the catch
or trap:
In its struggle to cast
out the enemy, the body (through its increased heart and circulatory
effort) has expended an enormous amount of nervous energy which it
subsequently attempts to recuperate in order to preserve life. The
heart which was overactivated now slows down, the blood circulation
decreases and the nerves begin to rest. This registers in the brain
as fatigue, weariness and mental depression. The more rapid the heart
beat or pulse was, the more accentuated these feelings of depression
are which follow as an inevitable consequence.
Rest Must Follow
Every stimulation or
overactivation of the heart must be followed by a corresponding rest,
if life is to continue - every high must be followed by a
corresponding low. Just like the pendulum of a clock - the further it
goes to the right, the further it must go to the left until the body
is fully recharged and equilibrium or a state of normalcy is reached.
After Stimulation –
The physiological law
which is involved is called the Law of Dual Effects, which states
that "all agents which are taken into the body or which come in
contact with it from without occasion a twofold and contrary action
the secondary action being the opposite of the primary one". (If
the primary action is stimulation, the secondary effect is
Hangovers and Fatigue
It is supposed by Hans
Seyle and Randolph who wrote on stress, that the stimulated alert
state results from the release of stimulating adaptive adrenal
hormones. As fatigue or the wearing out of the adrenal responses
makes the hormones less available, hangovers (letdowns and loss of
energy) begin to predominate.
Children get overactive
- adults get depressive
Children and
adolescents when adapting show mainly the overactive, stimulated side
of the reaction presumably because their hormonal adaptive responses
are more vigorous than those of older people, in whom the picture of
failing adaptation is more depressive, dopey and withdrawn.
(1) Stimulated, alert
(2) Active, keyed up,
nervous, irritable, clumsy, panicky
(3) Overactive,
intoxicated, negative
(4) Uncontrolled,
wildly excited
(A) Tired,
absentminded, sniffy, itchy, queasy
(B) Mentally fatigued,
achy, puffy, wheezy, may have rashes
(C) Confused, dopey,
morose, withdrawn or panicky
(D) Depressed,
disoriented, amnesic, or stuporous.
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