Tuesday, 4 July 2017

21 Day Detox Diet

21 Day Detox Diet

3 weeks of detoxifying experience

Are you in for a 21-day detox diet program?  Well, make sure you're ready for such a stringent diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lots of fluid.  Otherwise, you may end up exasperated of not being able to complete the whole program and treat yourself instead to more junk food.  That's right.  Getting into a 21-day detox diet is never easy.  Any person who wishes to undergo this program should be emotionally, physically, and mentally prepared.  Changing your eating habits may also mean changing your lifestyle.

There are several 21-day detox diet programs.  So how do you know which ones to choose?  First, like any other detox programs, have yourself assessed by a health professional.  People with problems in kidneys, liver, heart, pancreas, parathyroid, and other preexisting disorders may not be allowed to undergo a detox diet program.

Some 21-day detox diet programs include workshops on food preparation, group support, nutritional medicine, enzyme theory, therapeutic fasting, colon care, energy medicine, acid/alkaline testing, and healthy shopping.  The program may be separated into 3 parts and on a weekly basis.  For instance, some 21-day detox diet programs may focus on fruits and vegetables to acclimatize the body on eating only these foods for the first week.  This plant-based diet encourages participants to steer away from animal products to lessen the amount of toxin exposures by as much as 50%.  A menu is required in order for participants to strictly follow the program.

In the second week, you may proceed with a live-food diet, eating only uncooked foods and two smoothie meals (blended), minimizing the stress placed on your digestive system.  You will be provided with an organic live-food menu.  The purpose is to keep you away from processed foods and increase your nutrient intake by eating uncooked vegetables.

Week 3 of a 21-day detox diet program is the liquid diet.  This is supposed to relieve your digestive of any stresses and ensure healing at intra-cellular level.  Your diet will be diverted from a whole plant-based diet to blended food.  Of course, the benefits of a liquid diet will definitely be discussed to psychologically support you.  It is also helpful to support this program with application of reflexology, meditation, yoga, and light therapy, as well as the chakra system as a tool in healing.  The final stage of a 21-day detox diet program includes hints and shopping guides for you to maintain in this frame of mind… and diet.

7-Day Detox Diet

7-Day Detox Diet

The air, the processed foods we eat, smoking, alcoholic drinks – all of these and more highly contribute to the amount of toxins we consume everyday.  It's hard to imagine that almost anything present in modern societies are and will take a toll on our health eventually.  These substances are either metabolized in the liver or enter the bloodstream and stress our system.

In that case, this 7-day detox diet can help you rid of the unwanted substances and make you feel better.  Detoxification or detox provides a relief to your system from these harmful substances we regularly consume and it likewise puts your eating habits on the right track.  You'll find that you'll feel less fatigued, invigorated, revitalized, and the bloated feeling will go away once you skip your intake of such ingredients like refined flour, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, canned food, etc., that more or less confuse your organs.

The key to a successful 7-day detox diet program is to motivate yourself.  In short, detox requires psychological, emotional, and physiological preparedness.  However, this 7-day detox program is contraindicated to people with chronic disease, and pregnant and lactating women.

The food you should eat in a 7-day detox diet
Remind yourself to follow this meal plan every day of your 7-day detox diet program and make sure you chew your food thoroughly, so as to give you time and feel less deprived.

Start your day by drinking two glasses (8 ounces) of distilled water upon waking up.  Squeeze ½ lemon into one glass of water.  The reason is to stimulate your digestive juices as well as make a goal of drinking six more glasses for the whole day.

For breakfast, eat any fresh fruit 15 to 30 minutes before your whole grains like buckwheat, brown rice, millet, amaranth, or quinoa.  To add some flavor to your grains, add in 2 tablespoons or 100% pure fruit juice, virgin oil (olive or coconut) or butter.  Supplement your 7-day detox diet meal with the recommended 200 to 400 IU of natural vitamin E and 100 to 200 mcg of selenium.  These contain anti-oxidants that help fight the free radicals in your system.

For midmorning snack, sip 1 to 2 cups of vegetable broth left over from steaming your vegetables.  Season it with a little salt.  And then take 500 to 1,000 mg of vitamin C, ideally with calcium and magnesium.  When choosing a brand, make sure it doesn't contain artificial sweeteners or sugar.

Eat steamed vegetables for lunchtime.  Again, save the water left by steaming and refrigerate it.  You can also do the same for dinner.  At least four vegetables would suffice to give you varied flavors and textures.

After 3 days, you'll rise again – 3-day detox diet

After 3 days, you'll rise again – 3-day detox diet

In today's environment and majority of lifestyles, it's hard to avoid coming across with substances and chemicals that are foreign to our system.  In defense, the body reacts in remarkable ways to protect itself from intruders.  Normally, it's the excretory organs like the liver, kidneys, skin, including the lungs that need to work extra hard to segregate, neutralize and dispose the toxins.  But it's easier said than done.  Toxins that accumulate in every cell of our body will cause the latter to release some form of chemicals (take the effects of nicotine in our brain) or gradually mutate into cancers and other degenerative diseases.

And, we can never take back what we took in.  However, changing lifestyles and going on detox programs can do wonders for the proper functioning of vital body processes.  Detoxification promotes cell renewal, flushes out free radicals, and strengthens the immune system.  Even as short as a 3-day detox diet can help in purging out damaging toxins and make you feel so much better.

Although not all detox types are suitable for everyone, a 3-day detox may be a milder way of detoxifying.  Other detox programs may require you to get a go-signal from your doctor especially if you are underweight, malnourished or have chronic diseases like cancer, iron-deficiency, anemia, ulcerative colitis, kidney and liver disease, among others.

To begin with, this detox program is especially designed for a 3-day detox diet.  Try to include the following foods for each day within three days.  Upon waking up in the morning, drink a cup of warm water and ½ lemon squeezed in it to stimulate your gastric juices.  For your meals, eat one cup of whole grains like brown rice, buckwheat, amaranth, and at least three servings each of fruits and vegetables one of which should be eaten raw.  You could also make salads out of fruits and vegetables but choose vinegar or any natural virgin oils (olive and coconut virgin oils or fish oil) for your dressing.

In addition, have two doses of kidney and liver tonics over the 3-day detox diet: two cups of dandelion, chamomile or fennel tea, pure vegetable juice like carrot or beetroot, a clove of fresh garlic, medium bunch of black grapes, two cups of parsley or yellow tea.  And make it a habit to drink 8 glasses or more water as well as other fluids made of fresh fruit juices such as apple and orange.

In your 3-day detox diet, drink herbal tea before going to bed and have a 30-minute walk within the program period.  After the third day, you'll surely feel rejuvenated and may want to do the 3-day detox diet again.  But before you do that, change your lifestyle as much as possible.  Your body will reward you big time.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Can Your Mind Really Heal Itself?

Can Your Mind Really Heal Itself?

Check out this video by a medical doctor (one of the few who can think outside the box).


Natural Remedies for Depression

Natural Remedies for Depression

Do you find ever find yourself feeling depressed?  If so, you may be looking for relief.  Depression is a medical condition that can be mentally and emotionally draining.  Those who have depression with dangerous and deadly thoughts, such as suicide, are urged to speak with a medical professional immediately.  However, if you only find yourself feeling down or depressed on occasion, you may want to examine natural remedies, also commonly referred to as home remedies.

As with many other medical issues and complications, a healthy diet is a great way to manage or treat depression.  A well balanced diet is the key to staying happy and healthy, especially where depression is concerned.  All individuals are encouraged to drink water and consume a good number of fruits and vegetables each and every day.  In fact, there are a number of natural remedies and home remedies for depression that are based on healthy foods.

Using asparagus to treat or manage depression is another method that comes highly rated and recommend.  The root of an asparagus is the area that you will want to target.  Take a piece of asparagus and squeeze or crush the bottom root.  If properly done, a powder will appear.  This powder should be consumed daily with amounts of one or two grams each day.  .

Apples are another food item that can be used to help provide relief to those suffering from depression.  Apples are known for their vitamin B and potassium, which has a number of benefits where depression is concerned.  Although eating an apple each day is enough for many individuals, there are others who suffer from depression who recommend eating an apple with milk and honey daily.

Stay away from antidepressants. Of course, you just can't go off it but by eating the right foods, you will get better and your doctor can advise to reduce your medication when he/she sees an improvement in you.

Depression can also be remedied very quickly by have an EFT session with me (Richard). Just send an email to me at: eftcyprus at yahoo dot com Write for a Free consultation.  

Receiving the proper amount of vitamin B can also help those suffering from depression.  As previously stated, apples are known for their vitamin B benefits.  Apples are not the only foods with a strong presence of vitamin B.  Other foods that are recommended include eggs, green vegetables, whole grain foods, and fish.  As ideal as it is to naturally receive vitamin B from foods, you may also want to examine natural vitamin B supplements, as they are a quick and effective way to help with depression.

Rose petals can also be used to help an individual, such as yourself, manage or treat depression.  When using this natural remedy for depression, take a small number of rose petals and mix them in boiling water.  Once cooled, drink the mixture.  Another optional step involves mixing in a small amount of sugar.  This can help with those who have taste preferences.  Natural, herbal teas are another great alterative.

Some other remedies for depression are:

cashews, turmeric, asparagus, brazil nuts, vitamin D3, L-theanine, apples

Another natural, yet alternative way to treat or manage depression is to use mediation.  Meditation and relaxation are two proven successful ways to cope with depression.  For many individuals, sitting in a quiet room with their legs crossed, simply inhaling and exhaling is enough.  For others, they choose to first learn the proper ways to relax and meditate.  This is easy to do online or with an instructional video.  Most instructional meditation videos and books are available for sale both on and offline.

In keeping with relaxation, a relaxing bath is another way to help manage depression.  Although a bath may not provide permanent relief, it is a step that should still be taken.  When using a bath to manage depression, many recommend a warm water bath, as well as the addition of natural immersion.  For the best chance of relaxation, baths should be taken in a quite room that is not fully lit, as excessive lighting and noise can hinder one’s ability to relax.

The above mentioned natural remedies and home remedies are just a few of the many that you may want to try if you find yourself depressed.  These home remedies can also be recommended to any close friends or family members that you know.  With that in mind, as previously stated, it is important to remember that depression can also be chronic.  This is when professional assistance should be sought.

Natural Remedies for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Natural Remedies for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a medical condition where an individual finds it difficult to stay on task.  Trouble staying on task and paying attention are just a few of the many issues that those suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have to deal with.  Unfortunately, many of the individuals most recently diagnosed with ADHD are children.  This has caused some concern among parents.

Although there are some individuals, even those in the medical field, who claim that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is over diagnosed, especially in children, there are many parents who are still interested in seeking relief for their children.  After all, a child who finds it difficult to pay attention and stay on tasks can suffer in school.  However, at the same time, the last thing that most parents want to do is encourage their children to take medications that may or may not provide relief.  In fact, some claim that the medications for ADHD end up doing more harm than good.  So what is a parent to do?  Examine natural remedies.

One of the many natural ways that parents can help their children manage and cope with having ADHD is by being supportive.  This is extremely important to a child’s self-esteem.  Adults suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can also benefit from a tight support system.  Both children and adults who suffer from ADHD are known to have self-esteem and self-confidence problems.  Positive praises are a must for children.  Even if an ADHD child makes a mistake, it is important to discipline in a positive matter.  This can be done by putting a young child in timeout, but letting them leave when they explain what they did wrong or what they should do the next time to make the situation right.

The real key to a natural remedy for Attention Deficit Hypertension is better nutrition. Eat foods in their natural state and STAY away from food additives.

In addition to helping your child at home, it is also important to provide support and encouragement with schooling.  The first step in doing so is making sure that all teachers are aware of your child’s medical condition.  If you choose not to have your child take ADHD medications, it is important to let your child’s teachers know so.  Unfortunately, so many ADHD children are medicated that most teachers expect it.  Your child will need more care, attention, and support than another ADHD child is on medication.  If you know an adult who suffers from ADHD, support is important in social circles, as well as the workplace.

Although there is currently no known cause for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), there are many who claim that symptoms can be triggered by diet.  Many professionals recommend restricting the diet of a child or even an adult who suffers from ADHD.  This is done in hopes of finding a trigger factor, which can make many of the symptoms of ADHD worse.  Examples of this involve eliminating or limiting a child’s consumption of sugar, chocolate, dairy products, and juices.  If you notice a decrease in ADHD related symptoms when one specific item has been eliminated from the diet, such as chocolate, continuing limiting exposure.

The above mentioned ways are just a few of the many ways that those suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can manage or treat their symptoms.  As a reminder, if you are a parent whose child is diagnosed with ADHD most of the work will be your responsibility.  This may seem like a stressful and overwhelming task, but the above mentioned natural approaches can provide assistance, but in a safe and effective way.

Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Do you or someone that you love suffer from arthritis?  If so, the pain and discomfort that is commonly associated with arthritis may be too much to handle.  When it is, there are many arthritis sufferers who turn to over-the-counter medications to seek relief.  Yes, these over-the-counter medications will work in most cases, but did you also know that there are natural and safe ways to manage and treat arthritis?  There are and a few of these natural remedies are highlighted below.

The consumption of raw juices is an effective and natural remedy for arthritis.  Two specific types that come highly rated and recommended are green juices, as well as potato juice.  In fact, potato juice has been used to treat the pain and discomfort commonly associated with arthritis for years on end.  For potato juice, cut a potato into thin slices.  When doing so, leave the skin intact.  Place the potato slices in a glass of cold water and leave sitting for a few hours, overnight is best.  Then drink.

The consumption of Omega 3 Fatty Acids are another natural way to treat many of the symptoms of arthritis.  Omega 3 Fatty Acids are found in most fish.  Those who do not like eating fish are encouraged to examine Omega 3 Fatty Acid supplements, which are available for sale at most drug stores and health stores.  This natural remedy can provide relief from all forms of arthritis; however, those with rheumatoid arthritis see and feel the best results.

Warm olive oil massaged over the area is another easy and natural way to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis.  What is nice about this approach is that most individuals already have olive oil in their homes.  When using warm olive oil, be sure to let cool a little, as olive oil that is too hot can result in painful skin burns.  In addition to plain olive oil, sage, rosemary, or garlic can be diluted with olive oil, with about ten more parts of olive oil.  When applied to the impacted area, relief should be felt immediately.

Baths are another natural way to treat the pain and discomfort often associated with arthritis.  When using baths to seek relief, warm baths are advised.  In fact, cold bathes can result in increased pain, which is not the goal.  In addition to a traditional warm bath, many of those suffering from arthritis recommend adding about three or four tablespoons of Epson salt to the bathwater.  Those diagnosed with arthritis should remain in a warm bath for at least thirty minutes.

Small amounts of exercise is another natural way to relieve the pain and discomfort commonly associated with arthritis.  The only problem is that those suffering from arthritis must proceed with caution where exercise is concerned.  Moving around, whether it be through walking or squeezing a stress ball, can help, but it also important not to over do it.  Those who overexert themselves are likely to experience even more pain and discomfort.

As you can see, there are a number of natural remedies and home remedies that can be used to seek relief from arthritis.  If you are not suffering from arthritis, but if you know someone who is, you may want to pass these easy and natural remedies onto that person.  Unfortunately, many individuals are unaware of natural remedies and their many benefits.

Natural Remedies for Acne

Natural Remedies for Acne

Acne is a skin condition that millions of individuals deal with, sometimes on a daily basis.  Although acne is not a life threatening condition, it can cause great stress.  Acne, especially when constantly touched or picked at, can also lead to scaring or even an infection.  For that reason, those suffering from acne often look for different ways to seek relief.

When it comes to seeking relief from acne, there are a large number of over-the-counter products that claim to provide relief.  In addition to simply just appearing on store shelves, a large number of over-the-counter acne medications are also appearing on our television screens and with famous celebrities standing behind the products.  Of course, if you are suffering from acne you can give these over-the-counter products a try, but it is also important to know that you do have a number of different options.  These options involve the use of natural remedies and home remedies, which are a safer way to treat acne, as they do not rely on the use of potentially dangerous chemicals.

There are a number of natural remedies for acne that rely on the use of food.  One of those remedies is that of lettuce.  Saturating lettuce in water for about an hours worth of time will result in a special mixture.  This mixture should then be applied to the skin, acting as a rinse.  This approach is a nice and easy way to get rid of unwanted acne.

Fresh lime juice and milk are another natural remedy for getting rid of acne that comes highly rated and recommend.  With this natural remedy for acne, boil a half of glass of milk.  Once that milk has cooled, add in about the same amount of lime juice.  You can then use a cloth to apply the mixture onto your acne infected area.  As an important reminder, wait until the boiled milk has cooled to an ideal level to promote comfort and prevent burns.

For a small area of acne, ripe tomatoes can be used.  For this home remedy, cut a ripe tomato in half and place the inside, wet portion of the tomato on the pimple or pimples.  Leave it on for about an hours worth of time and then wash off.  A similar approach to this natural remedy and one that still comes highly rated and recommended involves the use of tomato paste.

As previously stated, those suffering from severe acne put themselves at risk for developing an infection or scaring.  Those who are known to touch or pick at their pimples are first advised to stop.  That is the best way to keep your skin healthy.  With that being said, Aloe Vera can also provide relief.  When applied to the affected area, Aloe Vera can help to promote healthy healing on the skin.

As outlined above, there are a number of different natural remedies and home remedies for those suffering from acne, like you.  As for why these natural remedies are advised, there are a number of different reasons.  If you have ever tried over-the-counter skincare products before, you likely already know that they can be costly.  Imagine that cost added up overtime.  It is also important to note that many over-the-counter acne treatment products have poor reviews.  In fact, did you know that some products actually cause users more problems with rashes and acne than before?  That is why many are now starting to rely on natural remedies instead, as they are affordable, easy to implement, and safe.

Natural Remedies: An Ideal Option for the Uninsured

Natural Remedies:  An Ideal Option for the Uninsured

Are you uninsured?  If you are, you are not alone.  There are millions of individuals in the United States who are uninsured.  Unfortunately, not having insurance does not prevent you from developing medical complications.  Of course, medical attention should be sought for serious issues, but did you know that you can use natural remedies and home remedies to help treat and possibly cure a large number of minor medical issues?  You can and if you are uninsured, there are a number of benefits to relying on home remedies and natural remedies.

As previously stated, just because you are uninsured, it doesn’t mean that you are perfectly healthy.  After all, we all typically experience headaches, toothaches, and other minor medical complications.  Sometimes the pain associated with these problems, like a headache or a toothache, may warrant a visit to a healthcare professional, but you may be unable to do so if you are uninsured.  This is where natural remedies and home remedies can provide you with assistance.  If properly done, you may be able to seek relief from whatever minor medical issue you are dealing with, without having to schedule a costly appointment with a doctor or a dentist.

As nice as it is to hear that you and other uninsured individuals can seek assistance through the use of natural remedies and home remedies, you may be looking for more information.  For starters, you may be curious as to exactly what these remedies are.  You will find that it all depends on the medical issue at hand.  For example, the juice from ripe grapes are known to help relieve the pain and discomfort from headaches and migraines.  On the other hand, dandelion milk is known to help with the removal of unwanted warts.  Although the remedy in question will depend on the medical problem that you are looking to treat, you will find that most natural and home remedies involve products that are easy to access.  You may already have these items right inside your home.  Also, they are not over-the-counter medications.  In fact, they are the exact opposite.

Another concern that you and other uninsured individuals may have about natural remedies and home remedies involves safety.  After all, if you are unable to afford the cost of visiting a healthcare professional, you may rely on these remedies more than most average individuals.  For that reason, you do have more than enough right to be concerned with safety, but there is good news.  Almost all natural and home remedies are safe to use.  With that being said, be sure to use your best judgment.  Never use a home remedy that requires the use of a chemical or an ingredient that you are unfamiliar with.  Also, stay away from remedies that may have an ingredient that you are allergic to or known to have a bad reaction with.  Follow these tips and you should be okay.

As for how you can find natural and home remedies to seek relief from a minor medical issue, you will find that you have a number of different options.  For starters, there are a number of remedy books that can be found available for sale, both on and offline.  You can also use the internet to perform a standard internet search.  Many websites list home remedies for a wide range of issues, including warts, headaches, toothaches, irritable bowel syndrome, head lice, and so forth.  These remedies and their detailed directions should be available for you to access free of charge.  With that in mind, most home remedies websites are not trusted medical websites; therefore, it is important for you to use your best judgment.

In conclusion, if you or your family are without medical insurance, you are urged to examine home remedies and natural remedies, especially the next time that you are left dealing with pain and discomfort from a minor medical issue.  Natural remedies can not only help to provide you with much needed relief, but they can also help to save you a considerable amount of money in the process.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Natural Allergy Remedies

Natural Allergy Remedies

Are you an individual who suffers from allergies?  If so, you may be looking for ways to seek relief.  Most individuals turn to over-the-counter medications.  While these medications do work, in most cases, there are many individuals who are concerned with exactly what it is they are putting into their bodies.  If you are one of those individuals, you will want to continue reading on.  Below, a number of natural allergy remedies are highlighted below.  In addition to being considered natural allergy remedies, many are also known as home remedies for allergies.

One natural allergy remedy that comes highly rated and recommended is that of apple cider vinegar.  Often times, the only complaint that most have with apple cider vinegar is the taste.  However, it is not only known as a natural remedy to treat allergies.  Many also use it to assist with weight loss, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  Most individuals using apple cider vinegar to treat allergies recommend taking two tablespoons a day.  Mixing it with juice or water is also advised, which can assist with taste issues.

Red clover is another natural allergy remedy.  What is nice about using red clover to treat your allergy symptoms is all of the options that you have, as red clover is available in a wide range of formats.  With that being said, most allergy sufferers recommend red clover tea.  Red clover wine and red clover herbal supplements, which come in the format of pills, are also available for sale both on and offline.

Carefully choosing the foods in which you consume is another natural way to reduce or treat the symptoms of allergies.  Lime squeezed into water has been known to assist those with allergies.  Vegetable juices and bananas also come highly rated and recommended.

Acupuncture is also an ideal way to treat and relieve the symptoms of allergies.  According to WebMD, a trusted medical website, acupuncture helped to reduce all allergy symptoms in a study performed on twenty-six patients.  If you are interested in giving acupuncture a try, consider contacting your local health spas, as many offer alternative healing approaches.  If acupuncture is not a service offered, you should be provided with contact information for another local practitioner.

In addition to the above mentioned natural allergy remedies, there are also steps that you can take to prevent the onset of allergies or steps that you can take to reduce these symptoms.  Most of these helpful tips can still be considered natural allergy remedies, but in a different sense.  Also, these additional tips, a few of which are outlined below, are for just about anyone suffering from allergies, as they are affordable and easy to implement.

 For pet allergies, stay a safe distance away from pets.  With that said, if you are a pet owner who cannot bear to part with your beloved pets, be sure to keep them out of your bedroom, as this is where you spend most of your time.

Since mold is a common trigger factor for allergies, it is important to take steps to remove mold from your home or prevent it from growing.  Limiting the humidity in your home is a great way to reduce or completely prevent mold growth.  Use a bathroom fan or open a bathroom window when taking a shower, to reduce mold growth in the bathroom.  If you already have mold in your home, contact a professional to inquire about a mold removal.  Until that time comes, be sure to avoid areas in your home where mold is present.

The above mentioned natural allergy remedies are just a few of the many that allergy sufferers recommend, but they are a few of the most popular approaches taken.  As a reminder, it is important to remember that natural remedies and home remedies work differently on different individuals.  If you do not see the success that you had hoped for, not all hope is lost, as there should be another natural allergy remedy out there that can provide you with relief.

How to Find Information on Natural Remedies

How to Find Information on Natural Remedies

  Are you interested in using natural remedies to your advantage?  If you are suffering from pain associated with a headache, toothache, or arthritis, you may be.  Home remedies can also provide assistance with those looking to kill head lice, remove an unsightly wart, and so much more.  In fact, that is one of the reasons why home remedies are so popular, because they can be used to treat, cure, or seek relief for a number of minor medical complications.

If this is the first time that you are looking to try a home remedy, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed.  When getting started, it is important to remember that home remedies come in a number of different formats.  This means that a home remedy used to treat a headache may not provide relief for a toothache.  That is why it is important that you do the proper amount of research before trying a home remedy.

Speaking of doing the proper amount of research, there are a number of different ways in which you can go about finding home remedies.  One of the easiest ways is to use the internet.  Online, there are a number of websites that are devoted to natural remedies and home remedies.  These websites often list a large number of home remedies for a number of different minor medical complications, including irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, the chicken pox, and so forth.  The information on most of these websites should be free to view.  You may also be able to find online message boards where other internet users are discussing home remedies, namely those that worked.

As for how you can find these online websites and message boards, your best option is to perform a standard internet search.  When doing so, you will want to target your search to exactly what it is you are looking for.  For example, if you are looking to seek relief from a painful migraine, search with a phrase such as “natural remedies for migraines,” or “natural remedies for headaches.”  This simple step will help to give you targeted results, which can reduce the amount of time that you have to spend searching.

Natural remedies can also be learned about by speaking with those that you know.  Typically, you will find the best success when speaking with someone older than you, like a parent or a grandparent.  This is because in the past more people relied on natural remedies than they did over-the-counter products and medications.

Another easy way to familiarize yourself with natural remedies is by buying a natural remedy or a home remedy book.  When doing so, you should have a number of books to choose from.  You may find the best success with books that are larger in size, as they often outline more remedies and cover more medical complications that can be treated naturally.  For the largest selection of natural remedy books and home remedy books, the internet should be examined, but a small number of these books are also sold locally in book stores as well.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways in which you can go about finding information on home remedies, including detailed directions for preparing a home remedy.  The next time that you find yourself looking for relief, try a home remedy, as opposed to an over-the-counter product.  Chances are you will be pleased with the results.

Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

The signs and symptoms of high blood pressure include:

chronic kidney disease
excessive sodium (salt) and fat in the diet
excessive alcohol
overweight and obesity
sleep apnea
blood in urine
chronic chest pain
difficulty breathing
fatigue and confusion
severe headache
vision problems

Natural Remedies include:


fruits and vegetables (raw)
coconut water
potatoes, tomatoes and bananas


If you are planning to visit a doctor, while you are waiting, why not have a Quantum Touch or EFT treatment? If there is no improvement, there is no charge. Write to Richard for free consultation at:
pedigreespa at yahoo dot com


Thursday, 18 May 2017

Principles of Natural Hygiene

Principles of Natural Hygiene

How to heal yourself online

By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton

Men and institutions are springing up here and there that are called Hygienic that do not deserve the name, because they are not faithful to the principles of Hygiene. They do not yield themselves gratefully and in full conformity to it. They do not believe in Hygiene strongly enough to live by it. We demonstrate our fealty to a principle by living by it, not by doing lip service to it. When we are controlled by a principle and do not try to warp it to suit our financial interests, we pursue a course of action that is the exact opposite of that pursued by these men. If we are possessed by a principle, we follow it to its ultimate end; we do not try to use it merely for our convenience.

I do not deny the right of these men and institutions to the designation Hygienic from any low, base, mean or sordid motive, while they believe in the curative powers of their drugs and treatment or administer them in their practice, but for the reason that I am bound to give my supreme loyalty to that great and fundamental truth that recovery of health corresponds and coincides with the law of creation or, if you prefer, the law of evolution. This means, simply, that the processes by which we recover health are the same processes by which we came into being; that the materials which may be legitimately employed in recovery of health are identical with those by which health is built and preserved in the first place. Only those materials and influences which are useful in the preservation of health are useful in the restoration of health. To this principle Hygienists make but one exception: namely, constructive surgery, as employed in wounds, broken bones, accidents, dislocations, etc. I cannot consent to demean so glorious a truth as that which underlies the Hygienic System by approving of those who connect its practice with the drugs of the physician or the various modalities of the drugless practitioners.

These practitioners unwittingly, perhaps, constitute a class of "go-betweens." They take for their motto the old Latin aphorism, "Medio tutissimus ibis." Translated into English, this means: "The safest road is the middle road." They take this road, when not impelled by baser motives, because they are afraid of "extremes." "Truth lies between extremes," they often repeat. This is a poor job, pitiful sophism. When it was first declared that the earth is round and revolves on its axis and goes around the sun, this new idea was contrary to the older idea that the earth is flat, stationary and the center of things, with the sun, moon and stars going around it. These were the two extremes: how could a middle ground "between these two extremes" have been found as a resting place for truth?

All revolutions, and Hygiene is a revolution, have been beset by this same conservatism, this same compromising spirit. They have been besieged from all four sides by those who would ostensibly preserve from ruin the new idea. These would-be friends of the revolution, these conservators and conservatives have always constituted, not the vanguard of the revolution, but advance-agents of the counter-revolution. Their influence has always been to retard and to even wipe out the gains made. Truth is always extreme; truth is never on the fence; it never faces both ways. It is in the heart of this conservative spirit that the egg is formed which hatches treason. Truth is not between two extremes, but is one extreme or the other. It is not between a flat earth or a round earth, but is one or the other.

Whether we can see it, feel it or know it, this is true: Truth is always an extremist. Instead of fearing it, from all considerations of caution, of self-respect, of self-preservation and of success, we must accept the truth in its entirety and reject all that falls outside that truth. Applied to Hygiene, we must be as radical as the principles that underlie it. Its practitioners, to entitle them to the name, should, both in their lives and practices, conform to its principles as earnestly and truthfully, as sincerely and unremittingly, as undoubtingly and uncompromisingly as do the devotees of any other established science and art. Just as one is not a Christian who mixes his Christianity with demonism, so one is not a Hygienist who mixes his Hygiene with the therapeutic modalities of the drugless schools or with the poisons of the drug schools.

The few Hygienists who are now in the vanguard of Hygienic work have sedulously labored to keep for the people, the great truths which belong to them, and to keep these vital truths above ground to the end that they may see them, and seeing them, can appreciate them. We have surrendered to principles of such magnitude, of such glory, of such strength and life, that they will revolutionize the lives of all who accept them and live by them and we shall not compromise these glorious principles by subordinating them to or mingling them with the fallacies and wrong practices of the schools of curing. For years we have followed the straight and narrow path of Hygiene. Where the truths of Hygiene have led, thither have we gone. Trustingly, confidently, humbly, have we folIowed and we have not been disappointed. Hygiene has never let us down.

The schools of curing are all devoid of fixed principles. The intricacies and complexities of the systems are as unstable as quicksand and as changeable as the wind. The theory of today is supplanted by that of tomorrow; the practice of today gives way to a new one tomorrow. Practices that are greatly in vogue in one generation are strongly condemned by the succeeding. All is chaos; all is confusion; all is uncertainty; all is rapid change. Doubt envelops all their theories and distrust surrounds all their modalities. We cannot afford to mingle the eternal certainties of Hygiene with the evanescent fallacies of the schools of curing. We know that law and order rule in the biological realm and we base our practices on the unchanging principles of nature. These are our authorities and they are supreme.

The laws of nature are greater than the greatest men of all the schools of curing. We study the human organism from the point of view of natural law and (normal) need, and we have faith in the normal means of life. We stand in this matter, as it were, where we can summon the mighty forces of organic existence, to the aid of the sick and to the aid of the well, for whoever corresponds in his work and activity to the course of law, by so doing secures the force and strength of that law to himself.

If the practitioners of the schools of curing cannot comprehend the simple principles that underlie Hygiene, if they cannot know the superior effectiveness of the normal elements of healthy existence; if they continue to scout nature and adopt art, if they reject the glorious truths of Hygiene and continue to hug their therapeutic delusions, we cannot stop them, but we must keep the fair name of Hygiene free from contamination with any admixtures. If they take the "wisdom of man" as it has accumulated through the ages, and attempt to guide themselves by it; we take the principles of nature, as they were at the beginning, and conform to them.

They seem unable to understand that a true art of care, both of the well and the sick, must be marked by simplicity of means. They cannot comprehend the simple and fundamental fact that to the extent that the practitioner adjusts himself and his charge to the employment only of those means which are established in nature for the uses of the living organism, will his strength and usefulness increase. Men who do not have an unswerving confidence in the foundation-principles of Hygiene, a confidence that that knows no abatement, that deepens with time and experience, and that teaches them that healing is the prerogative of the living organism, such men are not fit to bear the name Hygienist. They may be good men, honest, truthful, sincere; they are not Hygienists.

Do I assert that Hygiene has reached maturity; that we are now in possession of all the knowledge of principles and of the application of means to ends that we shall ever have? By no means. Beyond our present knowledge lies an arcanum, the greatness of which will astound the sharpest and the dullest comprehension. What we know is but a sand-grain of the sum-total which is yet to be known upon this vast subject. But the fact that there is yet much to be learned does not justify us in abandoning what we do know for the fallacies and hurtful practices of the schools of curing. Our knowledge is to be extended and increased, not by a search in the fields of fallacy, but by a more intensive cultivation of the truths that now belong to us. Let us dig a little deeper, analyze a little more, separate the truth from the dross to an ever greater degree, but let us not soil pur hands and our work by digging in the muck of therapeutic fallacies.

Let us all be loyal to the principles and practices of Hygiene and seek to extend these. Let us honor our system and proclaim it from the housetops. Under no temptation let us swerve. Let those who have faith in poisons use them, but let us not consent to the addition of any part of the poisoning practice to Hygiene. Let those who trust in the curative virtues of electricity, water applications, baking and freezing, manipulations and adjustings, etc., have these to their heart's content, but let us not admit such practices and the false theories upon which they are predicated into Hygiene.

It is not needful that we should speak harshly, either of practitioners of these various curing systems or of their devotees, but we must keep before the people the fact that the Hygienist gives no drugs, employs no treatments and does no manipulating; that he has a much better way, a way that is found in the natural order and will not pass away with the passing of the present generation of disease-treaters. What a glorious work we have to do! If we can educate the people to the extent that they can realize the harmfulness of drugs and treatments and the helpfulness of the normal elements of health, we shall have worked the mightiest revolution that has ever taken place in human existence. We must demand more Hygiene, not less. Those practitioners who, posing as Hygienists, merely employ some Hygiene as a weak adjunct to their therapeutic modalities should be made to realize that they are damaging a system to which they render homage, and are retarding the progress of a revolution that will, when it is finished, sweep all such into oblivion.

Is Natural Hygiene a Faith Cure?

Is Natural Hygiene a Faith Cure?

By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton

Is the Hygienic System a "faith cure"? We have been accused of having only a "faith cure" by many who have only noted what we reject and have not investigated what we stand for. One man objected that our faith in nature and nature cure is identical with Christian Science - is Christian Science, as a matter of fact, in a new dress. We never knew whether, by this statement, he wanted us to understand that he has no faith in nature, that he believes only in the unnatural and anti-natural.

What is nature? Let us define it as the existing cosmos. The universe is cosmic and not chaotic. There is an all-pervading orderliness, nor can we conceive of the universe existing except in an orderly state. What is wrong with faith in this system of order?
The bodies and properties of living things are also orderly, that is, cosmic, and not chaotic. There is an all-pervading orderliness in life and we cannot conceive of an organism existing for one moment in any other state.

For us, then, nature is the orderly universe with all of its relations and interdependencies. Science, as well as religion, directs men's minds to the eternal aspect of things and our faith in the unchangeable uniformities of nature is well founded.

Nature cure, which is not something that the Hygienist does with his hygienic agencies, but something nature does, is the result of the lawful and orderly operations of the forces and processes of life, working with the regular, normal elements of livingness.

Our faith in this nature and its work is no blind or dead faith. It is rather a faith that leads to work, a faith based on knowledge. These - knowledge and faith - lead to reform and intelligent cooperation with the forces of life. It is not a matter of folding our arms and sitting down and waiting for nature to do for us what we, as parts of nature, can only do for ourselves. We do not expect the laws of nature to be violated because we pray for them to be violated, nor do we expect them to cease to exist because we deny their existence.

However we have no objection to being called "faith curists" if we may be allowed to define our faith. Ours is a faith in the orderly, invariable laws of nature. All science is a study of the fixed laws of nature. So far as man's senses can reach, we always find nature orderly and as faith is "confidence, reliance, trust," and as we find no exceptions to the orderly sequences in the processes of nature, we can certainly have: faith in these. Faith in the uniformities of nature is not a mystical conviction that has never been verified, nor is it the power to say we believe things that are incredible.

We know that water always runs down hill; we know that a magnetized needle points to the magnetic pole; we know that when hydrogen and oxygen unite in certain proportions the product is always water; we know that two times two are four. We have faith in the compass; we have faith in the mathematical processes; we have faith in chemical processes; we have a whole science of hydrostatics built upon the invariable conduct of water under exact conditions.

Faith describes the confidence we feel that the sun will "rise" tomorrow, that it will "rise" in the East, for it always has done so. We do not doubt that iron will continue to rust if exposed to moisture, for this is what it has always done. We do not expect to see brick of certain sizes and density and composed of certain materials become lighter or heavier than brick of these sizes and materials have always been.

That unbroken and cosmic order has reigned throughout the universe throughout its duration is something we cannot prove. We cannot prove that there is a law that water must run down hill when we get out beyond the reach of our senses. But we accept it as a truth because of our faith in the universality of law and order.

Now, cure (healing) is the same yesterday, today and forever. Healing is the same today as that which has taken place from the beginning of time. It will take place in the same old way as long as time lasts.

Theories of cure may change, as they have in the past. The methods of "cure" may continue to change ceaselessly. But the real, orderly and lawful healing processes of nature are as changeless as are the laws of gravity, of chemistry, of hydrostatics, of mathematics.

We have the same faith in these lawful, orderly and invariable processes of cure - natural processes - as we do in the lawful, orderly and invariable processes of nature in all other parts of the cosmic order. The processes of life are not chaotic, capricious, changeable, unlawful, disorderly. They do not change from country to country, nor from age to age.

Faith in the orderly processes of life is not a makeshift to serve us where knowledge fails. Rather it is confidence in the facts and laws of which we have knowledge. We have no knowledge of a "natural law" except as an invariable and orderly sequence. The term "law" is a very unfortunate one. Our faith is in the fixed and orderly sequences of nature.

If life were not as orderly and lawful as the non-living world about us, we could expect to gather figs from thistles or to sow to the wind and reap not the whirl-wind, but a gentle zephyr. If there were no fixed order in life we might plant a peach seed and have a pecan tree spring therefrom. We insist upon the "reign of law" in the organic (the living) world; we insist that order is supreme and that chaos and "old night" are figments of primitive man's minds. What is wrong with a faith cure that depends, not upon faith to cure, but "upon the orderly processes of nature?

That person who takes a drug has faith that it will cure him but his faith is not based upon any demonstrable orderly, sequence an unfailing curative process set up by the drug. The physician who administers the drug may have faith in the curative powers of his drugs, but his so-called faith is a mere superstition - a hangover from primitive times. It is not a faith based-on a knowledge of the orderly processes of life. True, he claims a knowledge of the drug; but what he knows about the drug from a study of its chemistry and toxicology is the exact opposite of what he believes about it under what has been dignified with the name pharmacology. His faith and his knowledge are in conflict.

He knows that poisoning does not heal, that it does not produce health. He believes that it does. He received his knowledge as a result of modern scientific study; his faith from his ancient forebears.

The physician that expects to restore health with agents that always destroy health and attempts to save life with the foes of life, may have full confidence in his agents; but his faith is in a reversal of the laws of nature. It is a faith in disorder, in chaos, He believes he can reverse, or annul, or suspend, or change the laws of nature. As well attempt to make two and two equal three or five, or expect to destroy any other realm of fixed law.

The body always rejects drugs. It has its choice of several methods of rejecting them, but it never appropriates them. This is a universal experience to which there is no known exception. The physician who puts his trust in drugs has a faith that flies in the face of law and order and beats its brains out against the unyielding solid rock of immutable "law." He is exceedingly superstitious.

The man who takes a sweat bath may have faith in it. But such faith is not based upon knowledge. The man who gives the bath may explain that sweating eliminates toxins from the body. This, too, is a blind faith. If the man knows physiology, he knows that sweating is not an eliminating process and that the sweat bath does not eliminate toxins. Faith in the sweat bath is merely a lingering superstition we derived from those who used it originally to sweat out evil spirits.

Faith of some degree may be said to enter into everything we do. But faith, per-se, is not the thing that does. Faith does not cure; though it may enable us to rely upon the forces and processes that do heal. Nor can faith cause a thing to heal that does not otherwise heal; although it is often affirmed that it does so.

Nature has always built flesh out of food and we are convinced that she will always do so. She has never built flesh out of drugs and we do not believe she will ever do so. Exercise and not drugs has always been essential to the development of the body and we don't believe that we can ever use drugs for this purpose and dispense with exercise. In plain English, we place our faith in the ancient and invariable order of nature.

Rest, and not stimulation, has always been essential to the reinvigoration of tired, fatigued or exhausted organs or organisms. Stimulation has always lashed them into impotency. This has always been the order of nature - it has not changed. We impose our faith in this fixed order and not in theories and practices that are "at variance with this invariable order."

The Hygienic System uses the same agents and forces that nature now uses and always has used to build up and maintain the whole of both the vegetable and animal kingdoms. It rejects those forces and agents that have never been used in this process. It rejects those things that have no vital relation to life - things that are anti-vital - that have no normal part in life's plan.

Using the term cure (Latin cura, care) in its original and proper sense and not as a synonym for the word healing, there is only one proper cure for any abnormal condition of the living body; namely, remove the cause. When the cause of the "disease" is removed, health returns by virtue of the normal, orderly, lawful operations of the processes and functions of life. This is nature cure. This is a cure such as has taken place since the beginning of time.

Nature, the great restorer, the only healer, helps those who help themselves. This is not a "faith cure" as commonly understood. The so-called "faith cures" around us ignore causes. They seek to heal by faith without removing causes. This kind of faith is a slap in the face of law and order. It is not a faith that "worketh repentance," nor is it known by its works. It is a faith that only talks.

The Hygienic System is nature's system understood and applied carefully and intelligently both in health and in sickness. It is simply an enlightened compliance with the laws or uniformities of life, as these have been revealed by study and experience. For, we have no knowledge of what a natural law is, beyond the fact of universal and undisputed experience.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

How to heal with Emotional Freedom Technique: Inflammation part 3

How to heal with Emotional Freedom Technique: Inflammation part 3

This can be done online, so just send me an email and we'll get started by using Skype. Email me at: eftcyprus at yahoo.com


How to heal with Emotional Freedom Technique: Inflammation part 2

How to heal with Emotional Freedom Technique: Inflammation part 2

This can be done online, so just send me an email and we'll get started by using Skype. Email me at: eftcyprus at yahoo.com


How to heal with Emotional Freedom Technique: Inflammation

How to heal with Emotional Freedom Technique: Inflammation part 1

This can be done online, so just send me an email and we'll get started by using Skype. Email:
eftcyprus at yahoo dot com


Monday, 27 February 2017

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 7

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 7

How to heal yourself online with fasting
Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.
Hygiene Consciousness Needed

by Herbert M. Sheldon

A number of years ago Simon Gould went to Florida (from New York) and underwent a fast of about twenty days. I believe he fasted at Dr. Esser's Hygienic Health Ranch in Lake Worth, Florida. Several days after the fast was broken and, while the experience was still fresh in his mind, he wrote me urging me to proclaim in the Review that fasting is Hygiene and that all else is merely an adjunct. I had run into this idea many times before; I have encountered it many times since. The idea that some one factor of Hygiene is Hygiene does not always cluster around the fast. Sometimes the thought is expressed that diet is Hygiene, at other times the opinion is voiced that happiness is Hygiene, or that physical exercise is Hygiene.

You will not hear this information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in it.

A recent example of the idea that fasting is Hygiene was carried in the Hygienews, March, 1973 under the heading "Some of the Instructors Teaching at the Convention," where we were told the names of the following speakers and informed that they conducted fasts: "Dr. Keki R. Sidhwa of England, Director of his own fasting institution; Dr. William L. Esser, practitioner of Lake Worth, Florida, who has been conducting fasting for over 35 years; Dr. D. J. Scott, practitioner of Cleveland, Ohio, with over twenty-five years of experience in the science of fasting people for the recovery of innumerable ailments; . . . Dr. J. M. Brosious, St. Petersburg, Florida, who has supervised fasting for the recovery of health since 1942 . . . . The informed Hygienist will know that people do not fast for the "recovery of illness." Who wants to recover illness, anyhow?

I doubt very much that the writer of the foregoing item about the convention speakers intended to convey to the readers of Hygienews the idea that fasting and Hygiene are synonymous terms, but this is precisely the idea that is conveyed by the language used. Each of the men named wants to be known as a Hygienist and wants his institution known as a Hygienic institution, not as a mere fasting place. By putting all the emphasis on fasting and excluding all mention of Hygiene and the other Hygienic factors, readers cannot but get the idea that fasting is Hygiene—diet, exercise, and other Hygienic factors are mere adjuncts.

How to heal yourself online is easier than you think.

The fast is an essential factor element in a total plan of life that, in its wholeness constitutes the only valid means of restoring, as it is the only valid means of preserving health. The whole plan of life constitutes Hygiene. What we have just said of the fast may be said, and indeed we do say it, of every other Hygienic factor. For example, we may say that exercise is an essenial factor element in a total plan of life, that in its wholeness constitutes the only valid means of restoring, as it is the only valid means of preserving health.

It may be understandable that food is the element of Natural Hygiene that has the strongest appeal to the neophyte in Hygiene and that he is inclined to think primarily of this subject when he thinks of Hygiene. Unless he or she is young and athletically inclined the importance of exercise is likely to be overlooked, as is also sunshine, if there is a strong inclination towards prudishnss. Rest and sleep are factors that may not receive due consideration, especially by the young. A realization of individual responsibility is also difficult in people who have been taught, from infancy up, to depend on the physician and his bag of tricks. They are likely to want somebody to do for them what they can do for themselves and no one else can.

An urgent heed among Hygienists is that of developing Hygiene consciousness. We need to learn to think of Hygiene as an integrated whole, each factor of which is correlated with every other factor and cease to think of Hygiene in terms of particular fragments. When a Hygienic practitioner or Hygienic establishment is mentioned we need to be able to think of Hygiene in its wholeness and not think of the institution as a fasting place or the practitioner as one who conducts fasts. Not everyone who goes to a Hygienic institution is given a fast, but everyone eats, rests, exercises and seeks to acquire emotional poise. Fasting is conducted in many places that are not Hygienic. A place is not Hygienic merely because fasts are conducted therein. To label Hygienic institutions as fasting places will inevitably lead to the confused idea that fasting places- are Hygienic institutions. Hygienists, of all people, should avoid this mistake. We should begin today to develop a deeper and broader understanding of the Hygienic System; we (should learn to think of Hygiene as bionomy and not as a mere program of fasting. Each factor element in nature's grand system of Hygiene should be given its proper place in the integrated whole and thought of as of equal importance with every other factor, not merely as something that is an adjunct to the fast but as an essential integer within a vital synthesis. It is also important that we learn to think of Hygiene as a means of keeping well and not merely as a means of getting well. It is in its role as a preserver of health that it assumes highest importance. It performs no function in the work of restoration that is different from the work it performs in the work of preserving health.

Herbert M. Shelton

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 6

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 6

How to heal yourself on your own with fasting
Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.

How Far Is Too Far?

Herbert M. Shelton

On the next and succeeding pages we are presenting an article from the last four chapters of Forty Years in the Wilderness of Pills and Powders, by Dr. William A Alcott, first published in 1859. In this will be found a brief biographical sketch of the life and activities of Dr. Isaac Jennings. The story as given therein, about Dr. Jennings' desertion of the drugging practice and his adoption of what he called the "no-medicine plan" of caring for the sick, is all too brief, but enough quotations from other medical men of the period and enough facts about the practices of many of them are recounted to demonstrate the fact that there was much skepticism among medical men of that time. That there was more skepticism of the value of drugs in treating the sick among the professionals than among the laity is quite evident from the manner in which Dr. Jennings' former patients treated him when he revealed the secret of his unparalleled success.

It will be noted, however, that he did not receive understanding treatment from his medical brethren. Instead of eagerly grasping the truth he had unfolded to them and using these in caring for their patients, they appealed to the ignorance, prejudices, and fears of his patients in order to discredit him. A few physicians agreed with him in part but they were unwilling or unable to go all the way. They were willing to admit that too many drugs were often given, but unwilling to concede that no drugs at all was the ideal. Their most common complaint against Jennings was that he went "too far. "

In the preface of his second book The Philosophy of Human Life (1852), Jennings briefly discusses this objection in the following words:

"'You go too far. We have all been on one extreme, have given too much medicine, and have not trusted sufficiently to the curative efforts of nature. But you have gone over to the other extreme.'

"Very well; there are but two extremes the extreme of right, and the extreme of wrong; and who would not prefer standing on one of these extremes to occupying a position about halfway between them? Fundamental truth and fundamental error, as general principles, are the extremes here referred to.

"It may be true under given circumstances, that no medicine on one hand, and much medicine on the other are extremes, and that moderate medication is 'the golden, happy medium,' but that is not the great fundamental question now pending. The first and main point to be settled is this: Is man so constituted in his structural arrangement, the organic and functional laws of his system, the nature, mode of supply, application and operation of the principle of life, that when he is prostrate under what is called disease, his restoration to health can be secured by the agency of medicine, as a general rule, founded on a general principle in pathology, such as wrong action, wrong tendency, or the like?

"That medicine has been pushed to one extreme is quite certain, and that this extreme lies in the domain of delusion and error, there is good reason for believing.

Whether the other extreme of no medicine presents the truth as a general truth, remains to be elucidated and confirmed. One thing however is clear: Physicians must find a 'solid bottom' somewhere before they can establish a just and reliable system of practice. And this foundation must be laid in a thorough and correct knowledge of general pathology. Physicians must understand the true nature and tendency of that state of the vital organism which is denominated disease."

Dr. Trall repeated over and over again that "truth never lies between two extremes. It is always one extreme or the other. " In the foregoing quotation from Dr. Jenning's work he substantially agrees with Trall. At one extreme he places good, at the other extreme he places evil. At what point between these two extremes can one find a desirable place to stand? In like manner at one extreme he places heavy drugging, at the other extreme, no drugging. At what point between these two extremes can one find a point on which to rest a practice of moderate drugging? Either drugs are useful or they are not; they either heal or they don't; they either do mischief, or they do good. There is no middle ground.

You will not hear this information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in it.

Continuing in his discussion, Jennings says: "It will be the object of the following pages, in a plain familiar way, under a variety of aspects, by deductions from the Science of Physiology and reference to facts and the laws and analogies of nature, to show the unity of human physical life; that its tendency is always upward towards the highest point of health, in the lowest as well as in the highest state of vital funds; that what is called disease is nothing more nor less than impaired health, feeble vitality; that recovery from this state is effected, when effected at all, by a restorative principle, identical with life itself, susceptible of aid only from proper attention to air, diet, motion, and rest, affections of the mind, regulation of the temperature, &c., with occasional aid from what may justly be denominated surgical operations and appliances; and that medicine has no adaptation nor tendency to 'help nature' in her restorative work."

A proper recognition of the unity of organic life leads inevitably to the conclusion that what the body does not need and cannot use in health is equally unneeded and unusable in disease. For example, a drug that was as popular when Jennings wrote, as penicillin is today and was used in as wide a variety of diseases as the latter drug, is mercury. Mercury is not a constituent of any of the fluids and tissues of the body and is not usable in the performance of any of the body's functions. It is equally as unusable in a state of illness as in health. The recognition of the unity of life led equally inevitably to a recognition of the fact that only those things that are useful in health can be useful in disease. The proper care of the sick organism is, therefore, not a collection of treatments with adventitious and exotic substances, but the adjustment of the normal means of life to the needs and capacities of the sick. These needs and means are Hygienic, not therapeutic.

Further continuing his explanation, Jennings says: "An assumption that disease is antagonistic to health, involving some quality or property that tends to the destruction of life, something that must be counteracted by nature or art, or both, or life will be the forfeit. On this foundation, the whole fabric of Medicine in all its multitudinous forms, has ever rested. As often as new systems have been erected on the ruins of old ones, they have been reared on this unstable foundation as their common basis. Indeed, the correctness of this assumption seems never to have been called in question, and the difficulties that have constantly obstructed the course, and frustrated the designs of physicians, in their endeavors to raise 'therapeutics' from 'its merest infancy,' or drag it from 'the domain of empiricism,' have been sought for in all other sources, while this, the true source of all their embarrassment, has remained unsuspected. "

Herbert M. Shelton

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online With Fasting 5

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online With Fasting 5

Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.

When I first read an article on fasting (back in 1911), I had been previously prepared to accept fasting by having seen many sick animals fast. I was not prepared to accept the supposed need for lots of water drinking in sickness and especially in acute illness. For, I had repeatedly observed that the acutely sick animal refuses water. I had actually attempted to force side cows to drink by taking them to the water and sticking their noses in it. Sometimes a sick animal will take a sip or two of water, but it does not drink much or often.

I accepted the enema, especially as a measure to be employed during the fast, and employed it for the first five years of my practice. This is a great way of healing yourself with fasting. But I could not close my eyes to it's many evils and it's unpleasantness. Finally, I began to think the matter over. I recalled that fasting animals did not use enemas. If they do not need them, I asked, why do my fasting patients need them.

I began a search of fasting literature. I discovered that Jennings, Graham, Trall, Dewey, Tanner and others had not employed it in caring for their fasting patients. I was told that their patients would have recovered sooner had they employed the enema. In view of the known and admitted enervating effect of enemas, this did not seem reasonable.

How to heal yourself on your own with fasting

I still employed the enema. When I wrote Fundamentals as Nature Cure (1922) I advised the enema during the fast. When Dr. Claunch reviewed this book in Health First, he questioned the use of the enema. It is not a natural method, he pointed out. This was obvious. I decided to try omitting the enema during the fast. I did so cautiously at first, and for only short periods. Gradually I lengthened the periods between the enemas. Then, at the end of 1924, I discontinued their use.

Did I find that my patients required longer time in which to get well? Did I find that they developed symptoms of intestinal poisoning? No. I found they recovered in less time, that they are more comfortable without than with the enema, and that bowel function after the fast is much more efficient if enemas have not been used.

If the fast has not been long, the first movement is often very foul. But this foulness never gets into the blood stream as is popularly believed. I once cared for a man who had used enemas so long they no longer induced bowel movements. He would take an enema one morning and expel the water the following morning. There was never any evidence that any of this water was absorbed. There were no symptoms of poisoning. There was no decrease in the sense of thirst. There was no increase in urination. The amount of water expelled the following morning was the same as that injected the morning before. If toxins are absorbed from the colon they would certainly be more readily and more abundantly absorbed when the feces are liquified, as in the above case, than when the feces are in semi-solid form. There is no more reason why the colon should (or does) absorb fecal matter held in it for some time than there is why the bladder should absorb urine held in it for hours before being voided.

The facts revealed by the study of the bears show that the fasting body is capable of breaking up (digesting) all germs, viruses and parasites, visible and invisible and using them as food. It is fully capable of protecting itself.

Observations of nature, both in the wild state, in the domestic state and in human beings are sufficient to show beyond doubt that the enema is not a necessary or a helpful expedient. Despite all the propaganda that has been employed to popularize the enema and all the claims that have been made for it, the enema is an evil.

Herbert M. Shelton

You will not hear this information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in it.

How to heal yourself on your own online 4

How to heal yourself on your own online 4

How to heal yourself on your own with fasting

Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.

One of the best ways to get well on your own is by fasting. One doctor who was well known for his fasting of clients was Dr. Herbert M. Sheldon. In his lifetime he fasted over 40 patients. What fasting does it, it allows the body rest and with this physiological resting, your body and start to heal and repair itself. When you fast, you are also not adding toxins to your body. By constantly adding toxins, your body can not get rid of the excess that it has already accumulated. For example, if you gave more work to the workers than what they can cope with, they will get exhaust. Their work will slow down and if it's long enough, they will collapse. The same is true of your body. This is a good way to heal yourself naturally. It's also a good way to heal yourself fast.

When a dog or other animal is sick, it naturally does not want to eat. It might eat something that makes them vomit. They don't know why they do it, of course, but it is instinct. And when they do it, they throw off toxins that are or could be the cause of their sickness.

If you remember when you were a child and yo were sick you did not want to eat. But your mother made you eat – thinking that it was good for you. It is natural and it is good that you don't eat when you are sick. Most people lose their appetites. We should listen to our bodies and not eat but to go on a fast so your body can heal itself.

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Sunday, 26 February 2017

This is not what made America great

THIS IS NOT WHAT MADE AMERICA GREAT http://ChristianIdentityChruch.wordpress.com
You often hear, “This is not what made America great.” The people who say this don't know what made America great. You have to read the laws that we had 100 years ago, 200 years and even during Colonial America to get any idea of what made America great. We have to do this again.

How to Receive Healing from the Comfort of Your Own Home

  Do you need healing from a disease, condition or emotional problem? Is finding someone who can show you how to heal naturally difficult fa...