How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online With Fasting 5
Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.
When I first read an
article on fasting (back in 1911), I had been previously prepared to
accept fasting by having seen many sick animals fast. I was not
prepared to accept the supposed need for lots of water drinking in
sickness and especially in acute illness. For, I had repeatedly
observed that the acutely sick animal refuses water. I had actually
attempted to force side cows to drink by taking them to the water and
sticking their noses in it. Sometimes a sick animal will take a sip
or two of water, but it does not drink much or often.
I accepted the enema,
especially as a measure to be employed during the fast, and employed
it for the first five years of my practice. This is a great way of
healing yourself with fasting. But I could not close my eyes to it's
many evils and it's unpleasantness. Finally, I began to think the
matter over. I recalled that fasting animals did not use enemas.
If they do not need them, I asked, why do my fasting patients need
I began a search of
fasting literature. I discovered that Jennings, Graham, Trall, Dewey,
Tanner and others had not employed it in caring for their fasting
patients. I was told that their patients would have recovered sooner
had they employed the enema. In view of the known and admitted
enervating effect of enemas, this did not seem reasonable.
How to heal yourself on your own with fasting
I still employed the
enema. When I wrote Fundamentals as Nature Cure (1922) I advised the
enema during the fast. When Dr. Claunch reviewed this book in Health
First, he questioned the use of the enema. It is not a natural
method, he pointed out. This was obvious. I decided to try omitting
the enema during the fast. I did so cautiously at first, and for only
short periods. Gradually I lengthened the periods between the enemas.
Then, at the end of 1924, I discontinued their use.
Did I find that my
patients required longer time in which to get well? Did I find that
they developed symptoms of intestinal poisoning? No. I found they
recovered in less time, that they are more comfortable without than
with the enema, and that bowel function after the fast is much more
efficient if enemas have not been used.
If the fast has not
been long, the first movement is often very foul. But this foulness
never gets into the blood stream as is popularly believed. I once
cared for a man who had used enemas so long they no longer induced
bowel movements. He would take an enema one morning and expel the
water the following morning. There was never any evidence that any of
this water was absorbed. There were no symptoms of poisoning. There
was no decrease in the sense of thirst. There was no increase in
urination. The amount of water expelled the following morning was the
same as that injected the morning before. If toxins are absorbed from
the colon they would certainly be more readily and more abundantly
absorbed when the feces are liquified, as in the above case, than
when the feces are in semi-solid form. There is no more reason why
the colon should (or does) absorb fecal matter held in it for some
time than there is why the bladder should absorb urine held in it for
hours before being voided.
The facts revealed by
the study of the bears show that the fasting body is capable of
breaking up (digesting) all germs, viruses and parasites, visible and
invisible and using them as food. It is fully capable of protecting
Observations of nature,
both in the wild state, in the domestic state and in human beings are
sufficient to show beyond doubt that the enema is not a necessary or
a helpful expedient. Despite all the propaganda that has been
employed to popularize the enema and all the claims that have been
made for it, the enema is an evil.
Herbert M. Shelton
You will not hear this
information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in
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