Saturday, 25 February 2017

God's Solution For Poverty Part 2

God's Solution For Poverty Part 2

I had notice that there are only 3,660 results in Google when you search for the words: “God's solution for poverty.” When I look at the first page results I see low numbers in the “views.” The years when these videos were made and the views are (just to give you a couple):

Year Views
3 4,563
2 44
2 82
5 757

This is really sad with such low numbers and how long the videos have been posted. I don't expect my video will do much better either – maybe worse. You would think that there will be millions of results and millions of views with the rising number of poor people – especially in industrial nations. But I guess that is to be expect considering most people are not real Christians. I know many call themselves Christians but know very little of the Bible.

As mentioned in a previous Post I dare say that most of the other videos talk on how to get wealthy on an individual level. Now, this so-call “Wealth and Property” movement by these Baal priest/televangelists, I have nothing to do with them. What they want is YOUR MONEY but they hope you part with it by saying that you'll get money in return. This is not what the Bible says.

I guess that it doesn't enter into a person's mind, even a Christian, that Yahweh God has a solution for eliminating poverty (for the most part), so that is why they don't do Searches with “God's solution for poverty.” It's sad but true.

Yes, I know that there are those who are just lazy or a drug addicted that will never raise themselves up economically but aside from there, there is a national solution for poverty.

If politicians are really interested in helping the poor people, what they should do is, to have their government get back to an economy where money is created by the government and it is issued into circulation without a debt. And to outlaw interest or usury in any form.

Well, despite the low number of views that I get and followers it's better to put the truth out there regardless. “It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” Only when things really get bad will the people wake up.

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