How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 6
How to heal yourself on
your own with fasting
Here is another way to
heal yourself on your own and online.
How Far Is Too Far?
Herbert M. Shelton
On the next and
succeeding pages we are presenting an article from the last four
chapters of Forty Years in the Wilderness of Pills and Powders, by
Dr. William A Alcott, first published in 1859. In this will be
found a brief biographical sketch of the life and activities of Dr.
Isaac Jennings. The story as given therein, about Dr. Jennings'
desertion of the drugging practice and his adoption of what he called
the "no-medicine plan" of caring for the sick, is all too
brief, but enough quotations from other medical men of the period and
enough facts about the practices of many of them are recounted to
demonstrate the fact that there was much skepticism among medical men
of that time. That there was more skepticism of the value of drugs in
treating the sick among the professionals than among the laity is
quite evident from the manner in which Dr. Jennings' former patients
treated him when he revealed the secret of his unparalleled success.
It will be noted,
however, that he did not receive understanding treatment from his
medical brethren. Instead of eagerly grasping the truth he had
unfolded to them and using these in caring for their patients, they
appealed to the ignorance, prejudices, and fears of his patients in
order to discredit him. A few physicians agreed with him in part but
they were unwilling or unable to go all the way. They were willing to
admit that too many drugs were often given, but unwilling to concede
that no drugs at all was the ideal. Their most common complaint
against Jennings was that he went "too far. "
In the preface of his
second book The Philosophy of Human Life (1852), Jennings
briefly discusses this objection in the following words:
"'You go too far.
We have all been on one extreme, have given too much medicine, and
have not trusted sufficiently to the curative efforts of nature. But
you have gone over to the other extreme.'
"Very well; there
are but two extremes the extreme of right, and the extreme of wrong;
and who would not prefer standing on one of these extremes to
occupying a position about halfway between them? Fundamental truth
and fundamental error, as general principles, are the extremes here
referred to.
"It may be true
under given circumstances, that no medicine on one hand, and much
medicine on the other are extremes, and that moderate medication is
'the golden, happy medium,' but that is not the great fundamental
question now pending. The first and main point to be settled is this:
Is man so constituted in his structural arrangement, the organic and
functional laws of his system, the nature, mode of supply,
application and operation of the principle of life, that when he is
prostrate under what is called disease, his restoration to health can
be secured by the agency of medicine, as a general rule, founded on a
general principle in pathology, such as wrong action, wrong tendency,
or the like?
"That medicine has
been pushed to one extreme is quite certain, and that this extreme
lies in the domain of delusion and error, there is good reason for
Whether the other
extreme of no medicine presents the truth as a general truth, remains
to be elucidated and confirmed. One thing however is clear:
Physicians must find a 'solid bottom' somewhere before they can
establish a just and reliable system of practice. And this foundation
must be laid in a thorough and correct knowledge of general
pathology. Physicians must understand the true nature and tendency of
that state of the vital organism which is denominated disease."
Dr. Trall repeated over
and over again that "truth never lies between two extremes. It
is always one extreme or the other. " In the foregoing quotation
from Dr. Jenning's work he substantially agrees with Trall. At one
extreme he places good, at the other extreme he places evil. At what
point between these two extremes can one find a desirable place to
stand? In like manner at one extreme he places heavy drugging, at the
other extreme, no drugging. At what point between these two extremes
can one find a point on which to rest a practice of moderate
drugging? Either drugs are useful or they are not; they either heal
or they don't; they either do mischief, or they do good. There is no
middle ground.
You will not hear this
information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in
Continuing in his
discussion, Jennings says: "It will be the object of the
following pages, in a plain familiar way, under a variety of aspects,
by deductions from the Science of Physiology and reference to facts
and the laws and analogies of nature, to show the unity of human
physical life; that its tendency is always upward towards the highest
point of health, in the lowest as well as in the highest state of
vital funds; that what is called disease is nothing more nor less
than impaired health, feeble vitality; that recovery from this state
is effected, when effected at all, by a restorative principle,
identical with life itself, susceptible of aid only from proper
attention to air, diet, motion, and rest, affections of the mind,
regulation of the temperature, &c., with occasional aid from what
may justly be denominated surgical operations and appliances; and
that medicine has no adaptation nor tendency to 'help nature' in her
restorative work."
A proper recognition of
the unity of organic life leads inevitably to the conclusion that
what the body does not need and cannot use in health is equally
unneeded and unusable in disease. For example, a drug that was as
popular when Jennings wrote, as penicillin is today and was used in
as wide a variety of diseases as the latter drug, is mercury. Mercury
is not a constituent of any of the fluids and tissues of the body and
is not usable in the performance of any of the body's functions. It
is equally as unusable in a state of illness as in health. The
recognition of the unity of life led equally inevitably to a
recognition of the fact that only those things that are useful in
health can be useful in disease. The proper care of the sick organism
is, therefore, not a collection of treatments with adventitious and
exotic substances, but the adjustment of the normal means of life to
the needs and capacities of the sick. These needs and means are
Hygienic, not therapeutic.
Further continuing his
explanation, Jennings says: "An assumption that disease is
antagonistic to health, involving some quality or property that tends
to the destruction of life, something that must be counteracted by
nature or art, or both, or life will be the forfeit. On this
foundation, the whole fabric of Medicine in all its multitudinous
forms, has ever rested. As often as new systems have been erected on
the ruins of old ones, they have been reared on this unstable
foundation as their common basis. Indeed, the correctness of this
assumption seems never to have been called in question, and the
difficulties that have constantly obstructed the course, and
frustrated the designs of physicians, in their endeavors to raise
'therapeutics' from 'its merest infancy,' or drag it from 'the domain
of empiricism,' have been sought for in all other sources, while
this, the true source of all their embarrassment, has remained
unsuspected. "
Herbert M. Shelton
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