How To Heal Yourself Online During a Lock Down
Since the whole world
had to go on a lock down, there are many people who are getting ill.
There are several reasons why this is so, including:
- afraid of going to hospital because of COVID-19
- getting COVID-19 at home
- getting stress, depression and anxiety
- not eating right
- not getting sunlight
- not getting exercise
Let me address each one
of these topics.
If you want to learn
more about this, I suggest you go to: and
They both deal with the coronavirus. This should take any fear you
may have of catching coronavirus.
Emotional upset
Being locked in your
own home, can cause stress and worry about the future. There is a
cure for all of this but that would take a book to cover. To make it
short, if you have any negative emotions such as: stress, depression,
fear, etc., I highly suggest that you look into Emotional Freedom
Technique (EFT). I am a trained EFT therapist and this can be done by
me through the internet. If you are interested, you can contact me at
this blog address for more information. (See the payment button on the right side of this article.) In the meantime, I have plenty of information on EFT; just do a search with those letters on this blog or type out "Emotional Freedom Technique."
Eating right
Eating right is what
this blog is all about and you can do this from home, of course.
Hopefully, there is enough fresh food on the market for you to buy.
With summer approaching there will be more produce. If you have a
little plot of land, grow what you can. For the long winter, make
sure you have enough root vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes,
to take you through the winter. If you are Russian and are reading
this, you know that many of your countrymen know about putting
Make sure you get
exercise each day. Even if you can't go outside, there are stretching
exercise, climbing the stairs or walking in your back yard. There is
isometric exercises that are very good. Do a search if you are not
familiar with isometrics.
Make sure you get at
least 15 minutes of sunlight each day, 30 minutes is better. If you
live in the far north and don't get much during the winter, make
sure you go outside when the Sun is out. It doesn't matter how cold
it is, the Sun will still help you and strengthen your bones. Do a
search to see the benefits of sunlight.
All the above is about
healing yourself online.
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