Monday, 27 February 2017

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 7

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 7

How to heal yourself online with fasting
Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.
Hygiene Consciousness Needed

by Herbert M. Sheldon

A number of years ago Simon Gould went to Florida (from New York) and underwent a fast of about twenty days. I believe he fasted at Dr. Esser's Hygienic Health Ranch in Lake Worth, Florida. Several days after the fast was broken and, while the experience was still fresh in his mind, he wrote me urging me to proclaim in the Review that fasting is Hygiene and that all else is merely an adjunct. I had run into this idea many times before; I have encountered it many times since. The idea that some one factor of Hygiene is Hygiene does not always cluster around the fast. Sometimes the thought is expressed that diet is Hygiene, at other times the opinion is voiced that happiness is Hygiene, or that physical exercise is Hygiene.

You will not hear this information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in it.

A recent example of the idea that fasting is Hygiene was carried in the Hygienews, March, 1973 under the heading "Some of the Instructors Teaching at the Convention," where we were told the names of the following speakers and informed that they conducted fasts: "Dr. Keki R. Sidhwa of England, Director of his own fasting institution; Dr. William L. Esser, practitioner of Lake Worth, Florida, who has been conducting fasting for over 35 years; Dr. D. J. Scott, practitioner of Cleveland, Ohio, with over twenty-five years of experience in the science of fasting people for the recovery of innumerable ailments; . . . Dr. J. M. Brosious, St. Petersburg, Florida, who has supervised fasting for the recovery of health since 1942 . . . . The informed Hygienist will know that people do not fast for the "recovery of illness." Who wants to recover illness, anyhow?

I doubt very much that the writer of the foregoing item about the convention speakers intended to convey to the readers of Hygienews the idea that fasting and Hygiene are synonymous terms, but this is precisely the idea that is conveyed by the language used. Each of the men named wants to be known as a Hygienist and wants his institution known as a Hygienic institution, not as a mere fasting place. By putting all the emphasis on fasting and excluding all mention of Hygiene and the other Hygienic factors, readers cannot but get the idea that fasting is Hygiene—diet, exercise, and other Hygienic factors are mere adjuncts.

How to heal yourself online is easier than you think.

The fast is an essential factor element in a total plan of life that, in its wholeness constitutes the only valid means of restoring, as it is the only valid means of preserving health. The whole plan of life constitutes Hygiene. What we have just said of the fast may be said, and indeed we do say it, of every other Hygienic factor. For example, we may say that exercise is an essenial factor element in a total plan of life, that in its wholeness constitutes the only valid means of restoring, as it is the only valid means of preserving health.

It may be understandable that food is the element of Natural Hygiene that has the strongest appeal to the neophyte in Hygiene and that he is inclined to think primarily of this subject when he thinks of Hygiene. Unless he or she is young and athletically inclined the importance of exercise is likely to be overlooked, as is also sunshine, if there is a strong inclination towards prudishnss. Rest and sleep are factors that may not receive due consideration, especially by the young. A realization of individual responsibility is also difficult in people who have been taught, from infancy up, to depend on the physician and his bag of tricks. They are likely to want somebody to do for them what they can do for themselves and no one else can.

An urgent heed among Hygienists is that of developing Hygiene consciousness. We need to learn to think of Hygiene as an integrated whole, each factor of which is correlated with every other factor and cease to think of Hygiene in terms of particular fragments. When a Hygienic practitioner or Hygienic establishment is mentioned we need to be able to think of Hygiene in its wholeness and not think of the institution as a fasting place or the practitioner as one who conducts fasts. Not everyone who goes to a Hygienic institution is given a fast, but everyone eats, rests, exercises and seeks to acquire emotional poise. Fasting is conducted in many places that are not Hygienic. A place is not Hygienic merely because fasts are conducted therein. To label Hygienic institutions as fasting places will inevitably lead to the confused idea that fasting places- are Hygienic institutions. Hygienists, of all people, should avoid this mistake. We should begin today to develop a deeper and broader understanding of the Hygienic System; we (should learn to think of Hygiene as bionomy and not as a mere program of fasting. Each factor element in nature's grand system of Hygiene should be given its proper place in the integrated whole and thought of as of equal importance with every other factor, not merely as something that is an adjunct to the fast but as an essential integer within a vital synthesis. It is also important that we learn to think of Hygiene as a means of keeping well and not merely as a means of getting well. It is in its role as a preserver of health that it assumes highest importance. It performs no function in the work of restoration that is different from the work it performs in the work of preserving health.

Herbert M. Shelton

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 6

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online 6

How to heal yourself on your own with fasting
Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.

How Far Is Too Far?

Herbert M. Shelton

On the next and succeeding pages we are presenting an article from the last four chapters of Forty Years in the Wilderness of Pills and Powders, by Dr. William A Alcott, first published in 1859. In this will be found a brief biographical sketch of the life and activities of Dr. Isaac Jennings. The story as given therein, about Dr. Jennings' desertion of the drugging practice and his adoption of what he called the "no-medicine plan" of caring for the sick, is all too brief, but enough quotations from other medical men of the period and enough facts about the practices of many of them are recounted to demonstrate the fact that there was much skepticism among medical men of that time. That there was more skepticism of the value of drugs in treating the sick among the professionals than among the laity is quite evident from the manner in which Dr. Jennings' former patients treated him when he revealed the secret of his unparalleled success.

It will be noted, however, that he did not receive understanding treatment from his medical brethren. Instead of eagerly grasping the truth he had unfolded to them and using these in caring for their patients, they appealed to the ignorance, prejudices, and fears of his patients in order to discredit him. A few physicians agreed with him in part but they were unwilling or unable to go all the way. They were willing to admit that too many drugs were often given, but unwilling to concede that no drugs at all was the ideal. Their most common complaint against Jennings was that he went "too far. "

In the preface of his second book The Philosophy of Human Life (1852), Jennings briefly discusses this objection in the following words:

"'You go too far. We have all been on one extreme, have given too much medicine, and have not trusted sufficiently to the curative efforts of nature. But you have gone over to the other extreme.'

"Very well; there are but two extremes the extreme of right, and the extreme of wrong; and who would not prefer standing on one of these extremes to occupying a position about halfway between them? Fundamental truth and fundamental error, as general principles, are the extremes here referred to.

"It may be true under given circumstances, that no medicine on one hand, and much medicine on the other are extremes, and that moderate medication is 'the golden, happy medium,' but that is not the great fundamental question now pending. The first and main point to be settled is this: Is man so constituted in his structural arrangement, the organic and functional laws of his system, the nature, mode of supply, application and operation of the principle of life, that when he is prostrate under what is called disease, his restoration to health can be secured by the agency of medicine, as a general rule, founded on a general principle in pathology, such as wrong action, wrong tendency, or the like?

"That medicine has been pushed to one extreme is quite certain, and that this extreme lies in the domain of delusion and error, there is good reason for believing.

Whether the other extreme of no medicine presents the truth as a general truth, remains to be elucidated and confirmed. One thing however is clear: Physicians must find a 'solid bottom' somewhere before they can establish a just and reliable system of practice. And this foundation must be laid in a thorough and correct knowledge of general pathology. Physicians must understand the true nature and tendency of that state of the vital organism which is denominated disease."

Dr. Trall repeated over and over again that "truth never lies between two extremes. It is always one extreme or the other. " In the foregoing quotation from Dr. Jenning's work he substantially agrees with Trall. At one extreme he places good, at the other extreme he places evil. At what point between these two extremes can one find a desirable place to stand? In like manner at one extreme he places heavy drugging, at the other extreme, no drugging. At what point between these two extremes can one find a point on which to rest a practice of moderate drugging? Either drugs are useful or they are not; they either heal or they don't; they either do mischief, or they do good. There is no middle ground.

You will not hear this information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in it.

Continuing in his discussion, Jennings says: "It will be the object of the following pages, in a plain familiar way, under a variety of aspects, by deductions from the Science of Physiology and reference to facts and the laws and analogies of nature, to show the unity of human physical life; that its tendency is always upward towards the highest point of health, in the lowest as well as in the highest state of vital funds; that what is called disease is nothing more nor less than impaired health, feeble vitality; that recovery from this state is effected, when effected at all, by a restorative principle, identical with life itself, susceptible of aid only from proper attention to air, diet, motion, and rest, affections of the mind, regulation of the temperature, &c., with occasional aid from what may justly be denominated surgical operations and appliances; and that medicine has no adaptation nor tendency to 'help nature' in her restorative work."

A proper recognition of the unity of organic life leads inevitably to the conclusion that what the body does not need and cannot use in health is equally unneeded and unusable in disease. For example, a drug that was as popular when Jennings wrote, as penicillin is today and was used in as wide a variety of diseases as the latter drug, is mercury. Mercury is not a constituent of any of the fluids and tissues of the body and is not usable in the performance of any of the body's functions. It is equally as unusable in a state of illness as in health. The recognition of the unity of life led equally inevitably to a recognition of the fact that only those things that are useful in health can be useful in disease. The proper care of the sick organism is, therefore, not a collection of treatments with adventitious and exotic substances, but the adjustment of the normal means of life to the needs and capacities of the sick. These needs and means are Hygienic, not therapeutic.

Further continuing his explanation, Jennings says: "An assumption that disease is antagonistic to health, involving some quality or property that tends to the destruction of life, something that must be counteracted by nature or art, or both, or life will be the forfeit. On this foundation, the whole fabric of Medicine in all its multitudinous forms, has ever rested. As often as new systems have been erected on the ruins of old ones, they have been reared on this unstable foundation as their common basis. Indeed, the correctness of this assumption seems never to have been called in question, and the difficulties that have constantly obstructed the course, and frustrated the designs of physicians, in their endeavors to raise 'therapeutics' from 'its merest infancy,' or drag it from 'the domain of empiricism,' have been sought for in all other sources, while this, the true source of all their embarrassment, has remained unsuspected. "

Herbert M. Shelton

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online With Fasting 5

How To Heal Yourself On Your Own Online With Fasting 5

Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.

When I first read an article on fasting (back in 1911), I had been previously prepared to accept fasting by having seen many sick animals fast. I was not prepared to accept the supposed need for lots of water drinking in sickness and especially in acute illness. For, I had repeatedly observed that the acutely sick animal refuses water. I had actually attempted to force side cows to drink by taking them to the water and sticking their noses in it. Sometimes a sick animal will take a sip or two of water, but it does not drink much or often.

I accepted the enema, especially as a measure to be employed during the fast, and employed it for the first five years of my practice. This is a great way of healing yourself with fasting. But I could not close my eyes to it's many evils and it's unpleasantness. Finally, I began to think the matter over. I recalled that fasting animals did not use enemas. If they do not need them, I asked, why do my fasting patients need them.

I began a search of fasting literature. I discovered that Jennings, Graham, Trall, Dewey, Tanner and others had not employed it in caring for their fasting patients. I was told that their patients would have recovered sooner had they employed the enema. In view of the known and admitted enervating effect of enemas, this did not seem reasonable.

How to heal yourself on your own with fasting

I still employed the enema. When I wrote Fundamentals as Nature Cure (1922) I advised the enema during the fast. When Dr. Claunch reviewed this book in Health First, he questioned the use of the enema. It is not a natural method, he pointed out. This was obvious. I decided to try omitting the enema during the fast. I did so cautiously at first, and for only short periods. Gradually I lengthened the periods between the enemas. Then, at the end of 1924, I discontinued their use.

Did I find that my patients required longer time in which to get well? Did I find that they developed symptoms of intestinal poisoning? No. I found they recovered in less time, that they are more comfortable without than with the enema, and that bowel function after the fast is much more efficient if enemas have not been used.

If the fast has not been long, the first movement is often very foul. But this foulness never gets into the blood stream as is popularly believed. I once cared for a man who had used enemas so long they no longer induced bowel movements. He would take an enema one morning and expel the water the following morning. There was never any evidence that any of this water was absorbed. There were no symptoms of poisoning. There was no decrease in the sense of thirst. There was no increase in urination. The amount of water expelled the following morning was the same as that injected the morning before. If toxins are absorbed from the colon they would certainly be more readily and more abundantly absorbed when the feces are liquified, as in the above case, than when the feces are in semi-solid form. There is no more reason why the colon should (or does) absorb fecal matter held in it for some time than there is why the bladder should absorb urine held in it for hours before being voided.

The facts revealed by the study of the bears show that the fasting body is capable of breaking up (digesting) all germs, viruses and parasites, visible and invisible and using them as food. It is fully capable of protecting itself.

Observations of nature, both in the wild state, in the domestic state and in human beings are sufficient to show beyond doubt that the enema is not a necessary or a helpful expedient. Despite all the propaganda that has been employed to popularize the enema and all the claims that have been made for it, the enema is an evil.

Herbert M. Shelton

You will not hear this information on how to heal yourself online, as there is no profit in it.

How to heal yourself on your own online 4

How to heal yourself on your own online 4

How to heal yourself on your own with fasting

Here is another way to heal yourself on your own and online.

One of the best ways to get well on your own is by fasting. One doctor who was well known for his fasting of clients was Dr. Herbert M. Sheldon. In his lifetime he fasted over 40 patients. What fasting does it, it allows the body rest and with this physiological resting, your body and start to heal and repair itself. When you fast, you are also not adding toxins to your body. By constantly adding toxins, your body can not get rid of the excess that it has already accumulated. For example, if you gave more work to the workers than what they can cope with, they will get exhaust. Their work will slow down and if it's long enough, they will collapse. The same is true of your body. This is a good way to heal yourself naturally. It's also a good way to heal yourself fast.

When a dog or other animal is sick, it naturally does not want to eat. It might eat something that makes them vomit. They don't know why they do it, of course, but it is instinct. And when they do it, they throw off toxins that are or could be the cause of their sickness.

If you remember when you were a child and yo were sick you did not want to eat. But your mother made you eat – thinking that it was good for you. It is natural and it is good that you don't eat when you are sick. Most people lose their appetites. We should listen to our bodies and not eat but to go on a fast so your body can heal itself.

how to heal yourself
heal yourself
how to heal yourself online
how to heal yourse

Sunday, 26 February 2017

This is not what made America great

You often hear, “This is not what made America great.” The people who say this don't know what made America great. You have to read the laws that we had 100 years ago, 200 years and even during Colonial America to get any idea of what made America great. We have to do this again.

This Is Not What Made America Great

You often hear, “This
is not what made America great.” The people who say this don't know
what made America great. You have to read the laws that we had 100
years ago, 200 years and even during Colonial America to get any idea
of what made America great. We have to do this again.

Saturday, 25 February 2017

God's Solution for Poverty, part 3

God's Solution for Poverty, part 3

There is a solution for national poverty but you won't hear it because there are powerful people that make money from how the system is. If politicians were really doing any good, why has it that poverty has gone up? Today we have about 48 million people in poverty in America.

There are idiots rioting on the street are mostly the anti-Trump people. You'd think that they would be for employment, lower taxes and less government regulations. We don't know how good Trump will be as President but what he has done so far, in the first month in office, is more than what the past couple of Presidents have done. So, do these people really want change for the better? No, they just believe what they read in the newspapers and go out and riot.

The anti-Trump demonstrators welcome immigrants – including Muslims. Well, see how long they will welcome them when they are raped?

Unless Donald Trump can arrest the Bankers and call a cancellation of all debt, you can bet on one thing, and that is when he's in office, the debt will go up and up some more. In fact, the bubble will most like bust and he will be blamed for it. Maybe he was allowed to win so he'll be the “fall guy” and when he's out of office, they'll put someone in like Hillary Clinton. But that is when our troubles will really begin.

God's Solution For Poverty Part 2

God's Solution For Poverty Part 2

I had notice that there are only 3,660 results in Google when you search for the words: “God's solution for poverty.” When I look at the first page results I see low numbers in the “views.” The years when these videos were made and the views are (just to give you a couple):

Year Views
3 4,563
2 44
2 82
5 757

This is really sad with such low numbers and how long the videos have been posted. I don't expect my video will do much better either – maybe worse. You would think that there will be millions of results and millions of views with the rising number of poor people – especially in industrial nations. But I guess that is to be expect considering most people are not real Christians. I know many call themselves Christians but know very little of the Bible.

As mentioned in a previous Post I dare say that most of the other videos talk on how to get wealthy on an individual level. Now, this so-call “Wealth and Property” movement by these Baal priest/televangelists, I have nothing to do with them. What they want is YOUR MONEY but they hope you part with it by saying that you'll get money in return. This is not what the Bible says.

I guess that it doesn't enter into a person's mind, even a Christian, that Yahweh God has a solution for eliminating poverty (for the most part), so that is why they don't do Searches with “God's solution for poverty.” It's sad but true.

Yes, I know that there are those who are just lazy or a drug addicted that will never raise themselves up economically but aside from there, there is a national solution for poverty.

If politicians are really interested in helping the poor people, what they should do is, to have their government get back to an economy where money is created by the government and it is issued into circulation without a debt. And to outlaw interest or usury in any form.

Well, despite the low number of views that I get and followers it's better to put the truth out there regardless. “It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” Only when things really get bad will the people wake up.

God's Solution for Poverty

God's Solution for Poverty

When you do a search on this what you find out is that these other videos and articles by other people focus on individual poverty and not national. This video is the solution for poverty on a national level. When this is done, it automatically helps millions of people. Yes, individuals can still be in poverty but for the most part, it helps many more people at the same time. Thus, this part of God's law is more helpful.

I'm posting this again, as the first post was on YouTube (a Google company). Now, I'm posting this directly on blogspot. When it was posted via YouTube, I did not get any views on my blogspot. Now, I hope I will. In fact, I'm sure I will.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Bad Back Pain Gone in 30 Minutes

Do you have back pain?

Healing can be done online. So, if you would like to know how to heal yourself online, you've came to the right place.

Back Pain Healed With EFT

If you have back pain like Karen did, you can be healed with EFT

Stay tuned to this blog site to learn how you can be healed in no time. If you would like one-on-one help, just drop me a line and we can do this over Google Hangouts.

How to Heal Yourself Online

Craig will show you how to heal yourself online.

Welcome to How to Heal Yourself Online

Welcome to How to Heal Yourself Online

In this day and age where there are rising medical costs, poor care there is a need for alternative health advice. When you think of the rise in cancer, heart disease and diabetes, people start asking themselves, “Why am I having all this treatment? Isn't there something better?” Well there is and this is what How to Heal Yourself Online blog is all about.

Be sure to check back soon, as this blog is under construction. You will have the answers you are looking for.


How to Heal Yourself Online

How to Receive Healing from the Comfort of Your Own Home

  Do you need healing from a disease, condition or emotional problem? Is finding someone who can show you how to heal naturally difficult fa...