Saturday, 19 May 2018

How To Heal Cancer

How To Heal Cancer

This is probably the most important article on cancer you will ever read. Just recently I sat and interviewed a genius who has continued and expanded on Johanna Budwig’s work. I returned to my office to do some homework (research, reading, etc.) and finally, I fully understand what's going on, and I'm passing it on to you.

First there was Otto Warburg who was awarded the 1931 Nobel Prize for medicine for his describing the metabolism of a cancer cell. He stated that the cell suddenly became anaerobic (without oxygen) and required massive amounts of glucose (sugar) to metabolize in a form that could only be described as fermentation:

"The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic cell respiration." -- Otto Warburg

That is only the beginning.

The cell takes in glucose (sugar; cancer loves sugar) and gives off lactic acid which creates an acidic environment. Again, this is something that has been known for years. Cancer needs an acidic environment to flourish, and conversely, cannot survive in a balanced alkaline environment.

But again, this is still only the beginning. As Dr Garnett discovered in his research for Poly-MVA, there is an electrical connection to cancer too.

Chinese medicine for centuries (some 4 to 6 thousand years ago) has described the life force as energy. They mapped the meridian system that was re-mapped in 1994 by conventional medicine (using high-tech instruments that measured the tiniest amount of electricity). Along these meridians travels our life force: Chi (Qi) according to the Chinese, though we can call it energy.

As an aside, in 1968 it was discovered that living cells produce light. The amount of light determines the health of the cell. The brighter the light, the healthier the cell. Interesting stuff, eh?

In the fifties, Johanna Budwig added her two cents to the cancer equation. She said that in normal, healthy cells "we find a dipolarity between the electrically positive nucleus and the electrically negative cell membrane with its highly unsaturated fatty acid."

She goes on to state that, "Electrons have a great affinity for oxygen—they love it. They attract oxygen and stimulate our breathing…." By "breathing" she’s referring to the breath of life in each living cell.

Now we have the picture of the healthy cell, a cell that will grow, thrive, and replicate in a normal manner. Budwig then goes on to describe the formation of cancer by first describing the changes to the cell membrane.

The cell membrane consists of lipids, or fats. The highly unsaturated fatty acid she refers to are called omega-3 fatty acids. These are related to the "fish oils" that even conventional medicine has picked up on. You won’t find a drug store in America that doesn’t have a row of fish oils on sale. These oils are also found in other foods (as we will show you below), but mostly in flax.

Another lipid in a cell wall is cholesterol. And you thought it was a terrible thing. The cholesterol in each one of your cells forms a "hydrophobic" bond within the cell wall. Hydrophobic means "fear of water." It’s a cute way to describe this function of our cells, but in our lives it simply describes the reason we don’t melt in a rainstorm or fall apart when we take a shower or bath. Our cells resist water. Without this resistance, we would be water-soluble and we'd all dissolve in a rainstorm.

Our diets in this country (and in Budwig’s country at the time) lack these highly unsaturated fatty acids and contain an excess of man made oils known as trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils). These oils are very much like cholesterol and our bodies cannot tell the difference. These oils get into our cell walls and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells start to suffocate. Without the oxygen, the only way the cell can replicate is anaerobically. (They also are very tough oils and have a 20-year shelf life. They impede the process of cellular exchange, or letting nutrition in and letting wastes out. Trans fats are also responsible for Type II diabetes, since insulin is a very large molecule it has a difficult time passing through a cell wall created with man made fats and not cholesterol.)

Do you see what’s happening?

Let’s take a minute to look at our diets. I once went to the store with a naturopath who took along an instrument that measured very small amounts of electricity. It was so sensitive that before we went he measured the charges along my meridians and acupuncture points.

In the store, he measured the energy inside various foods. Yes, everything has energy and the better the food, the more the energy. He showed me that organic vegetables contained more energy than conventionally grown foods. When we got outside, he opened a few cans of vegetables we’d picked up. The beans and tomatoes (both canned) had more energy than the asparagus and canned fruits (which were nearly dead). He said that tomatoes and beans are the only vegetables to buy canned.

Life is electrical. To the Oriental physician, disease begins with a blockage or disruption in energy flow. In this country, disease begins with symptoms. The blockage or disruption in energy flow is about 7 or 8 steps before symptoms. So, as you can guess, preventative medicine is practiced in the Orient, and not here in our western, conventional medicine.

Back to our little cancer cell and Dr Budwig: she states there are many reasons for a cell to lose its charge, but peanut butter is a very common one. Can you believe it? Something as simple as peanut butter causing your cancer? Most peanut butters are hydrogenated. Why? To keep from separating. Go look at your natural peanut butters. Many are kept in the refrigerator section because that is how they keep them from separating.

By the way, she also went on to describe some of the collateral damage from chemotherapy: she said that chemotherapy causes this loss of energy in healthy cells too; that chemotherapy and radiation destroyed the normal energy flow in healthy cells making them ripe for cancer. She attacked the cancer industry for killing the cancer when they should focus on healing the healthier cells so they could over grow the cancer cells. In other words, take care of the healthy cells and the cancer will take care of itself.

A little aside here: as a writer, I must be responsible for all I write. If I make a claim that the National Cancer Institute buried hydrazine sulfate by killing off the cancer patients in a study, then I’d better be able to back this up. We have laws in this country. We are not free to lie about a business and in doing so cause them monetary damage. If you pass on a chain letter that libels a specific company, you are guilty of libel and can be prosecuted (there’s a case already on record). So, anything I say at my web site or here in these newsletters had better be backed up with facts or I can be sued. This is what happened to Dr Budwig when she attacked the cancer industry. She attacked them thusly: "It is not correct to regard the problem of tumors simply as a problem of too much growth and thereby to instigate all manners and means of growth inhibiting treatments…."

The Central Committee for Cancer Research that was studying and creating these chemotoxic drugs didn’t like this woman running around making these statements that surely injured their industry and so they sued her in court for libel: for telling lies and hurting the wonderful people making these wonderful drugs.

In court, the judge, after having reviewed the evidence from both sides, pulled the cancer research people aside and told them not to take on this woman. The court records quote the presiding judge: "Doctor Budwig’s documents and papers are conclusive. There would be a scandal in the scientific worlds, because the public would certainly support Doctor Budwig."

Do you understand the import of this? This woman had a documented method for healing cancer and the medical community did not. They could kill cancer cells, but they couldn’t cure it. Budwig could help heal cancer by diet alone.

Now the real sad part is, science has known the cancer/fat connection for years. Years prior to Budwig’s research they knew there was something in the fat. Years after her initial work we know that a high fat diet can lead to cancer. We also know that the Mediterranean diet is 60% fat, but they have a very low incidence of cancer. So we know that not all fats are the same. The Mediterranean diet is high in olive oil.

And now, you know about highly unsaturated fatty acids, commonly referred to as omega-3 fatty acids. They are also called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). They are called essential not because they are optional. They are not optional. They are essential to health because the body cannot make them itself.

And though they have been essential to health since the beginning of time, it is only recently that a group of international experts gathered at The National Institute of Health in Washington, D.C. to discuss the importance of Omega 3 fatty acids to human health. They came up with a recommendation for AI (Adequate Intake) of 2.2 grams of LNA (Alpha Linolenic Acid, the EFA found in flax, fish, olive, and other oils). AI is different from the RDA (Required Daily Allowance) which is determined by our government. Many nutritionists feel that the RDAs, as established, are just enough to keep us all on the verge of illness.

How can we get this requirement into our diet?

Many people take flax oil pills or brave a spoonful of the oil itself. Apparently, this is not the best or most effective way to take flax oil. Taking flax oil creates an acidic environment. Next, flax oil alone is missing all the co-factors to potentiate its benefits: magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, etc. Co-factors are those things that help something to work. Vitamin C is not ascorbic acid; vitamin C is ascorbic acid with the co-factors bioflavanoids, copper, and calcium.

And finally, taking flax oil capsules is not the best way to take it because the oils are not "body-compatible:" water-soluble and bio-available. They will not be stored in the body as well as if they were water-soluble. The health benefits that are potentially received via fatty acid metabolism will be limited or absent without the conversion to water-solubility.

Johanna Budwig solved this problem with her simple recipe that made the oils water-soluble: three tablespoons of flax oil to a third of a cup of cottage cheese. It tastes terrible, but I’ve experimented with this recipe and added all sorts of good stuff to make it even better.

In this form, mixed with the sulfured protein, the oil becomes water-soluble. Now the oils will stay with your body. They will bring the charge back into each cell. Healthy cells will flourish and unhealthy cells will starve. The oxygenated healthy non-acidic environment will, as Budwig points out in her lectures, knock out the cancer cells.

Can we get these oils from our foods? Yes, but to get 2.2 grams of LNA, you would have to eat….

2.5 cups of Wheat Germ

40 cups of Alfalfa Sprouts

9 cups of Mixed Nuts and Peanuts

157 slices of Whole Wheat Bread

1/3 cup English Walnuts

56 Big Apples

3.5 cups Tuna Salad

51 Eggs (6 Free-Range Eggs!)

7.75 quarts Milk 2%

244 Tomatoes

56 Granola Bars

72 Canned Sardines

81 cups Frosted Mini Wheats

So, as you can see, it's going to be difficult to get your daily requirements from your diet alone. And here I have a very special surprise for you.

I interviewed the man who has continued on Johanna Budwig's work, here in Minnesota. Omega-3 fatty acids (EFAs) have a long history here in Minnesota. They were first discovered at the University of Minnesota in the late twenties, and some 20 years later were named "Omega"-3 fatty acids.

His name is Stan Mann, and he has not only discovered a process for stabilizing milled flax seed (it normally goes rancid in just fifteen minutes), he's created a product from this process that adds rice bran, many other nutritional co-factors to aid in fatty acid metabolism such as magnesium B6, B12, Vit C, Vit E, zinc, and others. Even greater amounts of antioxidant spectrums are added to help control the living fire that is created when your cells are suddenly hit with this "super" oxidative nutrition (Additionally, when cells find super nutrition, they dump their toxins immediately and without antioxidants to help clean up, you could get sick and feel terribly rotten from this process).

Working with the University Scientists, Stan has also helped to create a blood test that will measure how your body is storing these essential fats in addition to or in place of unhealthy fats. They've even trademarked one blood test whose results are called the Inflammation Index. It actually measures the body’s potential to produce inflammation.

Inflammation should interest all of you, since the medical news lately, as well as television commercials, are hot with Cox2 inhibiting anti-inflammatory drugs like Celebrex or Vioxx. Next time you see their ad on TV, pay attention to the side effects. Science cannot inhibit the Cox2 without side effects. Your NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aspirin or Motrin) all have terrible side effects and if you use them over a period of time you WILL feel the effects, because they are not just "side" effects, they ARE the effects of these drugs.

You see, when you inhibit the Cox2 enzyme using NSAIDS this same process inhibits Cox1 production and hence all prostaglandin production, even those prostaglandins that are protecting the stomach lining and kidney function. This produces the side effects.

This was supposed to be fixed with the new Cox2 inhibitors that do not inhibit Cox1 production, but sadly, look at the side effects.

Let's go back a bit here to Johanna Budwig. There is a book available by her called: Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, and Other Diseases. I used this book to help write this article. Now I want you to note that she aims at three disorders: heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Yes, there are the other diseases (like behavioral disorders: ADD, ADHD, and a host of others), but note the arthritis. This is just one more connection between her work and Stan Mann's work. With continued intake of water-soluble omega-3 fatty acids, your Inflammation Index drops and you need less and less NSAIDS or Cox2 inhibitors; the EFAs increase the effectiveness of NSAIDs and Cox2 inhibitors, but reduce their damaging side effects. This was proven by the good Dr Budwig, and Stan, with his new product, Omegasentials™; he's taken it all one step further creating a product that is easily taken daily (you can put it on your cereal, in your yogurt, or in your morning breakfast juice). His company is also about to print an educational book that provides recipe ideas for all kinds of ways to incorporate the valuable supplement in your normal dietary habits like cookies, breads, muffins, salads, etc.

Let me tell you right now, in all my years of researching cancer, Omegasentials™ is the single most exciting product I have found to date. Johanna Budwig, in her life time, according to Stan Mann's research, had a better success rate against cancer than any therapy to date. We know she helped cancer patients more than her chemotherapy counterparts at the time. The German judicial system helped to demonstrate that.

This new product, Omegasentials™, takes Budwig's work a step further. Mix it with water and you'll see that it is already water-soluble. The oils do not rise to the top. It contains all the co-factors that potentiate (make work better) the action of omega-3 fatty acids, and they add the antioxidants needed to help control the healing oxidative energy created by bringing healthy oils into the body (not to mention cleaning up dead cancer cells).

As an added bonus, they include fish oils to the formula. Stan Mann happens to be a vegan. Vegans do not eat fish products. However, he felt so strongly about how our bodies need the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid; important for maintaining the fluidity and function of cell membranes, particularly in the retina and the brain) from fish oils, that he felt he had to include it in this product. Why? Because the average American either drinks too much caffeine, alcohol, or smokes too much and uses up their stores of DHA. Even those of us who don't smoke take in enough second hand smoke that depletes our DHA.

DHA, when stored in your body, fights depression. It is theorized that Postpartum Depression is caused by the developing fetus, who needs DHA for brain development, during the last stages of pregnancy, pulls all the DHA from the mother (there usually isn't all that much to begin with since our diets are so poor) leaving her bereft of DHA, hence the massive depression after giving birth. Increase the stores of DHA and you help prevent that depression and possibly get off your Prozac or whatever other drug that's helping you with one hand and killing you with the other.

Omegasentials is simply the best form of omega-3s on this planet, bar none.

Anti-angiogenesis Drugs?

With all the brouhaha (because they're non toxic) about anti-angiogenesis drugs (the drugs that stop the growth of new blood vessels to a tumor) lately, perhaps you should know this: You already know that I prefer natural anti-angiogenesis substances to the drugs (because they are cheaper and safer) but did you know that your polyunsaturated oils (corn oils sold in supermarkets everywhere) promote the growth of small blood vessels (by promoting the production of "bad" prostaglandins)?

Just Say No To Drugs

Omega-3 oils, the oils found in Budwig's recipe and in Omegasentials™ inhibit angiogenesis by inhibiting the prostaglandins that promote it.

So, there you have it. Omegasentials is the best product I've yet to find to prevent and fight existing cancers, reverse heart disease, prevent and treat arthritis, prevent and treat depression and a variety of mental disorders, and it has one more added benefit to you athletes out there.

Remember back where Johanna Budwig talked about how electrons loves oxygen? Well, the company making Omegasentials™, Integrity Direct, Inc., is receiving letters from their users. And these letters are confirming what Stan Mann theorized all along.

If you've ever worked out, you've probably felt that "burn" you get from a good work out whether you're lifting weights, playing tennis, or running long distances. It's caused by using up your oxygen stores. The muscles then produce lactic acid by burning glycogen without oxygen, and this lactic acid is what causes the burn.

The letters from users tell a different story. No matter how much they work out, lift, or run, they feel less and less of the burn; not during, or even after their workout. Recovery is much, much quicker too:

From Mike and Kati who successfully participated in the World Duathelon Championships held in October 2000 in France: "I was third overall and Mike was first in his age group too, and the amazing thing is we weren’t hurting afterward! Mike said, ‘My gosh, my legs just don’t hurt,’ and we both were expecting them to the next day, and they didn’t! So, it’s going exactly the way you said it was, and we can’t thank you enough…."

So we come back to the basics: "Let your food be your medicine." When your body gets the nutrition it needs you stay healthy. If you are sick, you get better. This is the best food product I've yet to discover and you will not ever find my home without it.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Commercial Medicine

Commercial Medicine Racket

(From an old book but it still holds true today!)


I am an incurable idealist and a chronic optimist, but I am not able to shut my eyes to what I see going on around me. I don’t believe in looking always on the "bright side" of things and refusing to examine the darker side. In the human garden there flourish some mighty foul weeds, most of them cunningly disguised, that need to be looked at and destroyed.

Ours is a system of pig-ethics. I do not mean by this merely our love of wallowing, but include also our selfishness, our game of grab and stab. Modem business of all kinds is just such a game, cleverly disguised, though it often is, under a pretense of philanthropy, service and idealism. At the root of business, and supplying its motive power is a sordid commercialism that does not hesitate to trample the most sacred things of life, even life, itself, in the mud and mire to attain its selfish ends. Idealism can make little or no headway in our world until these pig-ethics are destroyed. For our pig-ethics employs idealism, not as a working principle, nor yet as a way of life, hut as a cloak to mask the ulterior motives of the fraud and the cheat.

Some years ago a large drugless sanitarium, located in Battle Creek, offered stock for sale. The heads let it be known that they expected to pay dividends amounting to returns of twenty per cent, upon the investment. Think of this! A professedly humanitarian institution run on the same basis as a steel mill, or a public utilities corporation! Besides providing a fat living for the actual workers in the institution, they could pay large dividends to absentee owners. Does it not look as if the sick, with one foot in the grave, were going to keep the healthy on easy street.

This shameless exploitation of the sick and dying is carried on by every so-called school of healing on earth. Then, when a patient dies, the undertaker comes, with the same commercial motives, the same pig-ethics, and while the grief-stricken wife or husband, mother or son feels that there is nothing that he or she would not do for the beloved deceased, takes a mean advantage of this emotional state and holds them up on a fashionable burial.

In more recent years the shameless exploiters of human life and health, not content with the profits they were deriving from their abuses of the actually sick, have found ways and means to exploit the non-sick as well. As of old, this new form of exploitation hides behind a smoke-screen of altruism; the exploiters are doing it all for the good of humanity, for the public health, for the protection of our children, etc. Medical science is a form of madness from which few medical men ever recover. Backed by commercialism, this madness runs rough-shod over, the life and health of the people.

Few of us ever stop to consider the power of slogans in their effect upon the mob mind. "To Hell with Autocracy," "Down with the Kaiser," "Berlin or Bust," "Make the World safe for Democracy," "Work or fight," "Bonds or’ Bums," or "Bonds or Bread Lines," "Republicans and Prosperity," "Democrats and Disaster," "Save the Children," "Buy a Tag," "There’s a reason," "A Baby in every bottle," etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam, are only a few of the soul stirring slogans that have helped to make this republic what it now is.

We are misled by these cheap slogans and have come to "think" in slogans and act in slogans. The man or woman who has a sincere and intense feeling towards humanity, a feeling that constitutes a religion in itself, and which is too broad and deep to exist in the narrow confines of any creed and too strong to be devoured by the greeds of the time, must look on this spectacle with hatred and disgust.

Huge sums of money are collected to feed and clothe and care for the suffering and needy in foreign lands. What for? So that big business can sell its goods to these needy ones. It is a game of you pay for my goods and I’ll ship them to the hungry in China. Organized charity is a cold, soulless business; a system of exploitation as much as any of our departments of big business.

Religion, whether called by one name or another, whether labeled theism or atheism, is profitably exploited by those who want to keep their hands soft and white. The exploiters in all fields prattle their idiotic platitudes about brotherhood and service, while going through the mechanical motions of their pet religion (?), where they curiously find sanction for it all, while shutting their eyes and ears to the solemn truth that they have humanity nailed to the cross.

I am not as much interested in the adults on this cross as I am in the children. If the adult population of this world allow themselves to be bullied and beaten, deceived and cheated, maimed and killed by the exploiters, they have no one to blame but themselves. They have but to rise in their collective might and these exploiters will desert their positions like rats leaving a sinking ship. Neither are the exploiters as much interested in the adult, except as the one who pays the bills, as they are in the children. We have just about turned our children over to them, body, mind and soul.

The physicians are moving heaven and earth to increase their, incomes, and they insist that there is a steady falling off in" patronage due to the fact that the public, in ever increasing numbers,, is turning to the other and newer schools. Costs of living are mounting, it costs more time and money to acquire a medical education and competition from without their ranks has made them desperate. They have tried, by every foul means—persecution, prosecution, slander, misrepresentation, lies—to destroy competition, but its growth has been steady despite this effort.

The profession is honeycombed with graft and corruption and thoroughly imbued with the spirit of commercialism. Commercial surgery, compulsory medicine, lying propaganda, fear and every foul means of drumming up trade are employed to increase their incomes. The Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov. 4, 1922, prints and address by Dr. W. S. Rankin. Sec. of the North Carolina State Board of Health in which he says:

"Last year we inoculated 70,000 persons against typhoid fever and 1,000 children between six and twelve years of age against diphtheria. The county Commissioner paid the local practitioners 25 cents for each complete inoculation, and that was $20,000 which went to the profession last year which otherwise would not have been received. The work of the medical profession with the State Board of Health does not stop when the $20,000 is paid. It goes on. In the dispensaries which were conducted in Union County, North Carolina, with 35,000 people, the physicians vaccinated 10,000 people in a campaign of five weeks. That was $2,500 paid to twenty physicians—only $125 each, but think of the effect on the business of the profession in keeping up that work. It goes on."

Does the last statement refer to the business the physician will receive from those who are made sick by vaccination? At least, he emphasizes the doctor’s business and the increased income to him through state medicine,

In a paper entitled Medical Practice and Public Health, read before King’s County (N. Y.) Medical Society, March, 16, 1926 the Hon. Louis I. Harris Dr. P. H., M. D., Commissioner of Health of the City of New York, said: "In school work we have felt rather self-satisfied and smug. During the last eighteen years, the health department has conducted the examination of children, generally without any competition from or by the medical profession. This indicates a lack of understanding by family physicians of the glorious apportunity for service which they are missing. It is no new thing that I mention. You have heard it time and again. When we, in the health department send home a physical examination blank, a very simple and rudimentary one at that, and ask the parent to take the child to a physician to be examined, then, assuming that the parent follows our instructions, the physician fails to capitalize the opportunity." (Italics mine.)

The reader will readily see that the Board of Health is here trying to build business for the physicians, and Harris tells these physicians that what he is saying to them has been told to them time and again. But they don’t seem to be so enthusiastic about it. Evidently not all physicians are as unscrupulous as the political medicos in the Boards of Health.

Mather Pfeiffenberger, M.D., president of the Illinois State Medical Society, in a speech before the annual Conference, Illinois Health Officers, Springfield, III., Dec. 3-4, 1926, said: "Prevention practiced to the uttermost will create more work for the physician and not diminish it, for the full time health officer will be educating his community constantly. There will be more vaccination, more immunizing, more consulting and use of the physician. His services will be increased many fold.

"I am informed that epidemic and endemic infections cause only 12 per cent of all deaths and that this percentage is declining very rapidly. Only 15 per cent of all children would ever get diphtheria, even under epidemic conditions, while 100 per cent are prospects for toxin-antitoxin. The percentage who would ever get smallpox, under present time conditions, is even less; but 100 per cent are prospects for vaccination. Scarlet fever will soon come in for its 100 per cent also, as it may for measles, judging from the reports on that disease. Typhoid fever is disappearing, due to sanitation, but vaccination should be used when the individual travels into unknown territory and countries." Thus another medical leader tells physicians how to increase their incomes by exploiting the children and non-sick adults.

Guy L. Kiefer, M.D., Commissioner of Health of Michigan, says in the Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society, Aug. 1928:

"In this state there are 100,000 people born annually. They are practically all susceptible to diphtheria from the moment they are born. They are highly susceptible from the age of six months until they are immunized. If these infants were all immunized, and for this service the physicians receive from $5.00 to $10.00 per case, the net income would be from $500,000 to $1,000,000. Michigan has 5,000 cases of diphtheria annually. If the physicians received for their services, exclusive of all other costs, an average of $50.00 per case the income from this source would be $250,000. The increase in physicians income from diphtheria would be from one-quarter to three-quarters of a million dollars, if we would immunize all children against this disease soon after they are six months of age, instead of waiting until they are stricken with the disease and then treating them.

"Some maternity hospitals are vaccinating with vaccine virus all babies born in their institutions. Babies under ten days old very seldom have any general reaction and the immunity usually lasts for the whole life-time of the individual. It is estimated that one-third of all the births in this state occur in hospitals. If all hospitals were to establish this rule as part of their regular procedure, it would mean an addition of 30,000 immunized people in the state each year and an additional income of at least $60,000 to the physicians or hospitals.

"When the 100,000 people born every year in Michigan are vaccinated against smallpox at birth, the income to the physicians would approximate $200,000. The 500 cases of smallpox that occur every year, treated at an average of $50,000 per case, bring physicians $25,000. Thus the physicians, by adopting the practice of vaccination at birth, would increase their income by nearly $200,000.

"We have taken diphtheria and smallpox as examples of the economic advantage of immunization, but the same conditions apply to other diseases and to other public health measures.

"With the persistent educational work by the physicians and the Michigan Department of Health, these immunization programs will succeed in reducing the number of these preventable diseases and increasing the earning of the physicians who actively sponsor this modern type of practice." (Italics mine.)

In the Brooklyn Times, March 21, 1929, Health Commissioner Wynne, New York, is reported to have said in an address to the Optometrical Club: "Here is the answer (to the physician’s economic problem). Let them take in 20 children an hour, one hour a day, 3 days a week at a charge of $5 for each anti-diphtheria inoculation. That will bring a revenue worth while to the doctor."

Mr. Osborne, Health Officer of East Orange, N. J., in an address reported in the Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, September, 1929, points out that the physician would receive several times more by inoculating children than by treating cases of the disease.

In an editorial, Jan. 1930, the American Journal of Public Health, points out in dollars and cents how much money physicians would receive from inoculating babies and adds: "There are of course four times as many preschool children as babies, and ten times as many school children. The opportunity for increasing practice by carrying on immunization among the preschool and school populations in the physician’s clientele offers an almost unlimited field."

Dr. Vander Veer says, in a discussion reported in the Journal of Medical Society of New Jersey, February, 1930: "Dr. Wynne, Health Officer of New York City - gave me a clue to the subject of economics in which he said that we doctors had been going along the same old lines and had not created any new business, so I finally evolved this as a slogan in New York State: We cannot get away from the lay organizations, therefore we will lie down with them and ask them to provide means for carrying on the health programs and we are going to benefit ultimately from the periodic health examinations by an increased income. As a concrete example, take a town of 3,000, if only 200 come to us for examination at $3.00 each that would be $600 that would accrue to be divided among the doctors; if 100 came for examination at $25.00 each there would be $2,500 to be divided.

Vander Veer gives more statistics about the fees they would receive and then says: "That is the thing that strikes home to our doctors in New York State." Thus the reader will see that I am right in saying that physicians are using the various lay organizations, Parent-Teacher Associations, etc., to build business for them. The Red Cross has long been a tool of these men.

In the early part of 1930 one of my readers sent me a news clipping from the Cincinnati Times Star, headed Health Work Aids Doctors. It said "thousands are sent to physicians as result." The whole article is as follows: "Are ‘socialized’ health agencies preventative and curative, bringing lean times and reducing the number of physicians and other private health workers?

"Do public clinics, public hospitals and public health departments affect the income of physicians, surgeons and dentists?

"These questions, presented Saturday to Health Director William H. Peters, brought the declaration that in his judgment the only effect was that practitioners had to modify their activities.

"Dr. Peters pointed out that when Cincinnati purified its water there was an almost entire elimination of thousands of cases of typhoid fever and other water-carried diseases, treatment of which gave an immense revenue to physicians, nurses and others.

"On the other hand Dr. Peters said the medical inspection of schools by publicly employed district physicians aided private practice. Thus the inspectors discover defects in children, which are reported to parents and thousands then take their children to the family physician or a specialist.

"The public drives for the immunization of children against diphtheria brought a great revenue to private practitioners. There were about 35,000 children treated and of this number about fifty-four per cent by private practitioners, or about 19,000. At $5 a treatment the revenue would be $95,000. Annually there are about 7,500 children to be so treated. This work gives a revenue far in excess of what the treatment of the disease yielded, said Dr. Peters.

"So he said, the agitation for annual general physical examination in his opinion, has resulted in thousands of persons resorting to their physicians, surgeons and dentists to be examined.

"Dr. Peters said it was requisite for physicians and other health practitioners to ‘reconcile themselves to the age.’ He said more should go in for preventative medicine and all should recognize how public health activity stimulated persons to mind their physical and mental condition and thus helped the private practitioner.

"Dr. Peters said it was true there were some physicians in this community who complained of the ‘inroads’ that ‘socialized’ medicine was making on their incomes and that there were perhaps some who actually were affected. He declared that there were compensations that in the mass more than canceled such instances."

This accounts for the growing interest on the part of physicians and health boards and serum and vaccine makers and dentists, in so-called health education. They are bent on increasing the business of the physicians and dentists and the sale of more vaccines and serums.

Inspecting the school children increases the work of physicians. It is done the country over. Not merely the school child, but the pre-school child now comes in for this form of exploitation. Here in San Antonio, for instance, The Parent-Teacher Association sponsors medical examinations of the pre-school child. Tonsil operations and other operations, eye-glasses, serums and vaccines and other forms of vandalism and poisoning follow these examinations and the physicians of the city are enriched in purse.

Medical inspection of school children is a means of boosting business for physicians. The inspected children are brow-beaten abused, bullied and "ragged" to have their tonsils removed and toxin anti-toxin inoculated into them, by the incompetents who are placed on the school board. These physicians do nothing useful; but do much to injure the physical and mental health of children, besides greatly annoying parents and teachers. But the practice will not end until parents kill it.

A few years ago, the Bronx County Medical Society, through one of its Bulletins, expressed its resentment against the extent to which the toxin-antitoxin campaign had been pushed in New York City. Health Commissioner Wynne, in the Weekly Bulletin of New York City Department of Health, of July 19, replied that "The plan followed by the Dept. of Health should evoke nothing but commendation. It provides a simple, inxepensive, effective and entirely ethical method whereby the general practitioner can secure additional practice." Such is the altruism of these great public spirited physicians on the Boards of Hell (th).

Wm. A. Rohlf, M.D., President-elect of the Iowa State Medical Society, said in his official address at a meeting of that body a few years ago: "Allow me to quote from a letter received from Dr. Steel-smith: ‘For the five year period preceding the State Department’s Education toward diphtheria immunization, namely, the five years preceding 1923, there occurred in Iowa more than three thousand cases of diphtheria each year. Many of these cases were not seen by any medical practitioner, but the average revenue as computed by statisticians signifies that the physicians of the state of Iowa received in cash approximately $20 per case for the treatment and cure of diphtheria for each of the five years preceding that state-wide anti-diphtheria program. This would result in physicians of the state receiving approximately $60,000 for such work each year incidental to diphtheria.

"‘Now in comparison to that, allow me to suggest that there are approximately 44,000 children born each year in Iowa. For the sake of figures, we will say that the average price for immunization would be $3 per child. If the physicians would interest themselves in preventative medicine and see to it that every child is treated before he is a year of age they would see clearly that from such practice the physicians of the state of Iowa would receive $132,000 a year, or twice as much as you and I received years ago for treatment of cases."

Rohlf adds: "There is still much to do in the way of bringing about ideal conditions through vaccination and immunization, The role of local infection has opened up other avenues for our activities.

We should be personally interested, and, as physicians, assist in the examination and’ treatment of school children."

These men plan ways of doubling their incomes and come to the public with the plea that they are sincerely interested in the health and welfare of our children and that they put over their income-increasing programs for the health of our babies and for the welfare of the school children. They are as cold-blooded as any class of criminals on the whole earth. Indeed, I know of no other class of criminals who live by crippling, maiming and killing babies and children.

It is asserted that there are 1,454 formally organized state and local tuberculosis associations in the United States. The organizations affiliated with the National Tuberculosis Association spent in 1928 at least $6,196,376.98, the major portion of which was secured through the sale of Christmas seals. All of this begging by Tuberculosis Associations is to create jobs for physicians. Their work is admitted to have no influence on tuberculosis.

A Red Cross officer said to the victims of the Mississippi Flood, as reported in the Savannah (Ga.) News, June, 14, 1927: "From now on your meal tickets are canceled until you can show your vaccination scar." A similar order was given by this same disreputable organization in a later flood in New England.

People give freely of their money and goods to help the victims of calamities, and the medically controlled Red Cross uses that money to buy serums and vaccines, and pay incompetent physicians and uses the plight of the victims as a club, to make them submit to medication they do not need and do not want. The Red Cross can never have a penny of the author’s money and I shall use all of my influence to prevent others from donating to its system of graft.

The so-called "mental hygiene" movement, which seeks to become a regular part of our public schools, is a commercial move, composed of the usual surgical and serum methods. The movement has among its heads several men who have been convicted of crimes in their care of the insane and men who are notorious for their extreme cruelties to animals in vivisection work. This is an extremely dangerous move and should not be permitted to touch the children of this country, who are surely suffering enough, at the hands of the medical moloch.

Of the same unholy and commercial character as the tuberculosis society and the Red Cross are the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the Society for the Prevention and Control of Cancer, the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund, the Arthritis Society, the Heart Association, the society to aid Crippled Children and similar panhandling organizations that regularly rattle the cup on the streets and in the press of the country. These various organizations collect many millions of dollars yearly from a generous and well meaning, but uninformed people, spend the major portion of the money in fat salaries and overhead or administration costs, spending much of it to pay for cruel and futile experiments on animals (research) and precious little of it for the purposes for which it is given. Like all organized charity, these things are soulless rackets.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Medically Made Epidemics

Medically Made Epidemics

Would doctors lie and let people get sick and die in order to make money? Do you think that only 1 out of 1,000 doctors would do it? Read the following and think again...

Court cases of smallpx epidemics declared when there was no smallpox
Another medically-made epidemic in Pittsburgh in 1924
Polio vaccine expose blocked by AMA

Drug sales are big business, whether it is marijuana, heroin, tobacco, vaccines, or the misnamed "miracle" drugs, antibiotics, etc. They all cause cell destruction and eventual death — delayed reaction in most cases — although some deaths are sudden, as in penicillin and vaccines which often cause death within 20 minutes.

Vaccine campaigns have been carried on periodically for many years, and it is one of the most lucrative of drug sales, and not illegal such as for heroin and marijuana. The sales propaganda is so deceptive that most of the people believe it, and the medical and drug businesses have enough control over the news media to conceal or distort the reports of deaths and disasters from vaccines to keep the people in the dark as to the hazards of their popularized poisons. The Better Business Bureau is better for business but not for the people. That agency is instructed (by the medical and drug concerns) to forbid the newspapers from selling any advertising space to writers of anti-medical books and articles. I wouldn’t make this statement unless I had proof and legal papers to back it. (This is discussed in more detail in another chapter.) It is a form of medical dictatorship — and that is against the law.

Most of the medically-made epidemics get by without being exposed and prosecuted, but a few occurred in cities which had some alert and concerned health groups which took the vaccine promoters to court and got convictions. Two of these court cases are briefly outlined below:



"In the fall of 1921 the health of the city was unusually good, but dull for the doctors. So the Jackson Medical Society met and resolved to make an epidemic in the city.

According to the record:



"It is further recommended that wide publicity be given, stating that vaccination is a preventitive of smallpox and urging the absolute necessity of vaccination for every man, woman and child in the city.

Those who investigated this fake, doctor-made epidemic searched for cases of smallpox to justify this vaccination drive, but could not find one case in the city.

The scare-head vaccination propaganda showed a picture of a child covered with sores (probably from empetigo, psoriasis or congenital syphilis), and called it smallpox. People are easily frightened when public officials tell them a disease is contagious and is in their midst. The fear vanishes when people learn the truth. Smallpox is not contagious, and compulsory vaccination is illegal. (See the chapter on smallpox for information on tests which proved smallpox and other diseases are not contagious, and can be avoided with the right knowledge and application of that knowledge, given in the big book, "VACCINATION CONDEMNED BY COMPETENT DOCTORS."

Most people do not question the decision of their doctors and public officials so they trustingly put their lives and the lives of their children into the hands of the unprincipled drug vendors. The results were disastrous for the people but good for the doctors. The hospitals were soon filled with vaccine poisoned people and the doctors had business all winter.

According to the record, the doctors made $500,000 from that Kansas City vaccination spree, not counting the millions of dollars from the hospital cases.


The same procedure was carried out as for Kansas. The doctors called a meeting and moved and seconded that an epidemic be declared in the city. As usual, they spread their scare propaganda far-and-wide and herded the people into the vaccination centers.

When the vaccination campaign was at its height, the report showed the death-rate rose 22% in three months, from July 1 to Sept. 30. These deaths were all among the recently vaccinated. Were the doctors and pharmaceutical companies charged with murder and given the death sentence? No. They "got by with murder;" they usually do.

This doctor-made epidemic never would have been brought to public attention if it had not been for an active, and well informed group of non-medical, health-minded citizens known as THE PITTSBURGH HEALTH CLUB. They, and their legal aid investigated this manufactured epidemic and brought the instigators to trial.

According to the Health Club’s attorney:

"THE DIRECT MONEY LOSS TO THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH IN THIS VACCINATION RAID in 1924 was $3,096,616 of which the doctors took $2,000,000. .

"This does not represent the indirect losses such as deaths, permanent injury, business loss from work, etc."

Every city and town today should have an active, capable, and well prepared NON-MEDICAL health group such as those in Pittsburgh and Kansas City to warn the people against the many questionable practices of the medical doctors, because they continue to stage deadly vaccination campaigns, both large and small in all cities across the country every year, but most of them are not investigated or questioned.

We are in the middle of one of these medically-made epidemics right now. It is the SWINE FLU VACCINE epidemic. There was not a certified case of swine flu in the world when they planned it in 1976, but this multi-million dollar vaccine campaign was foisted on the people anyway, and now three months after it started there are 113 reported deaths and many more cases of paralysis from the shots. All these "murders" forced the public officials to halt the vaccinations. However, the doctors and vaccine makers have stated in the papers that they will try to lift the ban and continue the vaccinations — poisoning and killing more people and refusing to take the blame, because it is profitable.

That is why this book has been rushed into production — unfinished — to warn the people and prevent more disasters from the vaccines. The chapter on swine flu and a few others are included in this advance edition, and the rest will be available later, for those who send for them.


After reading of the above court cases in Pittsburgh and Kansas City people may say, "That happened way back in 1921 and 1924; that couldn’t apply to us now in 1977." Oh, yes it can; it’s being done right now again with the swine flu racket. They — the vaccine promoters — should be investigated, prosecuted and stopped permanently.

In 1954 when the vaccine promoters were building up their nation-wide polio vaccine campaign, I wrote a book of facts trying to warn the people against the Salk, Sabin, and Cutter vaccines which were bound to cause widespread death, paralysis and financial loss to the taxpayers. The Better Business Bureau — arm of the medical and drug trusts— blocked me from getting any advertising notices in the papers, radio, TV, etc. But I got some of the books out to as many people as I could anyway. But the "medical dictatorship" decided they were not going to let me tell any more people about things they had kept suppressed, including the court cases. You didn’t read of those investigated and prosecuted medical rackets in the papers did you? I had to "dig" for that information. In order to stop my book and put it out of circulation, they had it barred from the mails —without any legal grounds. I had taken it (the manuscript before printing) to a lawyer and had him examine it to see if it was legal. He said, "It is all in order — nothing against the law — but it is dynamite."

I then took it to the Post Office in Los Angeles and had them go over it to see if anything was against their regulations. They said, "It is all in order and not against our rules, not libelous, not obscene, not anti-American, not fraudulent."

So, I had it printed and distributed until the medical "dictatorship" issued orders to the Post Office to bar the book from the mails. This they did, although they had told me it was all in order and legal for the mails.

It’s hard to believe that one branch of the business (medical) in this country is so powerful that they can force the Post Office to break the law and bar a book they have approved — a book which is designed to save lives.

In the hearing, the opposition said they barred my book from the mails because it disagreed with accepted medical opinion.

It seems I was the only one with a "fighting book" out to condemn the polio vaccinations, so when it was eliminated and I was threatened if I sold it, distributed it, or even gave it away, the medical poisoners had a clear field to sell their poison vaccines without hindrance. So they continued selling polio vaccine and are still at it, even though it has killed and paralyzed thousands. Many law suits were filed against the vaccine makers and won, and they, the vaccine promoters, had to pay millions of dollars in damages, but they make more in sales than they have to pay out in damage suits so they consider it a good business venture anyway. (See the chapter on POLIO)

This is the reason why people rarely hear anything against vaccination; those who raise a voice against it are silenced.

The Importance Of Distilled Water

The Importance Of Distilled Water On Aging

By Chester Handley

As our body begins to age, there are several things that happen. Cell don't produce as well, the body doesn't digest as well, the body does not absorb as well & the body does not eliminate as well.

And areas of the body begin to feel pain & have sore spots that we never had before. One of the major causes of pain is the over consumption of grain in older people. It is softer, easier to eat & appears to be more easily digested.

Well the true reality is that it is no benefit to the aging body at all & leaves an acidic residue that gets deposited in the joints which is the number one reason for arthritic pain.

Many years ago when I was doing research on distilled water, I discovered that contrary to all the stories out there, distilled water does not take a single thing out of the body that the body needs.

It never takes anything out of a cell. Everything that is cellularly locked remains within the body, but it is the greatest tool in the world for cleaning out the bloodstream, which is the only function water really wash out, cleanse & purify the bloodstream.

Remember that the bloodstream is primarily an organ of transport. People think of it as a liquid rather than an organ, but it is an organ. It transports nutrients, oxygen & red blood cells throughout the body & carries away waste products & carbon dioxide.

Distilled water has been evaporated into a vapor, split apart into a molecule of hydrogen & oxygen, turning them into a gas that rises up in to the atmosphere, then cooled back down & condensed back in to water.

The same process happens in a distillery when it distils water. It heats up the water into a gas, all the impurities are left behind, all the waste products are left behind, then it is condensed & turned back into pure water & becomes the ultimate pure water because of one very important factor that is not present in any other is molecularly unstable. It means that when it goes in your bloodstream it breaks apart easier & latches on to debris, waste products & unwanted materials that are floating round in your bloodstream.

It is also one of the best ways there is for reducing blood pressure. I made up two charts years ago when I was doing my studies on body detoxification with distilled water, from 1865 to 1965. In 1865, diseases that ranked in the high 30's and low 40's became the first four killers in 1965...& they were all cardiovascular. I then made another chart from 1865 to 1965 to show the reduction in the use of drinking rainwater. The two charts were virtually biometrically opposite. As people quit drinking rainwater, cardiovascular diseases went up. When the blood vascular system is clean you have less headaches, you have less pain, you have more oxygen & nutrients available for the body & more healing capacity for the body.

It has been almost twenty years ago now that a man came down to my office that had arthritis so bad he could hardly get out of a straight backed chair. His pain was excruciating. We put him on the detoxification program, took him off of all grain in his diet, instructed him to eat only fruit, vegetables, protein & meat products, & put him on distilled water every half hour while he was awake. It is hard to believe a month later this same man was out working in his garden having the time of his life.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of drinking distilled water for cleansing the blood stream, for reducing arthritic pain & lowering blood pressure. It has also been known to reduce cholesterol & triglycerides. In fact, the only effect on the body is health.

There are rules of thumb on how much water to drink. The rule of thumb on a normal day is one half your body weight in ounces per day. If you are sweating & exerting yourself you should drink more, not less. We have a tendency to grab pop, coffee, Kool-Aid & juices, but we need to get back to the habit of grabbing distilled water.

To give you an example of what this means, if you are a man & you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 100 ounces of distilled water throughout the day. There is an interesting side note for people that like to study. Job, which is the oldest book of the bible, I believe it is in the 36th chapter, said God took up the water, distilled it, & poured it out abundantly on man. The logical argument is who knows better what we need than the creator, & he gave us distilled water'.

"Distilled water is safe to drink & should have no adverse effects on your health. Distillation merely removes most of the dissolved materials, which are found in all natural waters". ---Raymond H. Bishop, Jr. M.D. Major General, Commander - Medical Corps. Department of the Army, U.S.Army Health Services Command

"There is nothing about distilled water that would make it harmful for the body. It may be helpful to remember that distilled water is the only water available for crews of Naval vessels at sea." ---Frank N. Hepburn, Chief, Nutrient Data Research Branch, United States Department of Agriculture, Consumer Nutrition Division

"I have been drinking distilled water since 1981, almost half of my life, and given the choice, would not drink any other type of water. I recommend distilled water to all my friends and relatives and would not do so if I didn't think it is one of the very healthiest things a person can do. After a full body scan, the doctor told me that I have the cleanest arteries of anyone he has examined of my age. And I have never had a broken bone in my body. (Contrary to quack assertions that calcium and other minerals are "leached" from the body!)". ---Nick Pavlica, Director, H2o Labs, Ltd.

An excerpt from 'Distilled Water Cure' by Otoman Hanish MD DD (printed 1964)

"Often times the blood becomes tainted & needs to be purified. There is only one way of washing the blood and that is by means of dead water, undiluted water, distilled water which contains no life organism, chemicals or similar substances. It has to be dead water, i.e. water condensed from steam. Distilled water, by virtue of its weight: effects a one pound pressure upon the minerals and acids which clog the bloodstream; it presses them right through the system. Even in a short time it eliminates appreciable quantities of impurities from the blood. There is no hard and fast rule as to how to take The Cure; it may be taken quickly or slowly, hot or cold. It is left entirely to the individual to decide according to temperament and physical condition. The main thing is to obtain the necessary pressure and to ensure that two cups are always taken at one time - a total of seven pints per day. This is quite easy of accomplishment if the quantity is systematically regulated as follows:

1. On awakening take two cups.

2. Another two cups shortly before breakfast.

3. Two cups in the middle of the morning.

4. Two more 20 to 30 minutes before the mid-day meal.

5. Two cups in the middle of the afternoon.

6. Another two cups 20 to 30 minutes before dinner.

7. The last two cups in the evening shortly before retiring.

If desired, two more portions may be taken one, two hours after lunch, and the other two hours after dinner. As regards to eating and drinking, it is a matter of individual choice. Nothing is forbidden and there is no need for fasting nor privation. One may eat and drink according to individual needs. One eats only moderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. The principle of The Cure must be maintained, i.e., seven times per day, two cups of water at one time - making sure to take two cups shortly before each meal.

It will soon be discovered that even at breakfast time one eats very moderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. After three days one observes a loss of taste for this and that and quite different desires assert themselves for dishes which one may have previously disliked. Day by day one eats less: soon only half and then only a third of what one normally takes. After three days the complexion becomes clearer and more rosy and a feeling of lightness is experienced. After two to three weeks, the eyes become clearer and more penetrating; one is able to think more clearly and one becomes less easily irritated. After three weeks, the thinner ones become a little stouter and the stouter ones become a little thinner. In case of sufferings of an acute nature, The Cure need last but three weeks; in other cases five weeks. If The Cure be resorted to for from 5 to 12 weeks in succession, 65 percent of all ailments become eliminated, and the other 35 percent will be eliminated if one continues after ward with a correct diet. By the time one has almost completed The Cure, one has become so accustomed to the drinking of distilled water that one likes and takes regularly a couple of cups before each evening meal. The adoption of this habit wards off all disease. The body is already composed of 85 percent water, and by adding thereto two cups of water regularly each evening, all acids and crystals are eliminated there from in a natural way and the bloodstream is not burdened thereby.

Three highly important effects are assured through The Water Cure:

1. The blood becomes washed and made free of all foreign substances.

2. It ejects a proper working of the individual organs and thereby that of the whole organism.

3. It provides a youthful freshness in a measure that often youth does not possess as the whole glandular system becomes normalised, thereby increasing the brain power, and life becomes more joyous.

Always remember, therefore, to resort at interval to The Water Cure. If feeling unwell, start again for a few days or even weeks. Take The Water Cure as a serious treatment for five to seven weeks every three, five, seven, nine years, as it purifies the whole organism, and, becoming thus renewed, continuous progress is assured. Distilled water is therefore of the greatest value for the individual as well as humanity at large. After a few weeks on The Cure, one learns to choose the food that nature requires to build up the system; one begins to live anew. Even after three days the purification and renovation of the bloodstream is noticeable. One does not necessarily gain or lose weight by taking The Cure. The purer the blood, the more normal the cells of the body become. If one gains too much weight one simplifies the diet by discarding butter and oils. The great advantage of The Water Cure is that one need ask no questions; one just takes it, everything comes lay itself so long as one resorts thereto. As a result of The Water Cure, one begins to think for oneself instead of asking questions, one becomes a thinking human being. The Cure is so simple one cannot make a mistake, not even a mistake in diet. The wonderful feature of it is that no efforts are required and yet the maximum of benefit is obtained. Moreover, one is sure of the expected result, whether one resorts to it for a weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation or a liver which does not function normally, or because the kidneys are affected; for the lungs, nerves, heart trouble, change of life or for growths.

"All ailments have to give way to Distilled Water, and in the ordinary way nothing needs to be added thereto."

"Distilled water is the purest form available. Distilled water helps to excrete excessive heavy metals from the body." ---Vicki Glassburn, from "Who Killed Candida?" 1991

"If properly maintained, distillers provide a constant supply of high-quality water. Filters and reverse osmosis units, on the other hand, are at their best when first installed, and efficiency in veritably declines with use." ---Jonathon King, author of "Troubled Water"

Distilled Water in the Bible?

The water God chooses to pour abundantly upon man is distilled water. JOB 36:27

"For he draws up the drops of water, he distills his mist in the rain which the skies pour down, and drop upon man abundantly".


It's important that you do not confuse these with the idea that the distilled water is making you ill. When you read the different doctors describe how distilled water melts garbage inside of you, make sure you understand that this translates into real world events. As in, garbage will start to pour out of you! It has to come out! But better out than in, so this means, you will have detox symptoms. Everybody is different as to how they detox, where they detox, and what they detox. It all depends on what you have ingested and inhaled your whole life and what routes your body chooses to eject the garbage. It could be...

Rashes , Vomiting , Diarrhoea , Headaches , Flu-like symptoms , Nausea , Heavy sweating , Pimples , Bad breath , Body odour. These are all GOOD things, the garbage is leaving. Know that is only temporary. You can dial in the speed too. If it's too much detox for you, back off on the solvent. Then come back to it again when you feel stronger.

Remember- when they say this is the greatest solvent known to the human body, they're not joking!

How Diseases Start

How Diseases Start

Your body has to create the right conditions before disease manifests itself. It's like a garbage can. A garbage can does not attract flies, it's the old rotting food inside that does it. Keep you garbage can clean, you have no flies; keep your body clean (inside) and you will have no disease.

"Contrary to popular belief, a cold is not something that we 'catch,' but it represents a process of getting rid of something we have slowly accumulated." "To remove a gall stone and pronounce the patient cured is tantamount to saying that the stone was its own cause."


The following article by Dr. Herbert Shelton was first printed in his HYGIENIC REVIEW.
Dr. Shelton had a Texas-based fasting retreat. He collected knowledge from the old hygienic masters as far back as the 1820's, cleared out the junk, and made it into a basic intelligence system - Natural Hygiene or Orthopathy. He was a great genius, and published the best hygienic magazine ever.

"What does the average individual know about keeping well? Almost nothing. ----- The people and their doctors are all in the same boat together with a blind man at the helm. They lack the chart and compass and drift aimlessly on a sea of ignorance and misinformation."


It is high time the people begin to learn something about the causes of disease and of the "complications" that so frequently develop under regular care.

Indeed, physicians and doctors of all schools should learn the causes of disease and "complications," - and they should all learn to realize, that to mask symptoms with their drugs and treatments is to stand in their own light.

Behold what a muss! "Scientific medicine" is capable of making a very elaborate diagnosis; but, then, does not know what is really wrong with the patient nor what to do for him. Don't take my word for it - consult Cabot, Mackenzie, Baldwin, and others who have dared slip their professional muzzles long enough to do a little effective thinking.


The paradox of all medical paradoxes is that physicians recognize pathology as its own cause. Etiology and diagnosis, according to the approved theories and practices of the "regulars," starts with a developed pathology. The science of diagnosis, as practiced today, is merely the naming and classifying of established pathologies; all present and future symptoms being recognized and treated as pathognomic, all antecedent symptoms being ignored as not having any relationship to the existing pathology or so-called disease.

What is a system of diagnosis and treatment worth that is based on an etiology that starts with "causes" that are, in truth, but organized effects?

For example, when a surgeon removes a fibroid tumor, or extirpates a hyperplastic gland, or tonsil, or adenoid without a thought, or the slightest knowledge that these enlargements are but organized effects - neoplasms (new tissue growths) - that cannot possibly come into existence without cause, which cause is not touched by the operation - and, then, pronounces his - patient well (cured), does he not assume that the growth is its own cause? To remove a gall stone and pronounce the patient cured is tantamount to saying that the stone was its own cause. To remove the thyroid gland and pronounce the patient well of goitre (hyperthyroidism) is to imply that the goiter caused itself. Is it difficult to understand that all of these procedures leave the cause untouched - to result in the building of more pathology?


What is disease? Regular medical men freely confess that they do not know. Did they know its essential nature, they would cease their learned glibness about immunity. Theoretically, one "attack" of an infectious disease establishes immunity to future "attacks." In practice, they seek to borrow the "acquired immunity" of an animal and transfer it to man. Or to produce a mild and modified form of the disease so that immunity may be established.

As I have so often pointed out, this is an effort to set aside the law of cause and effect.

Only some so-called infectious diseases are supposed to confer immunity. For example, Forel says: "One attack of gonorrhea in no way protects against a second infection, but rather predisposes to it, and when this disease becomes chronic exacerbations or relapses of the acute stage often occur without fresh infection." Nobody thinks that one "attack" of a cold renders one immune to future "attacks." It is well known that one may have pneumonia numerous times. The same is true of typhoid fever. The fact is that only a minority of the so-called infectious diseases are supposed to confer immunity. Of these, there is not one that people have not had two or more times. For example, there are records of men and women having had smallpox as many as five times.


Opposing truths cannot exist. Our medical, like our social and political state, is a stupendous frenzy. The former, like the latter, is built out of dualism, and shredded by multiple contradictory systems. The universal belief in dualism has evolved a chaotic medical state that is well named a "fool's paradise" instead of medical science. Our very thinking on the subjects of health and disease is dualistic. We think of health and disease as antagonistic entities at war with each other. Disease is an "attack" from without. Hence, our conception of proper treatment is to go after the attacking force with hammer and tongs, or with shot and shell - a practice that all too often cripples or kills the patient.


Where law and order reign, why should man be left in a more helpless state than all life below him? To the logical mind, this is unthinkable. It should be recognized by all that man is as well fitted to live on the earth as are the lower orders of life. His environment is really more friendly to him than he is to it. It is certainly more friendly to him than he is to himself. A true health science will teach man how to use both himself and his environment constructively - healthfully.

What does the average individual know about keeping well? Almost nothing. What does the average doctor of all the schools of so-called healing know about keeping well? About as little as the average layman. The physician lives haphazardly and his patients live as near like he does as they know how, or as their means permit. The people and their doctors are all in the same boat together with a blind man at the helm. They lack the chart and compass and drift aimlessly on a sea of ignorance and misinformation.

How to Receive Healing from the Comfort of Your Own Home

  Do you need healing from a disease, condition or emotional problem? Is finding someone who can show you how to heal naturally difficult fa...