Crisis Follows Crisis
Just look at the NHS in
the UK and the crisis they are in. look at your own hospitals in your
own country, how do they look like? There is one reason for this
disaster, and that is by the junk that people have been eating their
whole life. If you are an older person, you didn't see all this
sickness of the old people when you were young.
What is a self-limited
disease? Disease is remedial effort. It is a process of purification
and repair. When the process of compensatory elimination that is
called disease, has reduced the toxemia to the toleration point, the
symptoms subside spontaneously and the disease is said to be cured.
But the patient is not well. He is still toxemic. The cause of the
toxemia has not been removed.
The toxemia will again
rise above the toleration point and another crisis will develop.
Crisis will follow crisis until organic change takes place. Gastric
ulcer, diabetes, Bright's disease, heart disease, diseases of the
arteries or nerves, cancer, etc., follow in the wake of recurring
Instead of seeing in
these changes a progressive pathological evolution of which cancer,
diabetes, disease of the heart and arteries etc., are but end-points
- the wisdom of all the ages of medical science is expended in a
herculean effort to prove that established pathology is its own
cause. On the day that medical savants succeed in lifting themselves
by their own boot-straps, they will also succeed in proving that
pathology is its own cause.
Here in this land of
so-called self-limited diseases is where all the curing methods and
systems shine. Just as anything and everything seems to cure a cold,
so anything and everything that may be used with which to treat the
patient suffering with measles or pneumonia or gonorrhea, etc., will
appear to cure. Here in the realm of "self-limited" disease
the regular and the irregular cults, the faddists and the
mountebanks, every phase of the curing system from the erudite
professor to the most stupid lout prove the virtues of their cures.
In this every-doctor's land grandma's cataplasms cure, grand-pa's
brass-ring cure for rheumatism cures, the rabbit-foot charm and
buckeye for piles cure, penicillin cures pneumonia and anti toxin
cures diphtheria, the punch in the back cures measles and the herb
tea cures gastritis All cures are successful in this grand jamboree
of "self-limited" crises. Christian Science and prayer are
as effective as the most scientific treatment. The prayer may be, as
in Africa, directed to a petrified frog - no matter, it cures.
Our toxemic crises -
so-called acute diseases - keep pace with the ebb and flow of toxemia
as our habits of living hold this down within the limits of
toleration or increase it above the established limits. Toleration is
a state of chronic disease, a state, for example in which chronic
catarrh, is continuously active throwing off toxins. Acute diseases
are intermittent due to the fact that toxemia is pushed above the
point of established toleration only intermittently. Chronic disease
means chronic provocation. To point this differently: disease begins
where cause begins and persists where cause persists.
Nothing so effectively
hastens the elimination of toxemia and the recuperation of nerve
energy as mental, physical and physiological rest. Only through rest
can the enervated body muster sufficient nerve energy with which to
increase its work of elimination. By physiological rest is meant
fasting, or abstinence from all food except water. Once fasting and
rest have enabled the body to eliminate its stored up toxins and
recuperate its nerve energy, a physiological mode of living will
enable the patient to grow into better and better health until full
health is reached, and to maintain health thereafter.
Such a program of
physiological living is not made up exclusively of a plan of eating.
Proper diet is extremely important, but it does not constitute a
complete way of life. All of man's life must be live in harmony with
simple, well-defined laws of nature. Exercise, fresh air, sun-shine,
sufficient rest and sleep, a wholesome sex life, a cheerful and
poised mental attitude, and consistent avoidance of all devitalizing
habits are of equal importance with diet. One cannot maintain health,
no matter what his diet, if he is practicing enervating habits and
denying his body the benefits of sunshine, fresh air and exercise.
Coffee, tea, tobacco,
alcohol, poisoned soft-drinks, and other poison-habits will wreck the
strongest man, no matter what his diet
If toxemia is not
eliminated, if nerve energy is not restored to normal, if the causes
of enervation are not removed and corrected, there can be no genuine
return to health. There can be only a recession of symptoms after
these have reduced the accumulated toxemia to the toleration point,
perhaps slightly below, and a state of comparative comfort is again
established. This state represents a very low state of health, a
state of chronic toxemic saturation. In this state, despite recurring
crises, there is the slow, progressive development of the many and
varied forms of chronic and degenerative pathologies, not the least
of which is that condition of organismal enfeeblement, impairment and
decline, which we call old age.
What about bacteria and
epidemics? First, there must be a changed condition of the body's
fluids and tissues, giving rise to that systemic impairment that is
designated "susceptibility" or 'lowered resistance."
Once you grasp the fact
that all had habits lead to toxemia, it will not be difficult for you
to grasp the idea that this perversion of the fluids and tissues must
take place before it is possible for bacteria, which are nature's
reducing forces, to make any further changes in these materials.
Assuming that the
scavenger work done by bacteria under these conditions actually
complicates the disease, they cannot be the primary cause of disease,
nor of any epidemic.
Epidemics of any
proportion follow in the wake of some mass prostrating influence -
war, prolonged dry, hot weather; prolonged wet, cold weather; sudden
changes of temperature, etc. - that further enervate an already a
most prostrated and greatly toxemic part of the population. The
sudden rise in toxemia thus occasioned necessitates the development
of a crisis to throw it off. Mass sickness follows mass prostrating
The evil results of the
poisoning are all around us. Few if any, enjoy good health. Until man
abandons the ancient superstition that he can be poisoned into good
health and learns to rely upon the normal, wholesome things of life,
this will continue to be so. Poisonous pills, powders and potions,
pathological products of animal suffering and the knives and saws of
the surgeon are poor materials out of which to synthesize health.
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