How Diseases Start
Your body has to create the right conditions before disease manifests itself. It's like a garbage can. A garbage can does not attract flies, it's the old rotting food inside that does it. Keep you garbage can clean, you have no flies; keep your body clean (inside) and you will have no disease.
"Contrary to
popular belief, a cold is not something that we 'catch,' but it
represents a process of getting rid of something we have slowly
accumulated." "To remove a gall stone and pronounce the
patient cured is tantamount to saying that the stone was its own
The following article
by Dr. Herbert Shelton was first printed in his HYGIENIC REVIEW.
Dr. Shelton had a
Texas-based fasting retreat. He collected knowledge from the old
hygienic masters as far back as the 1820's, cleared out the junk, and
made it into a basic intelligence system - Natural Hygiene or
Orthopathy. He was a great genius, and published the best hygienic
magazine ever.
"What does the
average individual know about keeping well? Almost nothing. ----- The
people and their doctors are all in the same boat together with a
blind man at the helm. They lack the chart and compass and drift
aimlessly on a sea of ignorance and misinformation."
It is high time the
people begin to learn something about the causes of disease and of
the "complications" that so frequently develop under
regular care.
Indeed, physicians and
doctors of all schools should learn the causes of disease and
"complications," - and they should all learn to realize,
that to mask symptoms with their drugs and treatments is to stand in
their own light.
Behold what a muss!
"Scientific medicine" is capable of making a very elaborate
diagnosis; but, then, does not know what is really wrong with the
patient nor what to do for him. Don't take my word for it - consult
Cabot, Mackenzie, Baldwin, and others who have dared slip their
professional muzzles long enough to do a little effective thinking.
The paradox of all
medical paradoxes is that physicians recognize pathology as its own
cause. Etiology and diagnosis, according to the approved theories and
practices of the "regulars," starts with a developed
pathology. The science of diagnosis, as practiced today, is merely
the naming and classifying of established pathologies; all present
and future symptoms being recognized and treated as pathognomic, all
antecedent symptoms being ignored as not having any relationship to
the existing pathology or so-called disease.
What is a system of
diagnosis and treatment worth that is based on an etiology that
starts with "causes" that are, in truth, but organized
For example, when a
surgeon removes a fibroid tumor, or extirpates a hyperplastic gland,
or tonsil, or adenoid without a thought, or the slightest knowledge
that these enlargements are but organized effects - neoplasms (new
tissue growths) - that cannot possibly come into existence without
cause, which cause is not touched by the operation - and, then,
pronounces his - patient well (cured), does he not assume that the
growth is its own cause? To remove a gall stone and pronounce the
patient cured is tantamount to saying that the stone was its own
cause. To remove the thyroid gland and pronounce the patient well of
goitre (hyperthyroidism) is to imply that the goiter caused itself.
Is it difficult to understand that all of these procedures leave the
cause untouched - to result in the building of more pathology?
What is disease?
Regular medical men freely confess that they do not know. Did they
know its essential nature, they would cease their learned glibness
about immunity. Theoretically, one "attack" of an
infectious disease establishes immunity to future "attacks."
In practice, they seek to borrow the "acquired immunity" of
an animal and transfer it to man. Or to produce a mild and modified
form of the disease so that immunity may be established.
As I have so often
pointed out, this is an effort to set aside the law of cause and
Only some so-called
infectious diseases are supposed to confer immunity. For example,
Forel says: "One attack of gonorrhea in no way protects against
a second infection, but rather predisposes to it, and when this
disease becomes chronic exacerbations or relapses of the acute stage
often occur without fresh infection." Nobody thinks that one
"attack" of a cold renders one immune to future "attacks."
It is well known that one may have pneumonia numerous times. The same
is true of typhoid fever. The fact is that only a minority of the
so-called infectious diseases are supposed to confer immunity. Of
these, there is not one that people have not had two or more times.
For example, there are records of men and women having had smallpox
as many as five times.
Opposing truths cannot
exist. Our medical, like our social and political state, is a
stupendous frenzy. The former, like the latter, is built out of
dualism, and shredded by multiple contradictory systems. The
universal belief in dualism has evolved a chaotic medical state that
is well named a "fool's paradise" instead of medical
science. Our very thinking on the subjects of health and disease is
dualistic. We think of health and disease as antagonistic entities at
war with each other. Disease is an "attack" from without.
Hence, our conception of proper treatment is to go after the
attacking force with hammer and tongs, or with shot and shell - a
practice that all too often cripples or kills the patient.
Where law and order
reign, why should man be left in a more helpless state than all life
below him? To the logical mind, this is unthinkable. It should be
recognized by all that man is as well fitted to live on the earth as
are the lower orders of life. His environment is really more friendly
to him than he is to it. It is certainly more friendly to him than he
is to himself. A true health science will teach man how to use both
himself and his environment constructively - healthfully.
What does the average
individual know about keeping well? Almost nothing. What does the
average doctor of all the schools of so-called healing know about
keeping well? About as little as the average layman. The physician
lives haphazardly and his patients live as near like he does as they
know how, or as their means permit. The people and their doctors are
all in the same boat together with a blind man at the helm. They lack
the chart and compass and drift aimlessly on a sea of ignorance and
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