Commercial Medicine Racket
(From an old book but it still holds true today!)
I am an incurable
idealist and a chronic optimist, but I am not able to shut my eyes to
what I see going on around me. I don’t believe in looking always on
the "bright side" of things and refusing to examine the
darker side. In the human garden there flourish some mighty foul
weeds, most of them cunningly disguised, that need to be looked at
and destroyed.
Ours is a system of
pig-ethics. I do not mean by this merely our love of wallowing, but
include also our selfishness, our game of grab and stab. Modem
business of all kinds is just such a game, cleverly disguised, though
it often is, under a pretense of philanthropy, service and idealism.
At the root of business, and supplying its motive power is a sordid
commercialism that does not hesitate to trample the most sacred
things of life, even life, itself, in the mud and mire to attain its
selfish ends. Idealism can make little or no headway in our world
until these pig-ethics are destroyed. For our pig-ethics employs
idealism, not as a working principle, nor yet as a way of life, hut
as a cloak to mask the ulterior motives of the fraud and the cheat.
Some years ago a large
drugless sanitarium, located in Battle Creek, offered stock for sale.
The heads let it be known that they expected to pay dividends
amounting to returns of twenty per cent, upon the investment. Think
of this! A professedly humanitarian institution run on the same basis
as a steel mill, or a public utilities corporation! Besides providing
a fat living for the actual workers in the institution, they could
pay large dividends to absentee owners. Does it not look as if the
sick, with one foot in the grave, were going to keep the healthy on
easy street.
This shameless
exploitation of the sick and dying is carried on by every so-called
school of healing on earth. Then, when a patient dies, the undertaker
comes, with the same commercial motives, the same pig-ethics, and
while the grief-stricken wife or husband, mother or son feels that
there is nothing that he or she would not do for the beloved
deceased, takes a mean advantage of this emotional state and holds
them up on a fashionable burial.
In more recent years
the shameless exploiters of human life and health, not content with
the profits they were deriving from their abuses of the actually
sick, have found ways and means to exploit the non-sick as well. As
of old, this new form of exploitation hides behind a smoke-screen of
altruism; the exploiters are doing it all for the good of humanity,
for the public health, for the protection of our children, etc.
Medical science is a form of madness from which few medical men ever
recover. Backed by commercialism, this madness runs rough-shod over,
the life and health of the people.
Few of us ever stop to
consider the power of slogans in their effect upon the mob mind. "To
Hell with Autocracy," "Down with the Kaiser," "Berlin
or Bust," "Make the World safe for Democracy," "Work
or fight," "Bonds or’ Bums," or "Bonds or Bread
Lines," "Republicans and Prosperity," "Democrats
and Disaster," "Save the Children," "Buy a Tag,"
"There’s a reason," "A Baby in every bottle,"
etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam, are only a few of the soul stirring
slogans that have helped to make this republic what it now is.
We are misled by these
cheap slogans and have come to "think" in slogans and act
in slogans. The man or woman who has a sincere and intense feeling
towards humanity, a feeling that constitutes a religion in itself,
and which is too broad and deep to exist in the narrow confines of
any creed and too strong to be devoured by the greeds of the time,
must look on this spectacle with hatred and disgust.
Huge sums of money are
collected to feed and clothe and care for the suffering and needy in
foreign lands. What for? So that big business can sell its goods to
these needy ones. It is a game of you pay for my goods and I’ll
ship them to the hungry in China. Organized charity is a cold,
soulless business; a system of exploitation as much as any of our
departments of big business.
Religion, whether
called by one name or another, whether labeled theism or atheism, is
profitably exploited by those who want to keep their hands soft and
white. The exploiters in all fields prattle their idiotic platitudes
about brotherhood and service, while going through the mechanical
motions of their pet religion (?), where they curiously find sanction
for it all, while shutting their eyes and ears to the solemn truth
that they have humanity nailed to the cross.
I am not as much
interested in the adults on this cross as I am in the children. If
the adult population of this world allow themselves to be bullied and
beaten, deceived and cheated, maimed and killed by the exploiters,
they have no one to blame but themselves. They have but to rise in
their collective might and these exploiters will desert their
positions like rats leaving a sinking ship. Neither are the
exploiters as much interested in the adult, except as the one who
pays the bills, as they are in the children. We have just about
turned our children over to them, body, mind and soul.
The physicians are
moving heaven and earth to increase their, incomes, and they insist
that there is a steady falling off in" patronage due to the fact
that the public, in ever increasing numbers,, is turning to the other
and newer schools. Costs of living are mounting, it costs more time
and money to acquire a medical education and competition from without
their ranks has made them desperate. They have tried, by every foul
means—persecution, prosecution, slander, misrepresentation, lies—to
destroy competition, but its growth has been steady despite this
The profession is
honeycombed with graft and corruption and thoroughly imbued with the
spirit of commercialism. Commercial surgery, compulsory medicine,
lying propaganda, fear and every foul means of drumming up trade are
employed to increase their incomes. The Journal of the American
Medical Association, Nov. 4, 1922, prints and address by Dr. W. S.
Rankin. Sec. of the North Carolina State Board of Health in which he
"Last year we
inoculated 70,000 persons against typhoid fever and 1,000 children
between six and twelve years of age against diphtheria. The county
Commissioner paid the local practitioners 25 cents for each complete
inoculation, and that was $20,000 which went to the profession last
year which otherwise would not have been received. The work of the
medical profession with the State Board of Health does not stop when
the $20,000 is paid. It goes on. In the dispensaries which were
conducted in Union County, North Carolina, with 35,000 people, the
physicians vaccinated 10,000 people in a campaign of five weeks. That
was $2,500 paid to twenty physicians—only $125 each, but think of
the effect on the business of the profession in keeping up that work.
It goes on."
Does the last statement
refer to the business the physician will receive from those who are
made sick by vaccination? At least, he emphasizes the doctor’s
business and the increased income to him through state medicine,
In a paper entitled
Medical Practice and Public Health, read before King’s County (N.
Y.) Medical Society, March, 16, 1926 the Hon. Louis I. Harris Dr. P.
H., M. D., Commissioner of Health of the City of New York, said: "In
school work we have felt rather self-satisfied and smug. During the
last eighteen years, the health department has conducted the
examination of children, generally without any competition from or by
the medical profession. This indicates a lack of understanding by
family physicians of the glorious apportunity for service which they
are missing. It is no new thing that I mention. You have heard it
time and again. When we, in the health department send home a
physical examination blank, a very simple and rudimentary one at
that, and ask the parent to take the child to a physician to be
examined, then, assuming that the parent follows our instructions,
the physician fails to capitalize the opportunity." (Italics
The reader will readily
see that the Board of Health is here trying to build business for the
physicians, and Harris tells these physicians that what he is saying
to them has been told to them time and again. But they don’t seem
to be so enthusiastic about it. Evidently not all physicians are as
unscrupulous as the political medicos in the Boards of Health.
Mather Pfeiffenberger,
M.D., president of the Illinois State Medical Society, in a speech
before the annual Conference, Illinois Health Officers, Springfield,
III., Dec. 3-4, 1926, said: "Prevention practiced to the
uttermost will create more work for the physician and not diminish
it, for the full time health officer will be educating his community
constantly. There will be more vaccination, more immunizing, more
consulting and use of the physician. His services will be increased
many fold.
"I am informed
that epidemic and endemic infections cause only 12 per cent of all
deaths and that this percentage is declining very rapidly. Only 15
per cent of all children would ever get diphtheria, even under
epidemic conditions, while 100 per cent are prospects for
toxin-antitoxin. The percentage who would ever get smallpox, under
present time conditions, is even less; but 100 per cent are prospects
for vaccination. Scarlet fever will soon come in for its 100 per cent
also, as it may for measles, judging from the reports on that
disease. Typhoid fever is disappearing, due to sanitation, but
vaccination should be used when the individual travels into unknown
territory and countries." Thus another medical leader tells
physicians how to increase their incomes by exploiting the children
and non-sick adults.
Guy L. Kiefer, M.D.,
Commissioner of Health of Michigan, says in the Journal of the
Michigan State Medical Society, Aug. 1928:
"In this state
there are 100,000 people born annually. They are practically all
susceptible to diphtheria from the moment they are born. They are
highly susceptible from the age of six months until they are
immunized. If these infants were all immunized, and for this service
the physicians receive from $5.00 to $10.00 per case, the net income
would be from $500,000 to $1,000,000. Michigan has 5,000 cases of
diphtheria annually. If the physicians received for their services,
exclusive of all other costs, an average of $50.00 per case the
income from this source would be $250,000. The increase in physicians
income from diphtheria would be from one-quarter to three-quarters of
a million dollars, if we would immunize all children against this
disease soon after they are six months of age, instead of waiting
until they are stricken with the disease and then treating them.
"Some maternity
hospitals are vaccinating with vaccine virus all babies born in their
institutions. Babies under ten days old very seldom have any general
reaction and the immunity usually lasts for the whole life-time of
the individual. It is estimated that one-third of all the births in
this state occur in hospitals. If all hospitals were to establish
this rule as part of their regular procedure, it would mean an
addition of 30,000 immunized people in the state each year and an
additional income of at least $60,000 to the physicians or hospitals.
"When the 100,000
people born every year in Michigan are vaccinated against smallpox at
birth, the income to the physicians would approximate $200,000. The
500 cases of smallpox that occur every year, treated at an average of
$50,000 per case, bring physicians $25,000. Thus the physicians, by
adopting the practice of vaccination at birth, would increase their
income by nearly $200,000.
"We have taken
diphtheria and smallpox as examples of the economic advantage of
immunization, but the same conditions apply to other diseases and to
other public health measures.
"With the
persistent educational work by the physicians and the Michigan
Department of Health, these immunization programs will succeed in
reducing the number of these preventable diseases and increasing the
earning of the physicians who actively sponsor this modern type of
practice." (Italics mine.)
In the Brooklyn Times,
March 21, 1929, Health Commissioner Wynne, New York, is reported to
have said in an address to the Optometrical Club: "Here is the
answer (to the physician’s economic problem). Let them take in 20
children an hour, one hour a day, 3 days a week at a charge of $5 for
each anti-diphtheria inoculation. That will bring a revenue worth
while to the doctor."
Mr. Osborne, Health
Officer of East Orange, N. J., in an address reported in the Journal
of the Medical Society of New Jersey, September, 1929, points out
that the physician would receive several times more by inoculating
children than by treating cases of the disease.
In an editorial, Jan.
1930, the American Journal of Public Health, points out in dollars
and cents how much money physicians would receive from inoculating
babies and adds: "There are of course four times as many
preschool children as babies, and ten times as many school children.
The opportunity for increasing practice by carrying on immunization
among the preschool and school populations in the physician’s
clientele offers an almost unlimited field."
Dr. Vander Veer says,
in a discussion reported in the Journal of Medical Society of New
Jersey, February, 1930: "Dr. Wynne, Health Officer of New York
City - gave me a clue to the subject of economics in which he said
that we doctors had been going along the same old lines and had not
created any new business, so I finally evolved this as a slogan in
New York State: We cannot get away from the lay organizations,
therefore we will lie down with them and ask them to provide means
for carrying on the health programs and we are going to benefit
ultimately from the periodic health examinations by an increased
income. As a concrete example, take a town of 3,000, if only 200 come
to us for examination at $3.00 each that would be $600 that would
accrue to be divided among the doctors; if 100 came for examination
at $25.00 each there would be $2,500 to be divided.
Vander Veer gives more
statistics about the fees they would receive and then says: "That
is the thing that strikes home to our doctors in New York State."
Thus the reader will see that I am right in saying that physicians
are using the various lay organizations, Parent-Teacher Associations,
etc., to build business for them. The Red Cross has long been a tool
of these men.
In the early part of
1930 one of my readers sent me a news clipping from the Cincinnati
Times Star, headed Health Work Aids Doctors. It said "thousands
are sent to physicians as result." The whole article is as
follows: "Are ‘socialized’ health agencies preventative and
curative, bringing lean times and reducing the number of physicians
and other private health workers?
"Do public
clinics, public hospitals and public health departments affect the
income of physicians, surgeons and dentists?
"These questions,
presented Saturday to Health Director William H. Peters, brought the
declaration that in his judgment the only effect was that
practitioners had to modify their activities.
"Dr. Peters
pointed out that when Cincinnati purified its water there was an
almost entire elimination of thousands of cases of typhoid fever and
other water-carried diseases, treatment of which gave an immense
revenue to physicians, nurses and others.
"On the other hand
Dr. Peters said the medical inspection of schools by publicly
employed district physicians aided private practice. Thus the
inspectors discover defects in children, which are reported to
parents and thousands then take their children to the family
physician or a specialist.
"The public drives
for the immunization of children against diphtheria brought a great
revenue to private practitioners. There were about 35,000 children
treated and of this number about fifty-four per cent by private
practitioners, or about 19,000. At $5 a treatment the revenue would
be $95,000. Annually there are about 7,500 children to be so treated.
This work gives a revenue far in excess of what the treatment of the
disease yielded, said Dr. Peters.
"So he said, the
agitation for annual general physical examination in his opinion, has
resulted in thousands of persons resorting to their physicians,
surgeons and dentists to be examined.
"Dr. Peters said
it was requisite for physicians and other health practitioners to
‘reconcile themselves to the age.’ He said more should go in for
preventative medicine and all should recognize how public health
activity stimulated persons to mind their physical and mental
condition and thus helped the private practitioner.
"Dr. Peters said
it was true there were some physicians in this community who
complained of the ‘inroads’ that ‘socialized’ medicine was
making on their incomes and that there were perhaps some who actually
were affected. He declared that there were compensations that in the
mass more than canceled such instances."
This accounts for the
growing interest on the part of physicians and health boards and
serum and vaccine makers and dentists, in so-called health education.
They are bent on increasing the business of the physicians and
dentists and the sale of more vaccines and serums.
Inspecting the school
children increases the work of physicians. It is done the country
over. Not merely the school child, but the pre-school child now comes
in for this form of exploitation. Here in San Antonio, for instance,
The Parent-Teacher Association sponsors medical examinations of the
pre-school child. Tonsil operations and other operations,
eye-glasses, serums and vaccines and other forms of vandalism and
poisoning follow these examinations and the physicians of the city
are enriched in purse.
Medical inspection of
school children is a means of boosting business for physicians. The
inspected children are brow-beaten abused, bullied and "ragged"
to have their tonsils removed and toxin anti-toxin inoculated into
them, by the incompetents who are placed on the school board. These
physicians do nothing useful; but do much to injure the physical and
mental health of children, besides greatly annoying parents and
teachers. But the practice will not end until parents kill it.
A few years ago, the
Bronx County Medical Society, through one of its Bulletins, expressed
its resentment against the extent to which the toxin-antitoxin
campaign had been pushed in New York City. Health Commissioner Wynne,
in the Weekly Bulletin of New York City Department of Health, of July
19, replied that "The plan followed by the Dept. of Health
should evoke nothing but commendation. It provides a simple,
inxepensive, effective and entirely ethical method whereby the
general practitioner can secure additional practice." Such is
the altruism of these great public spirited physicians on the Boards
of Hell (th).
Wm. A. Rohlf, M.D.,
President-elect of the Iowa State Medical Society, said in his
official address at a meeting of that body a few years ago: "Allow
me to quote from a letter received from Dr. Steel-smith: ‘For the
five year period preceding the State Department’s Education toward
diphtheria immunization, namely, the five years preceding 1923, there
occurred in Iowa more than three thousand cases of diphtheria each
year. Many of these cases were not seen by any medical practitioner,
but the average revenue as computed by statisticians signifies that
the physicians of the state of Iowa received in cash approximately
$20 per case for the treatment and cure of diphtheria for each of the
five years preceding that state-wide anti-diphtheria program. This
would result in physicians of the state receiving approximately
$60,000 for such work each year incidental to diphtheria.
"‘Now in
comparison to that, allow me to suggest that there are approximately
44,000 children born each year in Iowa. For the sake of figures, we
will say that the average price for immunization would be $3 per
child. If the physicians would interest themselves in preventative
medicine and see to it that every child is treated before he is a
year of age they would see clearly that from such practice the
physicians of the state of Iowa would receive $132,000 a year, or
twice as much as you and I received years ago for treatment of
Rohlf adds: "There
is still much to do in the way of bringing about ideal conditions
through vaccination and immunization, The role of local infection has
opened up other avenues for our activities.
We should be personally
interested, and, as physicians, assist in the examination and’
treatment of school children."
These men plan ways of
doubling their incomes and come to the public with the plea that they
are sincerely interested in the health and welfare of our children
and that they put over their income-increasing programs for the
health of our babies and for the welfare of the school children. They
are as cold-blooded as any class of criminals on the whole earth.
Indeed, I know of no other class of criminals who live by crippling,
maiming and killing babies and children.
It is asserted that
there are 1,454 formally organized state and local tuberculosis
associations in the United States. The organizations affiliated with
the National Tuberculosis Association spent in 1928 at least
$6,196,376.98, the major portion of which was secured through the
sale of Christmas seals. All of this begging by Tuberculosis
Associations is to create jobs for physicians. Their work is admitted
to have no influence on tuberculosis.
A Red Cross officer
said to the victims of the Mississippi Flood, as reported in the
Savannah (Ga.) News, June, 14, 1927: "From now on your meal
tickets are canceled until you can show your vaccination scar."
A similar order was given by this same disreputable organization in a
later flood in New England.
People give freely of
their money and goods to help the victims of calamities, and the
medically controlled Red Cross uses that money to buy serums and
vaccines, and pay incompetent physicians and uses the plight of the
victims as a club, to make them submit to medication they do not need
and do not want. The Red Cross can never have a penny of the author’s
money and I shall use all of my influence to prevent others from
donating to its system of graft.
The so-called "mental
hygiene" movement, which seeks to become a regular part of our
public schools, is a commercial move, composed of the usual surgical
and serum methods. The movement has among its heads several men who
have been convicted of crimes in their care of the insane and men who
are notorious for their extreme cruelties to animals in vivisection
work. This is an extremely dangerous move and should not be permitted
to touch the children of this country, who are surely suffering
enough, at the hands of the medical moloch.
Of the same unholy and
commercial character as the tuberculosis society and the Red Cross
are the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the Society for the
Prevention and Control of Cancer, the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund, the
Arthritis Society, the Heart Association, the society to aid Crippled
Children and similar panhandling organizations that regularly rattle
the cup on the streets and in the press of the country. These various
organizations collect many millions of dollars yearly from a generous
and well meaning, but uninformed people, spend the major portion of
the money in fat salaries and overhead or administration costs,
spending much of it to pay for cruel and futile experiments on
animals (research) and precious little of it for the purposes for
which it is given. Like all organized charity, these things are
soulless rackets.
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