If Emotional Freedom Technique Is So Good, Why Haven't We Heard About It Before?
The common question
asked is, “If EFT is so good, why haven't we heard about it
before?” The simple and direct answer is, that not much money can
be made from it. When you look at what the typical patient goes
through that sees a psychiatrist; they visit their doctor 1- 3 years
with, perhaps 50 or more visits. But when a person can be healed in a
couple of sessions, you can see that this does not create much repeat
You can take a look at
any other alternative natural healing therapy where people get well
in a very short period of time. In addition to this, there is no
medication. You may think that this is too good to be true, that the
“authorities” will not lie to us. Well, I'm sure that you know of
areas where the government and the media has lied to us, so it only
stands to reason that they will lie in the area of health, too.
Now, there are many
good doctors who simply don't know that there is an effective, fast
and safe way for people to be healed. And that this way cost very
little money, but they are not told this in medical school. So, you
really can't hold this against them. After all, they only repeat what
they are told. In fact, ask any one who has been to medical school
and they will tell you that you don't question the professor. Their
professor, in turn, had not been told the truth, either.
There is a little story
and it goes like this...
One day a nurse asked
the doctor, “Wouldn't it be wonderful if we found a cure for
diabetes? It would be the best thing since sliced bread.” The
doctor responded, “Yes, but remember, NOT finding a cure for
diabetes is how our bread is buttered!”
You see, not having
repeat business is a bad business model, and the pharmaceutical
industry is in business to make money.
I don't ask you to
believe me but give EFT a try. There is no physical harm, there are
no side effects, and it doesn't interfere with any drugs that you are
taking now. You can get a free introduction counselling by contacting
me, Richard, in the Service section of this blog. With that in mind,
I'll be glad to answer and of your questions. But before you contact
me, jump on over to the Emotional Freedom Technique section, watch
the short video there to learn more.
Why suffer any long,
start TODAY!
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