Thursday, 7 June 2018



When you listen to people about their illness it is so illogical. What is even more strange is when the person who says something that doesn’t make sense but also knows about nutrition, holistic health and they still say things that makes you shake your head.

It would be funny if it was not so sad. You can probably think about they things that people said to you that “explains” why they have the pain or complaint that they do. Here are some I recently heard…

“My back hurts, I don’t understand it. I did some work in the garden but it was not that much.”

“I couldn’t sleep because I heard someone (another member of the family) go up the stairs.”

“I don’t know why I have this thirst. I seem to be drinking a lot, though I haven’t work outside or worked up a sweat.”

“I got this pain in my side. I never had this before.”

Have you heard people say this or something similar?

Let’s think of the illogical statements that people make and don’t realize it or don’t want to face up to it. People love to blame others or some event rather than themselves.

Having a pain in the back and blaming it on the gardening. Sure, you can hurt your back by lifting something too heavy or not lifting the right way. And since the person doesn’t lift anything heavy, yet they complain about the gardening and put the blame on that. They don’t realize that they have been eating the wrong foods all their lives, they haven’t been exercising. So, naturally, there will come a day where they have pain either in a muscle or some organ. It could be the result of kidney stones by eating the wrong foods. There is always afrist time that something happens, but people don’t want to hear that it is their lifestyle. After all, “My grandmother, my mother eat the same food – so should I.”

Yet, they had the same pains and diseases, so is it any wonder that the person complaining to you also have the same pain and aliments?

There was one person that I talked to who complained about his thirst. He couldn’t understand it because he had not been working or perspiring during the day. And he had this thirst for a couple of days. Of course, it could be for several reasons. One is, that it could be:


general dehydration

too much sugar

This man is in his 80s, so it could be for a number of reasons. When told, he still couldn’t understand it – this is the illogical part. There is a cause-and-effect in everything in life. Each one of the above could be a cause for thirst. Diabetics often drink more water. Since he didn’t know this, it was suggested that he have a check-up to see if he does have it. Do you know what he said, “I don’t want to know.” Try to figure that one out!

Another reason would be general dehydration, as most people do have this – regardless of age.

People just don’t want to face up to the truth, even when they know the real reason of their symptoms. Maybe that is why medical doctors do so much business – because clients are not told to change their life styles; they are told just to take these pills three times a day and everything will be OK.

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